Army Public School Parachute Regiment Training Centre

School code: 49056 | Affiliation Number: 880012

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH Introduction of capital letter V,W,X,Y,Z. Phonic sounds & Identification of letters.Letter related pictures. English practice zone book Stencil tracing colouring ,sticking the related pictures.Practice zone picture reading book, flash cards, Match the same letters,missing letters and write the first letter. Practice of work done in the class.
HINDI Revision of swar अ-अः Phonic sounds and related pictures. Hindi reader book hindi practice zone 1. दोहराव अ से अः
2. ध्वन्यात्मक ध्वनियां एवं संबंधित चित्र।
3. रिक्त स्थान में सही स्वर भरो।
4. चित्र के सामने सही स्वर लिखो।
Practice of work done in the class.
MATHS 1.Introduction of no. 18,19 and 20.
2.Backward counting 20 to 11.
3. Numbers 1 to 20
1. Missing numbers
2. counting the objects
3 Maths practice zone.
1. Missing numbers
2. counting the objects
3 Maths practice zone.
Practice of work done in the class.
GK 1.My toys 2.Traffic Lights 1.Picture dictionary book. 2.Identify different toys and traffic Lights 1.match the toys with their shadows. 2.colour the traffic lights Practice of work done in the class.

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH 1. Introduction to C.V.C words with a,e,i,o,u sounds. 1. Recognition of vowels.
2. Blends of sound(eg: bat, pen, pin, pot, tub)
1. Related exercises in notebook and Practice Zone
2. Reading practice in English Primer.
Practice of work done in class.
HINDI 1. स्वर, व्यंजन 2. दो वर्णों वाले शब्द 1. स्वर, व्यंजन 2. दो वर्णों वाले शब्द ( फल,जल, नल, बस, धन ) Related exercise in notebook and Practice Zone. Practice of work done in class.
MATHS 1. Numbers
2. Number names
3. Backward counting
1. Numbers, 91- 100
2. Number names, six - ten
3. Backward counting, 50 - 41
Related exercise in notebook and Practice Zone. Practice of work done in class.
GK 1. Our daily wears
2. Off to school
1. Exploring our daily wears (In different seasons)
2. Exploring my school bag
Related exercise in Picture Dictionary. Practice of work done in class.

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH - Grammar -Introduction to long vowel sounds (Dipthongs) -Use of has/have
-Long vowel sounds ai, oa
-Reading time-Go to school
-Rhymes-The Garden, Open a book
-Related exercises in notebook and Practice Zone
-Reading practice in English Primer
Practice of work done in class
HINDI Matras Hindi vocabulary -ऊ की मात्रा
-ए की मात्रा
-Reading time-Jhumru bhalu, Dussehre ka mela
-Rhymes- Chuhiya Rani, Cricket
-Related exercises in notebook and Practice Zone
-Reading practice in swar gyaan
Practice of work done in class
MATHS -Months of the year
-Number Names
-Skip counting
-Write months of the year in sequence
-Number names twenty one- thirty
-Skip counting by 2
-Addition for double digit numbers
-Related exercises in notebook and Practice Zone Practice of work done in class
GK -Games
-Community helpers
-Indoor and outdoor games
-People who help us
-Related exercises in Practice Zone Practice of work done in class

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: November
ENGLISH LITERATURE : The Bear and Two Friends . GRAMMAR: Ch-8, Words in the place of Naming Words, Ch.9.Action words MCQs ,Fill in the blanks.Question ans Answers (oral),Spellings ,completing sentences, *New words, Word meanings, make sentences, Question and Answers,Think and answer questions. Make a list of best friends.(individual Project)
HINDI *दो व्यंजन साथ-साथ *ध्वनियों के चिन्ह पाठ -हाथी व्याकरण : पाठ-5 एक - अनेक पाठ -6 नाम की जगह SUB TOPICS विभिन्न वस्तुओं के चित्र कॉपी में चिपकाना, जैसे एक सेब और कई सेब, एक किताब और कई किताबें, आदि। फ्लैश कार्ड की सहायता से सर्वनाम मिलान । कहानी के माध्यम से एक वचन बहुवचन समझाना। *सभी ध्वनियों का अभ्यास करें। *बारिश के पानी को किस प्रकार जमा कर सकते हैं ,किन्ही दो संसाधनों के चित्र बनाकर उनके नाम लिखिए।
MATHEMATICS 8.MULTIPLICATION *Multiplication as Repeated addition *Multiplication Tables 7. SUBTRACTION OF NUMBERS UP TO 100 *Multiplication as Repeated addition *Multiplication Tables Subtraction (With out Regrouping) * Subtracting Tens * Subtraction of 2- digit Numbers *Word problems *Subtraction (With Regrouping) *Word Problems *Mixed on Addition and Subtraction *To Add or Subtract * Use abacus to teach place value. * Flash cards and object pictures used to count and compare numbers 21 to 100 * Prepare a place value chart of any ten numbers up to 100 using grains ,seeds or beads * Use abacus to teach place value. * Flash cards and object pictures used to count and compare numbers 21 to 100 * Prepare a place value chart of any ten numbers up to 100 using grains ,seeds or beads * Write different addition word problems on chart and solve it. * Activity sheet Write the tables 2 to 5 on Activity sheet using same number of any objects "* Subtraction using real objects and pictures . Subtract and Match 7-2 3 8-3 9-1 5 9-6 6-3 8 8-0 *Text book exercises *Making multiplication flower or bird * Number line activity. * Decorate Christmas tree with different subtraction facts * Write different subtraction word problems on chart and solve it. * Activity sheet "
EVS Continuity of Ch.13.Travel Time Ch.14.The World of Plants 13. Travel Time *Importance of Means of Transport * Land,Water and Air Tansport 14.The World of Plants * Parts of a Plant * Types of a Plants * Uses of Plants Find the means of of transport for the pics given * Identify the number of wheels for the the vehicles. * Question and Answers * Give two examples * Colour and label the parts of a Plant * Guess the name of a plant using hints. * Value based questions Transport flowchart * Make a model of any one of the means of transportation. * Vehicles in cities and villages * Identify and colour the Special vehicles * Seed to a sapling. Growing and observing a plant. *Circle the things which we get from plants.
COMPUTER SC. Tux Paint ● Starting of Tux Paint Program Component of Tux Paint Window ● Toolbar ● Drawing Canvas ● Selector ● Color Palette Using Toolbar ● New tool ● Paint tool ● Shapes tool ● Eraser tool ● Lines tool ● Stamp tool ● Magic tool ● Fill button Demonstration of Tux Paint and familiarize the students with its different tools. Draw different pictures in Tux Paint using different shapes tools, Paint tools, Stamp tool and Magic tool and save it.
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH LITERATURE: SONA AND HER FRIENDS GRAMMAR: IS,AM,ARE Read and understand match their animals with their food Fill in the blanks Texrual Excercises Question answers Fill in the blanks with 'is'or 'are' worksheets 1 to 4 usage of 'has' and 'have' make a flowers of singular and plural words Create a senrence pyramid colur the pictures of five animals and write 5 sentence on each animal. Complete ansd colour the face of Chanchal.thr monkey.
HINDI र के बहुत- से रूप पाठ-7 आओ गिनें पाठ-9 बरखा रानी *मैं किसी को नहीं मारूंँगा व्याकरण : पाठ -6 नाम की जगह पाठ -7 कैसा-कितना *आगत चिह्न * हिंदी गिनती १से१०तक *बारिश आने से पहले क्या होता है? *बारिश के बाद बाग-बगीचे कैसे लगते हैं? *सर्वनाम *विशेषण *उत्तराखंड में कौन से दो वृक्ष अधिक पाए जाते है उनके चित्र चिपका और उनके नाम लिखें *रंगीन कागज़ से नाव बनाकर कॉपी में चिपकाइए। *फ्लेश कार्ड की सहायता से सर्वनाम मिलान करना। *सभी ध्वनियों का अभ्यास करें। *बारिश के पानी को किस प्रकार जमा कर सकते हैं ,किन्ही दो संसाधनों के चित्र बनाकर उनके नाम लिखिए। *रंगीन कागज़ से १0 गुब्बारे काटकर १से१०तक हिंदी गिनती लिखिए।
MATHEMATICS 9.DIVISION 15.READING PICTOGRAPHS * Equal Distribution * Division by making equal groups * Division on the number line ● Starting of Tux Paint Program Component of Tux Paint Window
● Toolbar
● Drawing Canvas
● Selector
● Color Palette Using Toolbar
● New tool
● Paint tool
● Shapes tool
● Eraser tool
● Lines tool
● Stamp tool
● Magic tool
● Fill button
*Text book exercises *Making division flower or bird
EVS 15.The World of Animals 16.Water 15.The World of Animals
* Animals
* Types of Animals(Domestic,Pet and Wild)
* Uses of Animals
* Birds
* Insects
* Aquatic Animals
* Sources
* Uses
* Save Water
* Tick the Correct option
*Give two examples for the given
*Match the animals to their homes
* Find the animal names using the hints given
* Identify and name the sources of water
* Q/A
* Value basesd questions
* Give two examples for the following animal type
* Complete the crossword using the picture as clues
* Find the pictures where water is being wasted
* List 5 ways to save water
COMPUTER SCIENCE Patterns and Puzzles ● Identify the color pattern
● Identify the shape pattern
● Identify the size pattern
● Decomposition
Using the following shapes
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: January
ENGLISH LITERATURE 8. Sona and her friends 9.Jimmy hasa robot
HINDI *कविता वचन
*मौखिक और लिखित अभ्यास प्रश्नों के उत्तर
*नए शब्द
*मिलान करना बच्चे का उसकी मांँ से।
* भालू का चित्र बनाइए और उसे कोई भी अपनी पसंद का नाम लिखें | *उलटे अर्थ वाले शब्दों को चित्रों की सहायता से दर्शाय ।
*पशु पक्षियों के विभिन्न अंगों के बारे में समझाया जाएगा।
अपने मित्र के लिए जन्मदिन के लिए एक पेपर कार्ड बनाया और कक्षा में अपनी हिंदी शिक्षकों को दिखाइए।
*अपने आसपास दिखाई देने वाले पशु पक्षियों के बारे में जानकारी इकट्ठा करें।
*कविता याद करें।
*पाठ में आए नए शब्द याद करें।
MATHEMATICS * Make a pictograph using their favorite cartoon character/colours/fruits.
* Measure your note book, textbook, water bottle using your body parts and note down on the activity sheet
* Check your family members’ weight using weighing machine and note down on the activity sheet
Take different types of utensils like glass, cup, bowl and bottle and fill with water and measure with one small glass and note down on the activity sheet * Lab activity Text book exercises
EVS 16.Water
17.Up in the Sky
* Sources of Water
* Uses of Water
* Save Water
17. Up in the Sky
* Things we see in the Day and Night Sky
* The Sun,Moon and Stars
* The Rainbow
* Fill in the blanks
* Choose the best answer
* New words
* Answer the following
* Give Reason *Experiential learning Ch-16 *Oral activity on water
* Identify and Name the following
* Find thw pic where water is not wasted.
* Experiential learning ch-17
* Colour the rainbow
COMPUTER SCIENCE Artificial ● Difference between Natural and Artificial things Intelligence
● Artificial Intelligence(AI) AI lab
● AutoDraw
● Starting Autodraw
Demonstration of AutoDraw and familiarize the students with its different tools. Draw any icon or shape with mouse and transform it to meaningful image using AutoDraw

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: November
ENGLISH Literature - L-6 The forest Grammar - L6 Conjuctions New Words,Word Meanings, Textual exercises, Usage of conjuction in a sentence Make a mask on any wild animal and narrate a story. Pick a conjuction from the basket and frame atleast two sentences Textual exercises, word meanings and Question and Answers Collect five pictures of different kinds of animals and birds that you can see in Ladakh(Integration with Ladakh) Write five sentences from your favourite story that uses the conjuctions 'and','but' or 'or'
HINDI पाठ 10 तितली रानी पाठ 11 बुलबुल के बच्चे व्याकरण : पाठ 7 नाम की जगह पाठ 8 कैसा -कितना नए शब्द ,शब्द अर्थ प्रश्न -उत्तर , तुक वाले शब्द खाली जगह भरिए , एक और अनेक रंगीन कागज़ से तितली बनाना नारियल के छिलके से घोंसला बनाना कविता याद करें । प्रश्न -उत्तर का अभ्यास करें । दादी- नानी से पता करिए कि पहले कौन -कौन चिड़ियाँ दिखाई देती थीं - अब क्यों नहीं दिखाई देती?
MATHEMATICS Chapter 7:Measuring Length(Continuation) Chapetr 8:Measuring Weight * Conversion of units of length
* Addition of units of length
* Subtraction of units of length
* Word problems
* Standard units of Weight
* Types of W eighing scales
* Conversion of units of weight
* Measuring the length of different objects like pencil,eraser,sharpener,pencil box and chart paper.
* Activity to measure the weight of different types of objects like notebook, pencil box with the help of cubes and weighing balance.
* Text book exercises
* Measure the weight of different objects and write their observation in their notebooks.
EVS 13. Animals around us.
12. Plants are useful.
14. Weather and Seasons.
Importance of animals *Types of animals, Importance of plants , uses of plants * A visit to a school herbal garden.
* Make the herbarium of any five plants with medicinal values.
* Make a model of a Zoo with different kinds of animal pictures.
* Visit to the zoo.
*Find and recite any one poem related to different seasons.
*Text book exercises plant saplings either home or at school make collage and send it in the group
COMPUTER SCIENCE Arrangement of Patterns
Fun with ScratchJr
● Patterns
● Growing and Repeating pattern
● Decomposition
● Code and Decode
● Colour Code with Maths
● Introduction to ScratchJr
● Working on ScratchJr
● Downloading ScratchJr
● Using ScratchJr on Desktop
● Starting ScratchJr
● ScratchJr Screen
● Moving the Sprite
Make a code for alphabet A-Z and write your name by using that code Divide the students in two groups and discuss on the topic ”ScratchJr is more interesting than Tux Paint”
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH Literature - L 7 Rohan and Tia watch television Writing skills - Fill-ups for letter writing (friendly) New Words,Word Meanings, Textual exercises,Format of informal letter to a friend. Colour a picture of your favourite cartoon character. Talk to your parentes and grandparents to find out their favourite television program. Classroom discussion about how watching TV for too long is harmful for our eyes. Write a letter to your favourite cartoon character decorate the letter with stickers,drawings or colourful Vocabulary Activity - Write the meaning to the words from the story - couch potato -cry baby -lazy -lemonade
HINDI पाठ 12 बड़े काम का थैला पाठ 13 चिड़िया गीत व्याकरण : पाठ 9 करना है कुछ काम नए शब्द , शब्द अर्थ , प्रश्न उत्तर , तुक वाले शब्द किसने किससे कहा नाटक का मंचन रैली निकालना ( प्लास्टिक को कहे ना ) प्रश्न - उत्तर याद करें । अँगूठे की छाप से जानवर और फूल की डिज़ाइन बनाइए ।
MATHS Chapter 8: Measuring weight (Continuation) Chapter 9: Measuring Capacity * Addition of units of weight
* Subtraction of units of weight
* Word problems
* Conversion of units of capacity
* Addition of units of capacity
* Subtraction of units of capacity
* Word problems
*Make a model of measuring jar using plastic bottle *Text book exercises
EVS 15. Air around us * Make a model of a Windmill / Hot air balloon with available materials at home.
* Art integrated activity of Ladakh : Paste the pictures of fruits and flowers available in Uttarakhand in various seasons.
*Text book exercises plant saplings either home or at school make collage and send it in the group
COMPUTER SCIENCE Fun with ScratchJr * Changing Background
* Adding another Character or Sprite
* Creating a Program
Make a small program in ScratchJr for the story “Tortoise and the Rabbit” using different background and different Sprite.
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: January
ENGLISH Literatrue - Poem Tall Trees(Poem)
L8 - Murali Becomes a Good Boy
Language - L10 Adjectives(Describing words)
L-11 Preposition
Textual exercise, New Words, Word Meanings and Question and Answers
Identification of Describing words and Preposition and its usage.
* Speak about different parts of a tree.
* Use different adjectives to dewcribe any five things that are present on your school campus.
* Use correct Preposition to identifity different items present
in your class.
* Textbook exercise
* Make a tree and on each branch of it write how it is useful to us.
* Make 3D Paper tree from Origami paper
HINDI पाठ 14 शेरूदा
पाठ 15 बारी - बारी आते मौसम व्याकरण
पाठ 10 विराम -चिह्न
पाठ 11 तरह -तरह के शब्द
पाठ वाचन ,, मौखिक और लिखित अभ्यास भाषा ज्ञान , खाली जगह भरिए नए शब्द , शब्द अर्थ , प्रश्न उत्तर अपने प्रिय जानवर का मुखौटा पहनकर पाँच वाक्य बोलिए। कच्चे और पके आम से बनने वाली चीज़ों की सूची बनाइए । शाकाहारी और मांसाहारी जानवरों के चित्र चिपकाइए -
MATHEMATICS Lesson-11 Time
Lesson 12- Money
*Reading a clock:Half past,quarter past,quarter to
* Days of the week
* Months of the Year
* Seasons of the year
* Addition of Money
* Subtraction of Money
* Word problems
Activity on seasons and months of the year using flash cards. Group activity: "What comes after"? Students will stand according to the order of season and months of the year. Money: Group activity using paper notes of denominations of 500,100,50,20,10 and paper coins of 10,5,2,1 * Prepare a clock using chart or card board
* Collect the bills of your clothing ,stationery,etc. Add the total amount and note down in the worksheet.
* Text book exercises
EVS 15. Air around us 16. Water- The wonderful liquid.
17. Games we play.
*Importance of air, water and games,
* Properties of air and water,
* Types of Games,
* Keeping water and air clean
* Make a model of a Windmill / Hot air balloon with available materials at home.
* Art integrated activity of Ladakh : Paste the pictures of fruits and flowers available in Uttarakhand in various seasons.
* Making lemon juice in the class. * I spy: Any Indoor game in class.
live work sheet, text book exercises

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: November
ENGLISH Literature -Lesson 8 : Humpty Dumpty - Poem : A song about myself Grammar: Chapter 12 : Articles Chapter 13 : Verbs Writing Skills Dialogue writing *New words, Word meanings, make sentences, Question and Answers,Think and answer questions. Grammar: Chapter 12 : Articles Chapter 13 : Verbs Text book Exercises • Act opposite as Simon says Articles: • Word wall Activity *Children will make Humpty-Dumpty DIY/finger puppets and narrate the story.
HINDI पाठ 12 दीप से दीप जलाओ पाठ13 पौधों का जीवन व्याकरण : पाठ 6 करना या होना - क्रिया पाठ 7 विराम चिह्न नए शब्द , शब्द -अर्थ प्रश्न -उत्तर , कविता की पंक्तियाँ पूरी करें , वचन बदले , तुक वाले शब्द , किसने किससे कहा? कविता वाचन रंगोली का डिज़ाइन बनाइए पेड़ का चित्र बनाकर उसके भागों के नाम लिखिए- कविता याद करें प्रश्न -उत्तर का लिखकर अभ्यास करें । दादी -नानई से पता करिए कि नाम का पेड़ हमारे लिए किस प्रकार उपयोगी है?
MATHEMATICS 8. Measurement of Quantity 9. Geometrical Shapes * Units of Capacity *Converting the units of length and mass *Addition, subtraction and word problems. *Two dimensional shapes, straight and curved lines, types of straight lines, properties of 2D shapes, 3-D shapes, properties of 3D shapes. * Paper folding activity of 2D shapes, using threads for irregular shapes, making different shapes using tangram. *Exercises given in the textbook. Make weighing balance using coconut shells.
EVS 10. Our Neighbourhood 11. The Water We Drink Neighbourhood- Places in our neighbourhood Directions Magnetic Compass Sketch Plan Map water Sources of wate Water for plants and animals Save water Rainwater harvesting purification of water storage of water water pollution *Tick the correct option . * List the following . * Give reasons for the following *Answer the questions. *Define the following *Name 10 rivers hidden in the word grid *Draw sources of water *Draw sketch of your dream neighbourhood * * Making a model of a neighborhood/Park *Draw a sketch of your classroom *Poster making-Save water
COMPUTER SCIENCE Algorithm and Sequence Scratch 3.0 Algorithm and Sequence • Algorithm and Sequence • Branching (If-Then) Statement • Abstraction • Debugging Scratch 3.0 • Advantages of Scratch • Sprite • Starting Scratch 3 • Understanding Scratch 3 Window • Scratch Blocks • Working with Blocks • Motions Block Algorithm and Sequence Open MS Word and write the Algorithm for the given below task: 1. To get ready for the school. 2.To growing a plant Demonstration of Scratch 3.0 Program to students.
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH Literature -Lesson 9 : An Exciting Cricket Match Grammar Chapter 14 : Tenses Chapter 15 : Adverbs Writing Skills Invitation Writing New words, Word meanings, make sentences, Question and Answers,Think and answer questions. Grammar: Chapter 14 : Tenses Chapter 15 : Adverbs Text book Exercises • Tenses : • Match up LEGO bricks • A Cricket match will be conducted. Write an invitation for the same. *Write a poem using given Adverbs. *Read about recent cricket matches Collect pictures of the same from newspaperand make pocket album
HINDI पाठ 14 विश्व पुस्तक मेला व्याकरण पाठ 8 शब्द भंडार नए शब्द , शब्द -अर्थ , प्रश्न -उत्तर वचन बदलिए , समानार्थी शब्द क्रिसमस की छुट्टियों में दादी को बैंगलोर बुलाने के लिए पत्र लिखिए ‌ पाठ का वाचन पुस्तकालय में पढ़ी गई पुस्तकों की सूची बनाइए -
MATHS Chap 10: Time Chap 11: Money chap 8 Time- Telling time to the correct 5 mins.,am/pm, time conversion, reading a calendar * Draw clock with half past 6, quarter past 8 and half past 12. * Design and creating time related products such as time table or class time table.* Making bills *Design and create visual representation of time concepts such as clocks or calenders
EVS 12. Going to places *Need for travel
* Means of transport
*Modes of transport
*Land transport
*Water transport
*Air transport
*Newer means of transport
*Air pollution
*Tick the correct option .
* Give reasons for the following
*Answer the questions.
*Define the following
*Name the following
* Do's and Don'ts in a Metro.
*Fill in the missing alphabets to complete the names of the vehicles.
*Collage Making-Famous tourist destinations of Ladakh
*Collect pictures of modern means of Transport (around the World) and name them.
COMPUTER SCIENCE Scratch 3.0 • Using Pen Extension
• Looks Blocks
• Creating a Program
• Running a Program
• Saving a Project
Make a Scratch program using more than one Sprite and applying Motion Block, Look Blocks, Pen Extension and save the Project
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: January
HINDI पाठ 15 सबसे बढ़कर हम पाठ 16 माइकल फैराडे व्याकरण
पाठ – 11 मुहावरे
पाठ -12 अशुद्धि शोधन
कविता वाचन और पाठ वाचन मौखिक और लिखितअभ्यास भाषा ज्ञान , समान अर्थ वाले शब्द , सही उत्तर चुनिए नए शब्द , शब्द अर्थ , प्रश्न उत्तर कविता कोई पाँच भारतीय वैज्ञानिकों के चित्र चिपकाकर नाम लिखिए -
कविता और प्रश्न -उत्तर याद करें ।
MATHEMATICS chapter 10: Symmetry and patterns
chapter 11: Data Handling
Chap 10:Symmetry, fun with alphabets, patterns, patterns in numbers, patterns in alphabets, patterns in designs,odd and even numbers. Chap 11: Pictograph, bar graph. Chap 10: Making different patterns using chart paper, Design plastic bottles using patterns, make soft board borders using different patterns, use rangoli to make beautiful patterns.
Chap 11: Collect data on your favourite fruits.Create a pictograph using pictures of fruits to represent the data.
1. complete the exercises given in the text book of patterns and data handling.
EVS 13. Communication 14. Making Pots *Communication without speaking.
*Talking without speaking
*Postal Communication
* Mailing the letter
* Other means of communication
* Fax machine
* Email
* Means of Mass Communication
* Newspaper,Radio,Television,Internet
*Art of pottery
* Pottery in our day to day life
* uses of pots
* Playing Dumb Charades
* Write a letter to your grandparents about your sports Day.
* Decorate a Diya.
* Identify and name the following earthen pot.
Complete the flow chart- Means of communication. Write full form of the following. Give two examples each of the following based on the knowledge.

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: November
HINDI पाठ - 10 अपना गाँव पाठ - 11 आइजेक न्यूटन व्याकरण - पर्यायवाची शब्द , विलोम शब्द अनेकार्थक शब्द व्याक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द 1. नए शब्द 2. प्रश्न उत्तर 3. विपरीत अर्थ वाले शब्द 4. स्त्रीलिंग बदलों 5. क्रियाविशेषण शब्दों को लिखों 6. गाँव के बारे में अनुच्छेद लेखन *गांव और शहर के जीवन के बारे में अंतर बताते हुए वाद विवाद प्रतियोगिता करें। * भारतीय विद्वान भास्कराचार्य एवं उनके गुरुत्वाकर्षण के सिद्धांत के बारे में जानकारी इकट्ठा करके कक्षा में साझा करें । * गाँव के जीवन के बारे में अनुच्छेद लिखे * भास्कराचार्य के बारे में जानकारी इकट्ठा करें और उनका चित्र चिपकाए * बच्चे रेत घड़ी का निर्माण करो
MATHEMATICS L.11 Geometry * PERIODIC TEST 2 * 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional figures * Basic shapes in Geometry : point, line, line segment, ray * Types of line : horizontal line, vertical line, slant line, curvy line, wavy line, parallel line, intersecting line * Circle * Measuring and drawing a line segment * Polygon * Symmetry * Reflection symmetry * Viewing 3 dimensional objects * Demonstration using the object sseen in the classroom to distinguish between 2D and 3D figures. Also the types of lines * Using woollen thread, represent line, line segment, ray, open curve and closed curve. * Tangrams ( A lab activity) * Symmetry ( Paper folding activity to show vertical symmetry and horizontal symmetry) * Reflection symmetry * Revision and revision test for Periodic test 3 * Using woollen thread, represent line, line segment, ray, open curve and closed curve. * Symmetry ( Paper folding activity to show vertical symmetry and horizontal symmetry)
EVS L-13 Mapping My Neighbourhood • Landmarks. • Directions and sub directions • Map and sketches. • Scale and legend of a map. •Map work - Marking different states, water bodies and neighbouring countries. • To make a layout plan from entrance of the school to the class room using landmarks. •Draw 1.Main and sub directions 2.A sketch of the class room. 3.Symbols used to denote various places on a map •Textbook H.W- 1.Tick the correct options 2. Match the following 3. Give one word answer. 4. Complete the table
COMPUTER SC. Step-wise Thinking More about Scratch 3 Step-wise thinking • Introduction • Step-wise Thinking • Case Study • Reasoning More about Scratch 3 • Scratch • Sprites • Script • Blocks • Types of Block Shapes • Adding New Sprite • Painting or Creating New Sprite • Getting Surprise Sprite • Uploading sprite from File • Deleting Sprite Step-wise thinking In Ms Word type the steps which should be followed for a wonderful birthday party in home Demonstration of Scratch3 Program to students.
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH Literature- Aliens pay a visit Writing skills- Dialogue writing Word meanings, Make senetences, Reference to context , question and answer Dialogue writing - Framing dialogues for given situations Make a space shuttle or a UFO using Origami paper folding technique Speaking skills- Speak five sentences about aliens Write a few sentences about aliens and extra terrestrial life. On an A4 size shet draw an imaginary place in space and an alien.
HINDI पाठ 14 केरल का निमंत्रण व्याकरण : पाठ 9 मुहावरे नए शब्द , शब्द -अर्थ , प्रश्न -उत्तर अनेकार्थक शब्द , वाक्य प्रयोग ( मुहावरे) केरल के मुख्य पर्यटक स्थल के नाम लिखिए - भारत के दक्षिण के राज्यों के नाम लिखिए - झील और झरने में क्या अंतर होता है ? पता करिए भारत की कुछ प्रसिद्ध झीलो के नाम लिखिए
MATHEMATICS Ch.9 Decimals Ch 10 Metric system * Decimal place value chart
* Tenths, hundredths and thousandths
* Expressing fractional form of decimal numbers and vice versa
* Expanded form decimal numbers
* Like and unlike decimals
* Metric measures of length, weight and capacity
* Units of length, weight and capacity
* conversion of higher units to lower units and vice versa
* All four basic operations on length, weight and capacity
* Word problems on metric measures.
* Representation of decimals on a place value chart
* Strips of ten to represent tenths and squares of 100 to represent hundredths
* Measuring using tailors tape
* Lab activity ( weighing various items using a balance )
* Measuring liquids using measuring vessels
* Project : collect any 5 bills to show the lengths/weights/capacity and paste it on a A4 size sheet.
EVS L-15 Clean and Safe Water • Water pollution
• Steps to control water pollution
• Potable water
• Conservation of water
Group discussion on water pollution- causes, prevention and conservation of water. •New words
•Give reasons
•Answer the following Textbook HW
• Tick the correct option
• Give Ttwo examples
•. Identify and name the following.
• Look at the picture given below and suggest the ways of prevention of the water pollution
COMPUTER SCIENCE More about Scratch 3 • Sprite Stage
• Changing Background
• Choose a Backdrop from Library
• Running a Program
• Saving a Project.
Make a small program in Scratch3 for the story “A Trusty Crow” using different background and different Sprite. And save the Project .
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: January
ENGLISH English reader - A Unique party Grandfather clock (poem) Grammar Adverbs Active and Passive Voice Word meanings make sentences , reference to context question and answers Kinds of adverbs and their usage Understanding active and passive voice and changing one to the other. Plan a party with a unique theme You must mention what is diffferent in this party that you have planned. Make flash cards on the different kinds of adverbs Use pictures to make it creative and give suitable examples of each. Draw a grandfather clock. Find out why this name came about. and speak about it in class
HINDI पाठ - 15 तीन शर्ते पाठ - 16 सपना व्याकरण पाठ - 10 वाक्य , वतीनी की सामान्य अशुद्धियाँ संवाद लेखन चित्रकथा,कल्पना लेखन * नए शब्द * शब्दार्थ * मानक वर्तनी * पर्यायवाची शब्द * शब्दकोश-क्रम * प्रश्न - उत्तर * कविता का गायन * तीन शर्ते का अभिनय * पुस्तकालय में अकबर बीरबल की कहानियाँ पढ़ना * किन्ही पाँच सजीव और निर्जीव वस्तुओ का चित्र बनाकर उनके नाम लिखना * पुस्तकालय में अकबर बीरबल की कहानियाँ पढ़ना
* किन्ही पाँच सजीव और निर्जीव वस्तुओ का चित्र बनाकर उनके नाम लिखना
MATHEMATICS L 12 Perimeter and Area L 13 Time * Perimeter of shapes
• Formula to find the perimeter of square and rectangle
• Area – basic idea
• Formula to find the perimeter of square and area
• Word problems on area and perimeter
• Reading a clock to the exact minute
• Advantages of using ‘am’ and ‘pm’
• The 24-hour clock
• Conversion of 12-hr clock to 24-hr clock and vice versa
• Time conversions
• Calendar conversions
• Finding the perimeter of the top of the table, page in a notebook and textbook. Also the area and perimeter of the top of the table, pages etc .
• Cut/draw a shape (square or rectangle) to show the given area/perimeter.
* Draw a 24-hr clock
"* Making a human body clock : Telling time.
* Prepare a daily routine timetable for a holiday to show the timings as well as the duration of each activity . "
EVS L-16 Animals For Transport
L-17 Paying for travel
● Animals Powered Transport.
● Riding, pack and draught animals.
● Sensitivity towards animals
Why do we travel?
●Types of vehicles
● Paying for travel
● Currency of India
1.Tick the correct answer.
2.Completer the flow chart.
3.Match the following.
4.Collect the information about PFA/PETA which works towards the betterment of animals.
5. Answer in one word
6. Answer the following questions
7.Textbook activity
● Making 3D Models of cow carts, tonga and buggy
● Collect the given information from the railway ticket. Name of the passenger- Name of the train- Destination - Seat and coach number- Cost of the ticket- Arrival and departure timing-

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: November
ENGLISH Literature- Blackberries- the fruit Silver (poem) Grammar- i. Conjunctions 2. Articles Writing skills- Informal letter writing Word meanings, Make senetences, Reference to context , question and answer Conjunctions- Subordinating conjunctions and cordinating conjunctions Articles-Use of a, an , the To make a fruit bowl with the different kinds of berries Write a recipe that uses berries. Speaking skills- The children will speak about the different kinds of berries and the ones they like the most. Write a book review : Students to read a book written by author Enid Blyton and write a book review.
HINDI पाठ - 12 महादानी कर्ण पाठ - 13 रक्त की कहानी व्याकरण - शब्द भंडार 1. नए शब्द 2. प्रश्न उत्तर 3. विपरीत अर्थ वाले शब्द 4. प्रत्यय 5. विराम चिह्न 6. क्रियाविशेषण 7. काल 8. अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द दानवीर कर्ण' का नाट्य रूपांतरण । महाभारत के प्रमुख पात्रों में से किन्हीं दो पात्रों के बारे में चार-पाँच वाक्य बोलें । दानवीर कर्ण' का नाट्य रूपांतरण । महाभारत के अन्य प्रमुख पात्रों के नाम एवं उनके बारे में जानकारी इकट्ठा करें । रक्त समूह एवं रक्त बैंक के बारे में जानकारी एकट्ठा करें । किन्हीं दस घरेलू एवं प्राथमिक चिकित्सा के बारे में जानकारी इकट्ठा करें ।
MATHEMATICS Decimal and Percentage conersion of fraction into decimals and vice versa,addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals, conversion of decimals into percentage , calculate percentage, word problems on percentage representing the decimals on a graph sheet, representing percentage on graph sheet collecting packageings having decimal numbers, finding percentage of the previous examiation
EVS Chapter-14 Water In Our Lives Chapter-15 Aquatic Life Water In Our Lives- *Sources of water *Water for Irrigation *Properties of water Aquatic Life *Types of aquatic plants and animals *Mosquitoes and Malaria Experiment to know the different properties of water * Three states of water * Objects to identify floating or sinking in water *Water-A wonderful solvent *Draw and Paste Aquatic animals and plants on a blue cloth to create a scene of marine life "Water is one of the most important and valuable natural resource " Explain the statement and write some ways to control the wastage of water. * Draw a neat labelled diagram of life cycle of mosquito.
COMPUTER SCIENCE Programming Basics • Introduction to Programming
• Algorithm
• Flowchart
• Advantage of Flow Chart
• Disadvantage of Flow Chart
• Rule for making a Flow Chart
• Computer Language
• Categories of Computer Languages
• Low Level language
• Machine language
• Assembly Language
• High level language
• Procedural Language
• Non-Procedural Language
• Natural Language
• Language Processor
Open MS Word and type a small paragraph on “Different types of computer Languages” Open MS Word and using AutoShapes draw the flowchart and write the Algorithm for the problem given below: 1.Find the area of a Rectangle 2.Find sum of three numbers Make a flow chart of different types of Computer Languages in A4 sheet and paste it in Class Work. Draw the flow chart and write the Algorithm for the problem "Find the area of a Rectangle " in A4 sheet paper
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH Literature- Tenali Rama challenges the magician The paper boat -poem Grammar- Interjections, Prepositions Word meanings, Make senetences, Reference to context , question and answer Types of prepositions and their usage interjections such as ouch! Alas! hurrah! oh! etc Role play of the lesson with costumes .Paper boat making using Origami lLearning to recite the poem with expression Finding out more about Tenali Rama and his life . Share this information with the class. Completing live worksheet shared on whatsapp and Teams.
HINDI पाठ - 13 रक्त की कहानी ( शेष भाग ) प्राथमिक चिकित्सा पाठ - 14 छोटा जादूगर व्याकरण - शब्द भंडार 1. नए शब्द 2. प्रश्न उत्तर 3. विपरीत अर्थ वाले शब्द 4. प्रत्यय 5. विराम चिह्न 6. क्रियाविशेषण 7. काल 8. अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द अपने मनपसंद जादू के खेल को कक्षा में दिखाएँ । प्राथमिक उपचार के बारे में कक्षा में चर्चा करें । किन्हीं दस घरेलू एवं प्राथमिक चिकित्सा के बारे में जानकारी इकट्ठा करें । प्राथमिक चिकित्सा बॉक्स बनाएँ और उसमें प्राथमिक उपचार हेतु ज़रूरी सामान रखें ।
MATHS Geometry ( continued) Perimeter area and volume measuring and drawing of different angles, types of triangles,circle properties , area and circumference of circle, finding perimeter and area of regular geometricccal shapes Framimg circle and identify components Finding area and perimeter of classrooms .
EVS Chapter-16 Fuels for Travel Chapter-17Adventure in Our Lives Chapter 16 * Importance of fuels * Fossil fuels * Alternative sources of energy Chapter 17 * The spirit of adventure and adventurous activities * Mountaineering * Adventure in space * Famous Indian astronauts. Chapter-16 To locate oil refineries on the political map of India. Write the name of the fuel used by different means of transport Chapter-17 Collect pictures of different adventurous sports and paste on the A4 size sheet Chapter-16 Project- making a model of solar cooker. Chapter-17 Collect information about famous Indian mountaineers and astronauts..
COMPUTER SCIENCE Scratch 3 Programming • Scratch3
• Data types
• Variables
• Creating Scratch Variable
• Mathematical Operators
• Additions of two Numbers
• Program to Calculate the Average of Four Numbers
• Data input by User
• If-Then Block
• If-Then-Else Block
• Repeat Block
• Nested Repeat
• Broadcasting and Receiving Message
Write a script to enter the name and age. Use if-then-else block to find out if she/he is eligiblefor Co-Vaccine. The age for Co-vaccine should be equal to or above 12 years.
* शब्दकोश-क्रम
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: January
HINDI पाठ - 15 दोहे पाठ - 16 दानी पेड़ उपयोगी पौधे भारत के प्रमुख उद्यान
व्याकरण संवाद लेखन चित्रकथा,कल्पना लेखन
* नए शब्द
* शब्दार्थ
* भावार्थ
* मानक वर्तनी
* पर्यायवाची शब्द
* शब्दकोश-क्रम
* प्रश्न - उत्तर
* दोहों का गायन * शब्दकोश-क्रम
* दानी पेड़ का अभिनय * वृक्ष संरक्षण के प्रति लोगों को जागरूक करते हुए स्लोगन लेखन
* विश्वभर में मनाए जानेवाले फूलों और वृक्षों से जुड़े त्योहारों पर परियोजना तैयार करें ।
* चिपको आंदोलन के विषय मेंं जानकारी इकट्ठा करें और अपने शब्दों में उसके बारे में में लिखें
MATHEMATICS Perimeter , Area and Volume Metric Measures Perimeter of Rectangle, perimeter of square, perimeter of polygons, area by counting squres, Area of geometrical shapes, area of square, area of rectangle, area of a circle, volume of cube and cuboids finding th perimeter of the items in the surrondings like book, table, bench ,room etc,finding the area of table top, room , finding the volume of cube and cuboid using formula, solving word problems work sheets on area and perimeter, worksheet on volume of soilids, fiing the area of rooms in your house.
EVS Chapter-18 Simple machines Chapter-19 Our monuments * What is a machine? * Types of machine * Simple machines * Different types of simple machine
* What are monuments? * Important monuments of India * Looking after the monuments
Samples of different types of simple machines will be shown to identify . Model making of simple machine- Slide, pulley,
Collect information about any one monument and prepare a project report with key points highlighting the name ,location period of construction,materials used and historical importance of the monument.

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: November
HINDI मैया मैं नहिं माखन खायो, वर्ण पमल्हार सत्रिया और बिहू , नृत्य , प मैंया मैं नहीं माखन खायो -,परीक्षा और व्याकरणरिवर्तन,पाठ 10-परीक्षा शब्दार्थ, प्रश्न उत्तर,अपठित गद्यांश ,समस्त व्याकरण ,रचनात्मक कार्य पुनरावृत्ति कृष्ण भगवान की बाल लीलाओं के बारे में आप क्या समझते हैं ? बताएं -लकुटी कमरिया बंसीवट शब्द के अर्थ बताइए , घर में उपयोग होने वाली वस्तुओं के चित्र बनाकर दिखाएं
MATHEMATICS Lines and Angles point, ray, line, line segment, angles Basic concepts of geometry. To show geometry shapes on a chart paper worksheet , NCERT Textbook and extra questions as a homework
SCIENCE Living creature Exploring their their character • Charactersticks of living
• Germination of seeds
• Lifecycle of plant
• Lifecycle of animal
• Lifecycle of frog
• Students will be taken to ground ,divide ingroup asked to list living and non living of surrounding
• Agarden visit will plane to show plants movement
•Will visit to near bypond to observe Tadpole
Practice worksheet Extra questions as homework diagrame practice
SOCIAL SCIENCE Geography- Landforms and Life Landforms- Mountains, Plateaus and Plain Identifying different landforms from charts and drawing landscape worksheet on landforms, chapter end questions and answers
SANSKRIT षष्ठः पाठः स एव महान् चित्रकारः। सप्तमः पाठः अतिथिदेवो भव! वर्णानां नामानि, पुष्पाणां नामानि। अव्ययानां परिचायनम्। परिभाषा उदाहरणानि च। चित्राणि दृष्ट्वा शब्दानां नामकथनम्।चित्रेषु वर्णानां योजनम्। सम्भाषणस्य माध्यमेन अव्ययानां प्रयोगः । पाठस्य वाचनं कृत्वा कठिनपदानाम् अर्थलेखनम्। पुष्पाणां चित्राणि संश्लिष्य नाम एवं वर्णलेखनम्। अव्ययस्य परिभाषां लिखित्वा उदाहरण लेखनम्।
COMPUTER SCIENCE Chapter- 8 Cloud Computing Cloud Computing and Google Drive Demonstrate how to access Google Drive and navigate the interface, including creating new documents, organizing files into folders, and sharing files with others. Create a google Doc file on Topic Computer
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH UNIT 3 NURTURING NATURE 1.NEEM BABA (Literature) 2.What a Bird Thought(Poem) 3.Spices that Heal Us (Supplementary) reading drill, discussion method, story telling Recitation of poem, youtube videos to be shown 1.
Ask students to research and write about 5 spice not discussed in class and its medicinal uses. They can present their findings in the next class. 1.Word - meanings 2. Reference to the Context 3. Short QA 4. Long QA 5. Fill in the blanks
HINDI मल्हार से पाठ -परीक्षा, चेतक की वीरता पर्यायवाची शब्द समानार्थी शब्द, विपरीतार्थ शब्द कविता का सस्वर वाचन करने को कहा जायेगा, परीक्षा पाठ से क्या सीख मिलती हैं वह बताया जायेगा। नए शब्द और शब्दार्थ लिखकर लायेंगे, विज्ञापन तैयार करके लायेंगे
MATHEMATICS Number Play Supercells
Playing with Digits
Pretty Palindromic Patterns
The Magic Number of Kaprekar
Clock and Calendar Numbers
Mental Math
Playing with Number Patterns
An Unsolved Mystery – the Collatz Conjecture!Simple Estimation
Games and Winning Strategies
Number Scavenger Hunt. Hide small pieces of paper with numbers around the house and have your child go on a scavenger hunt to find them all. worksheet , NCERT Textbook and extra questions as a homework
SCIENCE Nature Teature • importance of nature's treature • Air and its important
• energy from Sun • type of resources
Will take the class in open natural areaa to relate nature treature. Make own 10MCQ based on chapter •Draw related diagram
SOCIAL SCIENCE Civics- Grassroots Democracy-part2 Local Government in Rural Areas Panchayatiraj System, Gram Panchayat,,Exemplary Sarapanchs, Child friendly Panchayatiraj initiative Role-play - Gram Panchayat with students playing character of members and villagers Worksheet on Grassroots Democracy-part2
SANSKRIT सप्तमः पाठः अतिथिदेवो भव। अष्टमः पाठः बुद्धिः सर्वार्थसाधिका अव्ययपदानि (कालवाचकाः, स्थानवाचकाः प्रश्नवाचकाः च), उपपदविभक्तयः । कथायाः वाचनम्। छात्राणाम् अनुवाचनम्। अव्ययानां परिचायनम्। पाठभागात् नामपदानां लेखनं कृत्वा लिङ्गावबोधनम्। पाठयोः क्रियापदानां चयनं कृत्वा पदपरिचयलेखनम्। पाठयोः अभ्यासानां लेखनम्। जन्तूनां सचित्रनामलेखनम्।
COMPUTER SCIENCE Chapter-9 Python Introduction * Programming Language
* Introduction to Python
* Tokens, Lines an Indentation
* Comments
* Statements
* Data Type
* Variable
* Defining Input and Output Function.
Write a Program to print hello with their names. Write a program to take input from user employee name , department and salary.
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: January

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: November
HINDI हिन्दी वसत भाग दो खानपान की बदलती तस्वीर और नीलकंठ प्रश्न उत्तर,अपठित गद्यांश ,समस्त व्याकरण ,रचनात्मक कार्य पुनरावृत्ति समास, अलंकार के और कुछ उदारण करने को कहा जाय
MATHEMATICS Perimeter and Area perimeter and area of triangle, square and rectangle describing the size of a house by talking about its floor area, or for working out how much wire is needed to fence off a field Worksheet, NCERT Textbook and extra questions as homework
SCIENCE Light Reflection of light,Right or left,Playing with spherical mirror,Uses of mirror,Image formation by LensesSunlight white or colour Activity will conduct to show real image of sun by convex lens*spliting of light in to seven colour by prism make ten questions from content,draw a rainbow and mention its seven colour
SOCIAL SCIENCE History: Devotional paths tto the divine. Civics:understanding Media History:New Bhakt in South India, Philosophy and Bhakt, Islam and Sufism, New Religious Dev. in North India, Kabir, Guru nanak,.Civics: Media and technology, Media money and democracy, Agendas, local media History: Group Discussion on New Religiously development , To stick the pictures of new saints of India, To read the poems and books written by the Indian Saints,Civivs: QUIZ on Media His: To write short notes on Kabir and Guru nanak Civ: Collect pictures of different types of Media, to learn Q. and Ans. for the short test.
SANSKRIT दशमः पाठः विश्वबन्धुत्वम्। एकादशः पाठः समवायो हि दुर्जयः। नैतिकविचाराः।लृट् तथा विधिलिङ् लकारः। कृत् प्रत्ययाः। पाठयोः सस्वरवाचनम्। सम्बोधनारूपाणां लेखनम्। पाठयोः वाचनं कृत्वा पदपरिचयलेखनम्। पाठे विद्यमानानां सन्धिपदानां क्रियापदानां तथा अव्ययपदानां च लेखनम्। पाठयोः विद्यमानानां प्रश्नोत्तराणां मौखिक लेखनाभ्यासौ। पात्राभिनयः। शब्दरूपाणाम् तथा क्रियारूपाणां च मौखिकाभ्यासः।
COMPUTER SCIENCE Chapter-7 HTML 5 Creating Web Pages Introduction to HTML-5, Web browser for HTML 5, Basic HTML Tag, Display web page on browser, Modifying paragraph text, Heading tag and Formatting Text. Introduction to HTML-5, Web browser for HTML 5, Basic HTML Tag, Display web page on browser, Modifying paragraph text, Heading tag and Formatting Text. Create a webpage using different tags and elements.
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH Expert detective ,Mistery of the talking fan,The Invention of vita work,A Tiger in the House Reading drill Spelling bee, Children will prepare an act and present it , Students will watch the documentry 'The Elephant Whisperers' and will write an article on it.
HINDI बसत भाग दो -भोर और बरखा
MATHEMATICS Algebraic Expressions Terms of an expression, factors of a term and coefficients . Like and unlike terms, monomials, binomials, trinomials and polynomials. Finding the value of an expression Students will be divided into various groups and each student will be asked to enact as a particular constant or variable or an operation and will be asked to form a particular expression as quick as possible. NCERT textbook exercise and worksheets
SCIENCE Reproduction in plants Mode of reprodution,Asexual ,Vegetative,sexual reprodution,sexual mode of reprodutionin flower,pollination Seed formation,seed despersion Student will collect different type of flower to observe mode of reprodution,Student will divided in to groupand ask to collect seed with dispersal modification Draw awhole flower and its different parts,make a record of different agents of pollination
SANSKRIT एकादशः पाठः समवायो हि दुर्जयः।द्वादशः पाठः विद्याधनम्। सम्भाषणमाध्यमेन विभक्तीनाम् अभ्यासः ।जन्तूनां नामलेखनम्। श्लोकानाम् उच्चारणम् अन्वयलेखनम् च । कथायाः भावार्थकथनम्। छात्राः प्रत्येकस्य पात्रस्य अभिनयं करिष्यन्ति। श्लोकानाम् ताललयानुसारम् प्रस्तुतीकरणम् । कथापाठस्य नामपदानां लेखनं कृत्वा लिङ्गावबोधनम्। विद्यासम्बन्धि अन्य श्लोकानाम् संग्रहणम्।
COMPUTER SCIENCE Chapter-8 HTML-5 Images, Links and Table Image in web pages, Inserting Image, Create list, Links in web page and tables in web page. Create a bar graph using table tag and css Create a webpage with your photo and write down about yourself and host it into github.
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: January
MATHEMATICS Symmetry Line symmetry, lines of symmetry, rotational symmetry, order of rotational symmetry Students will be asked to bring some colour papers, to cut the various shapes of regular polygons. These cuttings will be used to understand the meaning of line symmetry, lines of symmetry, rotational symmetry and order of rotation by folding the paper and rotating the paper. Practice worksheet on symmetry will be given to the students.

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: November
ENGLISH This is Jody's Fawn, A Visit to Cambridge, The Duck and the Kangaroo (Poem), The Fight Character Sketches, Poetic Devices, Summary, Critical Appreciation Reading Drill, Recitation, Mind Map, Diary Entry, Word - Meanings Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA and Competency Based Questions
HINDI :पाठ 9- जहाँ पहिया है (लेख) पाठ 10- अकबरी लोटा (कहानी) पाठ 6- अंतिम दौर एक (भारत की खोज) व्याकरण- उपसर्ग-प्रत्यय, द्वंद समास,विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची, अनेकार्थी, तत्सम-तद्भव अनुच्छेद, पत्र, संदेश, संवाद, विज्ञापन समाचार लेखन | ऐतिहासिक वस्तुओं का संकलन | A4 शीट पर पुरानी वस्तुओं का चित्र चिपकाए
MATHEMATICS Mensuration Areas of polygon, surface area of cube, cuboid ame cylinder Tangram Worksheet, NCERT TEXTBOOK, Extra questions as homework
SCIENCE Reacting the age of adolcence Adolcence,puberty,changes during puberty,sex hormones , sex determination in human beings, other hormones, reproductive health. Make the separate group of girls and boys a measure the height and weight and note the changes that come with onset of puberty Draw the diagram to represent the sex determination in human beings. Make a chart on the various hormones of human body
SOCIAL SCIENCE Civics - Judiciary History - Civilising the 'Native' Educating the Nation Role of judiciary, Structure of courts, Civil and Criminal Laws History- The tradition of orientation, Grave errors of the east, Wood's Despatch, changes in local schools, Agenda for National Education, English Education, Views of Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore For Judiciary chapter - Role play a Courtcase For History - Debate on English Educational policy Chapter end questions /answers
SANSKRIT नवमः पाठः सप्तभगिन्यः। भारतस्य राज्यानां नामानि, पूर्वोत्तरराज्यानां च विषये विशेषावबोधनम्। प्रत्ययाः। व्याकरणम् - सम्बोधनारूपाणि । बन्धुवाचकशब्दाः च। पाठस्य सस्वरवाचनम्। पाठे विद्यमानानां शब्दानां पदपरिचयलेखनम्। प्रत्ययानाम् धोरेखाङ्कनं कृत्वा विश्लेषणम्। पाठस्य प्रश्नानाम् उत्तरलेखनम्। सप्तभगिनी राज्यानां चित्रं विरच्य तेषां विशेषताविषये लेखनम्।
COMPUTER SCIENCE Chapter-8 App Development Introduction to APP Development, Types of APP, Categories of APP and Developing an APP Discuss different types of app. What is front end and backend? Assign a task to find which type of app used at their hime,
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH The Duck and the Kangaroo (Poem), The Fight, Adverbs, Tenses Character Sketches, Poetic Devices, Summary, Critical Appreciation Reading Drill, Recitation, Mind Map, Diary Entry, Word - Meanings, Grammar Worksheets Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA and Competency Based Questions
HINDI पाठ 15- सूर के पद (पद) पाठ 16- पानी की कहानी (कहानी) अनुच्छेद, पत्र, संदेश, संवाद, विज्ञापन सूरदास के पदों का गायन करवाया जाएगा | जल संरक्षण पर नारा लेखन |
MATHEMATICS Exponents and powers laws of exponents, significant numbers, standard form on numbers Make a chart on showing laws of exponents and it's properties worksheet,NCERT textbook questions,extra questions will be given as homework
SCIENCE Reproduction in animals 2. some natural phenomena modes of reproduction, fertilization, development of embryo, Asexual reproduction, charge, transfer of charge, lightning, earthquakes - causes, effects and protection. Activity is performed to show that like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other. worksheet will be given as an assessment.
SOCIAL SCIENCE Civics - UNDERSTANDING MARGINALIZATION Geo - HUMAN RESOURCES Civics - Who are Adivasis? Stereotyping and development Minorities and Marginalization Geo - Density of Population Worksheet on "Marginalisation Communities" and chapterend question/answers Poster making- Steps taken by the Government in protecting the rights of Dalits and Adivasis. Mapwork- Most populous countries of the world
SANSKRIT दशमः पाठः नीतिनवनीतम्। एकादशः पाठः सावित्री बाई फुले । नीतिश्लोकानाम् कृत्वा अर्थावगमनम्। महिला नवोत्थानस्य विषये तथा शिक्षाक्षेत्रे विद्यमानानां नारीणां विषये ज्ञानार्जनम्। प्रत्ययाः। श्लोकानाम् उच्चारणम् ।प्रश्नोत्तरमाध्यमेन अन्वयलेखनम्। पाठस्य वाचनं कृत्वा व्याकरणांशानां विश्लेषणम्। पाठयोः सन्धिपदानि लिखित्वा सन्धेः नामलेखनम्।
COMPUTER SCIENCE Chapter-9 Python-Looping and Tkinter GUI Loop, Types of loops and Tkinter Pattern-based questions in lab write a program to print the table of any given number by user till 10.
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: January
ENGLISH The Fight (Supplementary Reader), Jalebis (Supplementary Reader), Prepositions and Adverbs (Grammar) Critical Appreciation, Character Sketches, Poetic elements, Diary Entry as characters Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context Short QA, Competency Based Questions
SCIENCE Some natural phenomena Light Lightning, charges and their interactions, transfer of charge, story of lightning and safety, Earthquakes- causes and protection. Activity are conducted based on transfer of charges, interaction between charges. Listing out the earthquakes occurred in last 20 years and note down the Richter scale reading and damages they have caused.

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: November
ENGLISH My Childhood, No Men Are Foreign (Poem), Reach For the Top, The Last Leaf, Story Writing Character Sketches, Summary, Poetic Devices, Critical Appreciation Reading Drill, Mind map, Diary Entry as the character, Informal letter Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA and Competency Based Questions
HINDI "* शक्र तारे के समान * अग्निपथ व्याकरण -स्वर संधि * रचनात्मक लेखन" "शब्दार्थ , प्रश्न -उत्तर उपसर्ग -प्रत्यय , विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची शब्द," ‘जीवन संघर्षमय है, इससे घबराकर थमना नहीं चाहिए’ इससे संबंधित अन्य कवियों की कविताओं को एकत्र कर एक एलबम बनाइए। लघु एवं दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न उत्तर। मूल्यपरक प्रश्न उत्तर। वर्कशीट।
MATHEMATICS Quadrilaterals and Circles Types of quadrilaterals and their properties • Theorems- based on properties of IIgm • Mid-point Theorem and Cyclic Quadrilateral Students can use construction paper to build a model of a toy using quadrilaterals. For example, they can use a square for the head, a rectangle for the trunk, and trapezoids for the ears Worksheet, NCERT TEXTBOOK, Extra questions as homework
SCIENCE Atom and molecule Law of chemical combination,Atom ,atomic mass,molecule,(of atom ,Element),Ions,Writing chemical formula,Molecular mass Class will divide in to four group they will ask atomic symbolamong themselves. Worksheet, NCERTintex question
SOCIAL SCIENCE Poverty as a Challenge: Population: Poverty as a Challenge: * Two typical cases of poverty
* Poverty as seen by Social Scientists
* Poverty Estimates
* Vulnerable Groups
* Interstate disparities
* Global Poverty Scenario
* Causes of Poverty
* Anti-poverty measures
* The Challenges Ahead Population:
* Size
* Distribution
* Population Growth and Process of Population Change
Poverty as a Challenge: Concept Map making/Explain and write about any one poverty alleviation program started by Government. Population: Make a Flow chart on factors affecting population Density, Map skill: Areas under various density of population Class work completion.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Unit-4 Introduction to Python (Revision) Introduction to Python, Features and Its Application, Operators and strings in Python, Conditional statements and loops, and List in Python. Explain different type of programs on different type of flow of programs . Students will try some simple solving exercises on python.
SANSKRIT अष्टमः पाठः न धर्मवृद्धेषु वयः समीक्षते। शब्दरूपाणि। ऋकारान्तङ्गः पुल्लिङ्गः तथा स्त्रीलिङ्गशब्दाः। सकारान्तः विद्वस् शब्दः । पाठस्य सस्वरवाचनम्। पाठे विद्यमानानां शब्दानां पदपरिचयलेखनम्। शब्दरूपाणाम् मौखिकाभ्यासः। पाठस्य अभ्यासानां लेखनम्। कथायाः प्रस्तुतीकरणम् । व्याकरणाठस्य लेखनं कृत्वा कक्षायां प्रस्तुतीकरणम्।
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH The Last Leaf, Maria Sharapova, On Killing A Tree, Kathmandu Character Sketches, Summary, Poetic Devices, Critical Appreciation Reading Drill, Mind map, Diary Entry as the character, Informal letter Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA and Competency Based Questions
HINDI नए इलाके में खुशबू रचते हाथ *व्याकरण - स्वर संधि। *रचनात्मक लेखन- विज्ञापन एवं सूचना लेखन "* शब्दार्थ , 'प्रश्न -उत्तर व्याकरण -स्वर संधि के भेद " पर्यावरण विभाग की ओर से जल संरक्षण का आग्रह करने हेतु एक विज्ञापन तैयार कीजिए। अगरबत्ती बनाना, माचिस बनाना, मोमबत्ती बनाना, लिफ़ाफ़े बनाना, पापड़ बनाना, मसाले कूटना आदि लघु उद्योगों के विषय में जानकारी एकत्रित कीजिए।
MATHEMATICS CIRCLES cyclic quadrilateral,angles substended by a chord and it's properties The angles substended by an arc at the center is double the angle subtended by it at any point on the remaining part of circle Worksheet,extra questions will be given as homework,NCERT textbook.
SCIENCE Improvement in Food Resources Crop Variety Improvement ,Production management, Manure,Fertilizer,Irrigation,Cropping पैटर्न,Animals husbandry,Poultry Farming Visit a local poulatry farm.Observe type of breed and note thetype of ration,housing,lighting facility given to themthe type Make 20 MCQ questions based on ch
SOCIAL SCIENCE 4.Food Security in India 4.Food Security in India Why Food Security? * Who are food insecure? * Food Security in India * What is Buffer Stock? * What is the Public Distribution System? * Current Status of Public Distribution System Group discussion on ‘Government schemes for Food Security in India’ Class work completion.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Python (Practical) * IF,FOR,WHILE * List * Create a program using if-elif-else , for loop * Create a list : Add item in list , delete item from the list , merge the list * Find square of number 5 * To calculate Area and Perimetr of a rectangle * Create and print th no, in list * Practisce and revise the code from textbook.
SANSKRIT नवमः पाठः कवयामि वयामि यामि। समासपरिचयः, विभक्तयः, प्रत्ययाः सम्भाषणम्, प्रश्नवाचकानाम् अभ्यासः। प्रदत्त पदैः वाक्यरचना पाठे विद्यमानानां शब्दानां पदपरिचयलेखनम्। प्रश्नोत्तराणां मौखिकाभ्यासः तथा लेखनम्।
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: January
ENGLISH A House Is Not A Home , The Beggar ( Supplementary Reader), Diary Entry, Article Writing Critical Appreciation, Character Sketches, Poetic elements, Diary Entry as characters Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context Short QA, Competency Based Questions

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: November
ENGLISH The Sermon At Benares, For Anne Gregory (Poem), The Necklace, Bholi, Omission (Grammar) Character Sketches, Poetic Devices, Critical Appreciation Mind map, Grammar Worksheets, Summary, Diary Entry Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA and Competency Based Questions
HINDI स्पर्श- कारतूस , संयचन-टोपी शुक्ला आज़ादी के महत्त्व को समझाना , बच्चों को धर्म -जाति, संस्कारों, रिवाजों की अपेक्षा अपनेपन की चाह होती है। जहाँ और जिससे प्रेम मिलता है, ब च्चे उन्हीं को अपना मान लेते हैं। विज्ञापन , ई-मेल, सूचना लेखन, पत्र लेखन लघु एवं दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न उत्तर। मूल्यपरक प्रश्न उत्तर। वर्कशीट।
MATHEMATICS Chapter 1: Real Numbers Chapter 2: Polynomials Chapter 3: Pair Of Linear Equations In Two Variables Chapter 4: Quadratic Equations Chapter 5: Arithmetic Progressions Chapter 6: Triangles Chapter 7: Coordinate Geometry Chapter 9: Some Applications Of Trigonometry Chapter 10: Circles Chapter 11: Constructions 1.1 Introduction to Real Numbers 1.2 Euclid’s Division Lemma 1.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic 1.4 Revisiting Irrational Numbers 1.5 Revisiting Rational Numbers and Their Decimal Expansions 2.1 Introduction Polynomials 2.2 Geometrical Meaning of the Zeroes of a Polynomial 2.3 Relationship between Zeroes and Coefficients of a Polynomial 2.4 Division Algorithm for Polynomials 2.5 Summary 3.1 Introduction to Pair Of Linear Equations In Two Variables 3.2 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables 3.3 Graphical Method of Solution of a Pair of Linear Equations 3.4 Algebraic Methods of Solving a Pair of Linear Equations 3.5 Equations Reducible to a Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables 4.1 Introduction to Quadratic Equations 4.2 Quadratic Equations 4.3 Solution of a Quadratic Equation by Factorisation 4.4 Solution of a Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square 4.5 Nature of Roots 4.6 Summary 5.1 Introduction Arithmetic Progressions 5.2 nth Term of an AP 5.3 Sum of First n Terms of an AP 6.1 Triangles Introduction 6.2 Similar Figures 6.3 Similarity of Triangles 6.4 Criteria for Similarity of Triangles 6.5 Areas of Similar Triangles 6.6 Pythagoras Theorem 7.1 Coordinate Geometry Introduction 7.2 Distance Formula 7.3 Section Formula 7.4 Area of a Triangle 8.1 Introduction To Trigonometry 8.2 Trigonometric Ratios 8.3 Trigonometric Ratios of Some Specific Angles 8.4 Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles 8.5 Trigonometric Identities 9.1 Introduction to Some Applications Of Trigonometry 9.2 Heights and Distances 10.1 Circles Introduction 10.2 Tangent to a Circle 10.3 Number of Tangents from a Point on a Circle 11.1 Introduction to Constructions 11.2 Division of a Line Segment 11.3 Construction of Tangents to a Circle Revision of all topics Worksheet, Sample papers, PYP given to be done in CW copies
SCIENCE 1.HEREDITY 2.CARBON AND COMPOUNDS 3.MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC CURRENT Inherited Triats . Changes in the traits - Variation Heredity introduction and Mendel's contribution. Monohybrid and dihybrid cross -Punette square Sex determination. covalent bond, catenation, nomenclature, combustion, oxidation, addition and substitution reactions, properties of ethanol and ethanoic acid, soaps and detergents. Activity : Pea seeds are taken for the study of Monohybrid cross Cross of monohybrid and dihybrid to be solved. Sex determination related numeric als. Chemical reactions based on chemical properties of alkanes, alkens are given.
SOCIAL SCIENCE History : Print Culture and the Modern world The First Printed Books Print Comes to Europe The Print Revolution and its Impact The Reading Mania The Nineteenth Century India and the World of Print Religious Reform and Public Debates New Forms of Publication Print and Censorship Mind map/concept map Class work completion.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Unit-6 Natural Language Processing The process involved in NLP, application and Techniques, Chatbots, Types, and Data Processing, And Human Language vs. computer Language. Encourage students to research each type of chatbot. Provide them with resources such as articles, tutorials, and videos that explain how each type works and provide examples of chatbots built using each approach. Organize a group activity where students create presentations on different types of chatbots, showcasing their functionalities and examples. Encourage them to build a simple chatbot prototype using online tutorials or tools to demonstrate their understanding.
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH The Book That Saved the Earth (Revision), For Anne Gregory (Revision), Analytical Paragraph Writing Character Sketches, Poetic Devices, Critical Appreciation Mind map, Worksheets, Summary, Sample papers Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA and Competency Based Questions
स्पर्श और संचयन पाठ्य पुस्तक की पुनरावृत्ति। रचनात्मक लेखन (विज्ञापन, ईमेल, सूचना लेखन और पत्र लेखन)
MATHEMATICS Chapter 12: Areas Related To Circles Chapter 13: Surface Areas And Volumes Chapter 14: Statistics Chapter 15: Probability 12.1 Areas Related To Circles Introduction 12.2 Perimeter and Area of a Circle-A Review 12.3 Areas of Sector and Segment of a Circle 12.4 Areas of Combination of Plane Figures 12.5 Summary 13.1 Surface Areas And Volumes Introduction 13.2 Surface Area of a Combination of Solids 13.3 Volume of a Combination of Solids 13.4 Conversion of Solid from One Shape to Another 13.5 Frustum of a Cone 13.6 Summary 14.1 Statistics Introduction 14.2 Mean of Grouped Data 14.3 Mode of Grouped Data 14.4 Median of Grouped Data 14.5 Graphical Representation of Cumulative Frequency Distribution 14.6 Summary 15.1 Probability Introduction 15.2 Probability-A Theoretical Approach 15.3 Summary Revision of all topics Worksheet, Sample papers, PYP given to be done in CW copies
SCIENCE carbon and compounds, metals and non metals( revision) REVISION - Life processes Heredity Glucose Break down different pathway Urine formation Numericals based on mono and dihybrid cross solving sample question papers, practice for writing chemical equations. worksheets consisting of ,VSA, SA, CBQ and LA are given for the practice.
SOCIAL SCIENCE Revision will be conducted for the Pre Board I 3 mark and 5 Mark Question and Answers Map Pointing Geography and History Assignments Google form
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Unit:6 Natural Language Processing Unit:7 Evaluation (Revision) *Human language and Machine laguage *Concepts of NLP *Confusion matrix for a given scenario *Types of evaluation technique * Revise (F1 Score, Accuracy , Precision, Recall ) Evaluation Matrix numericals. * Revisce Numericals based on confusion matrix from text book
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: January
ENGLISH Recapitulation for Pre Board 3 and CBSE Board Examination Critical Appreciation, Central themes, Formal letters, Analytical Paragraph Writing, Character Sketches, Poetic elements, Diary Entry as characters Sample papers, Worksheets Revision
SCIENCE REVISION - Heredity Our Environment Monohydrid and Dihybrid cross. Sex determination. Performance of cross monohydrid and dihybrid by pea seeds. Solving of worksheets.

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: November
ENGLISH Father to Son (Poem), The Tale of Melon City (Snapshots), Poster Making (Writing Skill), Omission (Grammar) Character Sketches, Poetic Devices, Critical Appreciation Mind map, Diary Entry, Summary, Grammar Worksheets Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA and Competency Based Questions
MATHEMATICS Conic Sections Introduction Sections of a Cone Circle Parabola Ellipse Hyperbola Solve excercise problems , Ncert Examplar Worksheet will be given for extra practise
PHYSICS 1. Gravitation 2. System of particles and rotational motion Kepler's laws of planetary motion, universal law of gravitation. Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude and depth. Gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential, escape speed, orbital velocity of a satellite & Centre of mass of a two-particle system, momentum conservation and Centre of mass motion. Centre of mass of a rigid body; centre of mass of a uniform rod. Moment of a force, torque, angular momentum, law of conservation of angular momentum and its applications. Derivation of Acceleration due to gravity, explanation of kepler's laws, solving numerical on centre of mass
Students will be preparing a report on applications of satellite communication in various fields
CHEMISTRY 1.Organic chemistry- some basic principles and techniques 2. Hydrocarbons ( Till alkanes) Introduction to organic chemistry, tetravalence of carbon, IUPAC nomenclature of Organic compunds, Isomerism, reaction mechanism, purification techniques, qualitative and quantitative analysis, hydrocarbons their types and nomenclature, alkane, preparation, physical properties, reactions of alkanes. To write the names of various given organic compounds. To draw the structure of given organic molecules based on IUPAC. Suggest and explain a method to purify a mixture of water and kerosene.
BIOLOGY UNIT IV - Plant Physiology Respiration in Plants. UNIT - V -Human Physiology Breathing and Respiration Body Fluids and Circulation. UNIT IV- Different pathways -Aerobic and Anaerobic( Glycolysis, TCA and Electron transport system ) Bioenergetics. UNIT- V - Human Physiology Breathing and respiration Regulation and exchange of respiratory gases. Hormonal regulation and respiratory disorders. Body fluids and circulation Mechanism of Blood circulation. Activity : Sectioning of root in the lsboratory. Histology of alveoli. Solving of NCERT Exemplary solving of exercise question and answer.
PSYCHOLOGY Learning The topics in this unit are: 1. Introduction 2. Nature of Learning 3. Paradigms of Learning 4. Classical Conditioning  Determinants of Classical Conditioning 5. Operant/Instrumental Conditioning  Determinants of Operant Conditioning  Key Learning Processes 6. Observational Learning 7. Cognitive Learning Experiment based on Observational Learning is conducted. Students are asked to submit self esteem case file.
INFORMATICS PRACTICES Database Concepts 1. Introduction 2. File Based Systems 3. Introducing Database Systems 4. Relational Database Model 5. The Relational Model Terminology 6. Brief History of MySQL 7. MySQL Database System 8. Starting MySQL 9. MySQL and SQL Organizing a quiz game for students focusing on database terminology and concepts. Case-study on the existing database structure of few applications, like social media platforms. Worksheet with these type of questions will be given: Consider the database of (random sample database will be given). Write the degree and cardinality of each of the tables. Why Foreign Keys are allowed to have NULL values? Explain with an example. Compared to a file system, how does a database management system avoid redundancy in data through a database.
ACCOUNTANCY Depreciation, Provision and reserves Depreciation: Meaning, Features, Need, Causes, factors solve exercises questions. worksheet will be provided.
BUSINESS STUDIES REVISION for ut2Unit9: INTERNAL TRADE:Types of retail-trade-Itinerant and small scale fixed shops retailers ;Large scale retailers-Departmental stores, chain stores – concept;GST (Goods and Services Tax): Concept and key-features Other similar terms: Depletion and Amortisation * Oral and Written Quiz;Practice sheets;Written class Test;Business Quiz;
Topic related case study of any Retail business and present the info in class Group Assignment;Work sheet ;
ECONOMICS Methods of Depreciation:
HISTORY i. Straight Line Method (SLM)
POLITICAL SCIENCE Citizenship Nationalism ii. Written Down Value Method (WDV) Debate: Can identity claims lead to social divisions or will it strengthen and recognize multiple identities? Analyze the problems to be surmounted to strengthen links between the people and governments.
FINE ART Difference between SLM and WDV; Advantages of SLM and WDV Difference between SLM and WDV; Advantages of SLM and WDV
HOME SCIENCE Learning, Education, and Extension. Types of Learning a. Types of Learning b.Education and family, c. Education and the School d. Principles of extension education, e. Extension Teaching Methods f. Rural Employment and other schemes To write an essay on My Family, recalling the first time, you may have written the essay on the above topic. If you were to write the topic today, which five points will you highlight in it? Find if there is any non-formal education in your city. Write down the way they function. Social Reformers attempted to do reconstruction work to rebuild rural life through expirement. Find information on Seva Gram in Maharastra by Mahatma Gandhi and Shantinikentan in Bengal by Rabindranath Tagore.
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH The Silk Road(Prose) Revision: ( Father to Son,Adventure & Silk Road) Writing Skills:Debate Writing, Grammar: Revision ( Editing& Omission) Peer teaching,Group project : Preparing a travelogue on Architectural wonders of Ancient India
MATHEMATICS . Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry Limits and Derivatives Coordinate Axes and Coordinate Planes in Three Dimensional Space Coordinates of a Point in Space Distance between Two Points Introduction Intuitive Idea of Derivatives Limits Limits of Trigonometric Functions Derivatives Solve excercise problems , Ncert Examplar Worksheet will be given for extra practise
PHYSICS 1. System of particles and rotational motion 2. Properties of bulk matter Equilibrium of rigid bodies, rigid body rotation and equations of rotational motion, comparison of linear and rotational motions. Moment of inertia, radius of gyration, values of moments of inertia for simple geometrical objects. Elasticity, Stress-strain relationship, Hooke's law, Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, shear modulus of rigidity (qualitative idea only), Poisson's ratio; elastic energy. elasticity of a streched body will be determined and hook's law can be studied by doing the experiment in lab Numericals on the concept of system of particles and rotational motion and properties of bulk matter will be given
CHEMISTRY 1. Hydrocarbons 2.Thermodynamics(Till internal energy) Chemical and physical properties, preparations, nomenclature of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and aromatic compounds. Aromaticity. Thermodynamic terms, internal energy, work. Write nomenclature of different compounds, differentiate between aromatic and non-aromatic compounds with examples. state examples of different types of systems. problems based on heat capacity, work done, internal energy are given. Preparation methods of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes are given as hw.
BIOLOGY UNIT - V HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Human Excretory System - Excretory products and their Elimination. Locomotion and Movement Introduction , Urine Formation, Function of Tubules, Mechanism of concentration of the filtrate. Regulation of kidney function. Disorders of the excretory system. Types of movement, Muscle, Skeletal system,Joints and Disorders of Muscular and Skeletal system. Different types of bones available in the laboratory are displayed and studied. Report on Haemodialysis will be given as homework.
PSYCHOLOGY Learning & Human Memory 8. Verbal Learning
9. Skill Learning
10.Factors Facilitating Learning
11.Learning Disabilities
1. Introduction
2. Nature of memory
3. Information Processing Approach : The Stage Model 4. Memory Systems : Sensory, Short-term and Long- term Memories
5. Levels of Processing
Experiment based on Recall is conducted. Students are asked to submit corrected self esteem case file.
POLITICAL SCIENCE Nationalism and Local Government Nationalism
a) Introducing Nationalism
b) Nations and Nationalism
● Shared Beliefs
● History
● Shared National Identity
c) National self-determination
d) Nationalism and Pluralism Local Governments
a) Why local governments?
b) Growth of Local Government in India
 Local Governments in Independent India
c) 73rd and 74th amendments
d) 73rd Amendment
Three Tier Structure
Debate: Should the Judiciary have the power to determine the validity of amendments? Project Topic : Citizenship acquisition and termination
HOME SCIENCE Textile Tradition in India Hisotrical perspective in India the the main fibres, cotton silk and wool Dyeing, resist dyed fabrics ,yarn tye and dye. Embroydory, phulkari, kasuti, kantha, kashida, chiken kari, aaplique work of gujrat and bead work of kutch and saurashtra An exhibition or craft mela on selected textile crafts in terms of origin / history, fabrics, techniques, color, design and product of indian handicrafts will be organized. The Exhibition will showcase traditional fabrics of various states like Jamdani from West Bengal, Ashawali from Gujarat, Kanchipuram from Tamil Nadu, Paithan from Aurangabad. Few embroidery patterns will be showcased Phulkari from Punjab, Kasuti from Karnataka, Kantha, Kashida from Kashmir, Chikankari from Uttar Pradesh. Documentation of traditional textiles art/ craft of neighbouring pictures To make a folder or a catalogue giving information and pictures of traditional textile art and craft of any one selected area.
SESSION (2024-25)
BUSINESS STUDIES Unit 10 International Trade Import Trade and Expirt Trade,Documents involvedin International Trade,Revision Import Trade and Expirt Trade,Documents involvedin International Trade,Revision Role play,Oral and written competencybased Questions written project work ,Practise sheet,Paste the name of import export items
HOME SCIENCE Unit 3 Chapter 13 - Care and Education
Chapter 14 - Our Apparel
Unit 4
Chapter 15 - Health and Wellness
Chapter 16 - Financial Management and Planning
- Meaning and Care of Education
- ECCE (Early Chilhood Care and Education)
- Clothing Functions and The Selection of Cloths
- Understanding Childrens Basic Clothing Needs
- Cloths for Children with Special Needs
- Health Scenario In India
- Dimensions of Wellness
- Income Management
- Budget
- Control In Money Management
- Saving and Investment Avenues
- Textile Traditions of India
- An Exibition will be conducted on Traditional Textile Crafts on 10th Jan 25.
- Documentation of Traditional Textile, Art, Craft of India
- A Project Report

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: November
ENGLISH On the Face of It (Play), The Interview, Going Places, Memories of Childhood Character Sketches, Poetic Devices, Critical Appreciation Mind map, Summary, CBQs Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA and Competency Based Questions
MATHEMATICS Vector Algebra Three Dimensional Geometry Linear Programming Probability Types of Vectors Addition of Vectors Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar Product of Two Vectors Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios of a Line Equation of a Line in Space Angle between Two Lines Shortest Distance between Two Lines Linear Programming Problem and its Mathematical Formulation Conditional Probability Multiplication Theorem on Probability Independent Events Bayes' Theorem Ncert excercise problems, Extra questions from previous papers etc Work sheet will be provided to on repeated questions
PHYSICS Electromagnetic waves, Atoms and Nuclei, optics Basic idea of displacement current, Electromagnetic waves, their characteristics, their transverse nature (qualitative idea only). Electromagnetic spectrum & Ray Optics, Wave Optics & Alpha-particle scattering experiment; Rutherford's model of atom; Bohr model of hydrogen atom, Expression for radius of nth possible orbit, velocity and energy of electron in nth orbit, hydrogen line spectra focal length will be finding by using optical bench experiment in lab, solving NCERT questions preparation of chart on application of EM waves in medical and technology, worksheet will be given to solve
CHEMISTRY Biomolecules Classification of CarbhydrateStructure of glucose, fructose and polysaccharides, Aminoacids and proteins and nucleicacids. Tests to find aldehyde group in glucose, test to detect starch Exercise questions will be given ashomework.
BIOLOGY BIOTECHNOLOGY - APPLICATIONS Application in medical and Agricultural field. Transgenic animals. ECOLOGY - Organisms and population Biotechnology - Applications Medical - Treating of few Genetic disorders. Production of Insulin and vaccines. Agriculture - Nitrogen fixing genes in plants Plasmids - Plant and Animals Transgenic animals used in Research laboratories. Ecology - Population Attribtes. Population growth curve population interactions Activity : Using antibiotic disc checking the sensitvity and resistance of bacterial growth. Biotechnology - Ethical issues of biotech nological processess. will be given as home work.
PSYCHOLOGY Attitude and Social Cognition Social Influence and Group Processes 1. Introduction
2. Explaining Social Behaviour
3. Nature and Components of Attitudes
4. Attitude Formation and Change
* Attitude Formation
* Attitude Change
* Attitude-Behaviour Relationship
5. Prejudice and Discrimination
6. Strategies for Handling Prejudice
The topics in this unit are:
1. Introduction
2. Nature and Formation of Groups
3. Type of Groups
4. Influence of Group on Individual Behaviour
* Social Loafing
* Group Polarisation
Experiments based on the same topics are being conducted. Students were asked to submit final project file.
INFORMATICS PRACTICES Importing/Exporting Data between CSV Files/MySQL and Pandas Hands on experiment on importing CSV to Pandas data and exporting Pandas data to CSV. Integrating MySQL in Python and importing and exporting data through database to dataframe vice-versa. Worksheet with these type of questions will be given: The student table of test database of MySQL stores student details as (Rollno., Name, Marks, Grade, Section, Project). Write a program to load the data of this Student table in a dataframe. Display the dataframe and aslo display the details of the topper student(the student having the maximum marks).
ACCOUNTANCY Accounting for Share Capital solve exercises questions from ncert textbook worksheet will be provided.
BUSINESS STUDIES Revision;Practicals written test ;Practical record compilation;Oral Quiz;Competency Based Questions Short Answers Solving Previous Sample Papers;Work sheet
POLITICAL SCIENCE Recent Developments in Indian Politics Comparative analysis: Different developments taking place in present scenario with that of twentieth century. Timeline Interpretation of Cartoons/Caricatures Quiz Reflective Enquiry
SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: December
ENGLISH Revision:Lesson Wise Recap, Mind maps, Previous Year Qps,Comparative analysis of texts,CBQs, Previous Year Question Papers Revision:Writing Skills Brain storming Sessions,Rapid Fire Questions,Peer teaching,Worksheet excercises Mini test,Open Book Exam,Mock Viva
MATHEMATICS Revision: discussion of sample question paper and previous year question paper, practise of cbqs. practise of repeated quesstions. Brain storming Sessions,Rapid Fire Questions,Peer teaching,Worksheet excercises section wise solving of sample paers.
PHYSICS 1. Numericals 2. Revision Numericals from optics and wave optics solving the numerical from modern physics and class test will be conducted on long answer questions of wave optics students will be given numerical to solve
CHEMISTRY Revision Revision of 1. Biomolecules , amines, coordination compounds, d and f block elements Oral and written tests and discussion of question papers. Worksheets
BIOLOGY REVISION - Principles of Inheritance and Variation Molecular Basis of inheritance Pedigree Analysis Chromosomal theory of Inheritance Genetic code Lactose Metabolism Protein synthesis Discussion of Selected question from sample papers Flow charts and Diagrams will be given as homework
PSYCHOLOGY Chapter wise revision based on the disribution of marks in the course structure. Framing proper structured answers Students are given topics to study and doubts on the topics are being clarified. MCQ's and CBQS are being discussed and the same was asked to write.
BUSINESS STUDIES Revision solving and writing practice questions,test of mcqs open book exam,Brain storming sessions Flow charts with keywords will be given as homework
POLITICAL SCIENCE Revision for the Pre Board I Case Based, Cartoon Based, and long answers discussion Group Discussion Map Queations
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH Pre- Board Examination- II Mock Viva. Final Practicals (ASL & Viva). Pre- Board 3
CHEMISTRY Revision and Pre Boards
BIOLOGY Revision (Theory and Practical) and Pre Boards
Preparatory practical Examination
Final Practical Exam
DNA Isolation , Mitosis , Plant Population Pollen germination.
Ecology - Biodiversity Biotechnology
Performance of major and minor Experiments - Final practical Exam. Writting of answers for the Experiments.