Army Public School Parachute Regiment Training Centre

School code: 49056 | Affiliation Number: 880012

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: April
ENGLISH Bridge Course:
Alphabets , Vowels and consonants,Middle ,upper and lower letters. Literature - Lesson 1 : Fun with Grandparents Grammar
Chapter 1 : Alphabet and words.
*English alphabet in big and small letters.
*Identification and usage of vowels and consonants in words.
*Difference between long and short words.
*Identification and usage of rhyming words.
Vocabulary words,Tick the correct option ,Use of Capital and full stop ,Opposites ,listening and reading .
*Students will identify the characters in the picture.
*Discussion amongst two three students on their habits. *Our Magic Word Project.
*Blending students will guess the word and blend it aloud.
*Draw one thing that starts from each letter of your name in A4 size sheet.
*Paste photographs of your paternal and maternal (grandfather and grandmother).
HINDI *सेतु कार्य - वर्णमाला
*वर्णमाला -दोहराना
*गीत -चंदा मामा
*पाठ -1 अ बस आई
पाठ -1 हमारी भाषा
*मात्रा वाले शब्द (मौखिक)
*सही चित्र की पहचान करना
*चंदा मामा से संबंधित कोई अन्य कविता कक्षा में सुनाना एवं सुनना ।
*बिना मात्रा वाले शब्द
*सुंदर अक्षरों में वर्णमाला लिखें
*चित्रों की सहायता से कहानी सुनाएँ ।
*बिना मात्रा वाले शब्दों के चित्र बनाएँ ।
*वर्णमाला से सम्बन्धित अक्षरों के चित्र चिपकाइए |
*हिंदी वर्णमाला का एक फूल बनाइए और सभी स्वरों को उसमें लिखिए |
MATHEMATICS Bridge course,Ch1: Pre Number Concepts numbers and number names from 1 to 10,near-far,bottom-top,big-small,long-short,tall-short,above-below Preparing flash cards of 1 to 10 numbers in groups activity will help to critically think and develop Creativity
EVS Bridge Course
Lesson 1. About Myself Lesson
2. My Wonderful Body
Fruits and vegetables, Domestic and wild animals, Birds, flowers, Vehicles & Communication skills.
Lesson 1: Meet my Parents,School,Teacher and Friend
Lesson 2: Our Body Parts *Sense Ogans
*Making an ID card activity
*Asking students to identify good and bad behaviour in given pictures.
*Matching the body part to its functions.
*To draw a thing which the student likes and their friend likes.
*Name the body parts( text book exercise).
*Practicing the spellings of new words thrice.
COMPUTER SCIENCE Ch-1: Computer –A Smart Machine
  • * Introduction to computer
  • * Natural Things
  • * Man- Made Things
  • * What is a Machine
  • * Different Types of Machine
  • * Characteristics of a Computer
Find five different machines found inside and outside the house and write their names.
Identify the pictures of different places where computers were used and for what purpose the computers are used at these places.
Paste five pictures of Natural things and Man-Made things.
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH English Reader : 1. My Birthday Gift
2.Poem : My Little Hands
Grammar : 3.Naming Words
4. Sentences
"Identification of naming words, sentence formation, Rhyming words , word meanings, make sentence, reference to context, Question and Answers" • Share some memories or activities you do along with your father.
• Identify the naming words in the story that you read.
• We meet different people doing different work. All of them have names. Cut and stick the pictures of them and write their names (Identification of naming words.) (SUBJECT INETGRATED ACTIVITY) EVS: Lsn: People who help us.
1.Make a birth card for your best friend’s birthday.
2.Plant a sapling and observe its growth.
  • पाठ-2 आ दावत
  • पाठ -3 इ सितार बजा
  • पाठ - 4 गीता और वीणा
  • व्याकरण
  • पाठ - 2 हमारी वर्णमाला
  • पाठ - 3 मात्राएँ
*आ, इ, ई की मात्रा वाले शब्द (मौखिक एवं लिखित )
*सही चित्र की पहचान करना
*वर्णमाला एवं मात्राओं का ज्ञान करवाना
*आ,इ,ई की मात्रा वाले शब्दों के चित्र बनाकर रंग भरें ।
*वर्णमाला की कविता का कक्षा में लयबद्ध तरीके से गायन करना ।
* Action Song की सहायता से मात्राओं की पहचान करवाना ।
* लद्दाख के किन्हीं दो प्रसिद्ध व्यंजनों के चित्र चिपकाइए और उनके नाम लिखिए |
*किन्ही दो संगीत उपकरणों के चित्र बनाकर या चिपकाकर उनके नाम लिखिए |
  • * Numbers And Number Names From 1 To 10,*count And Write,
  • * Less Than,greater Than And Equal To
  • * Number Line,ascending And Descending Order
  • * Smallest And Biggest Number
  • * Children do the text book exercises and class work
  • * Lab activities,class test
EVS Lesson 3: Taking Care of My Body Lesson
4: My Family
Lesson 1: * Importance of Staying Healthy
* Ways to keep our body clean
* Ways to keep our body healthy and fit
Lesson 2: My Family
* What is a Family?
* Types of Families
* Importance of a Family
New words, Textbook exercise- Tick the correct option, Name the things we use in our day to day life which help us to stay clean, Fill in the blanks, Colour the slogan, Discussion on Value based questions * Family tree activity *Speak a sentence about each family member *Make some paper flowers/ hearts and write some clean habits on it
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH Literature:lesson - 2 (My Birtday Gift)
Poem - The Cupboard
Grammer -Sentences
Read and understand Fill in the blanks with the correct words Tick the correct option Fill in the missing letters
Rhyming words New words Question Answer Frame sentences
Word Meaning Reference to context Introduction to sentences
Identification to sentences usage of question mark amd fullstop
Read and understand Fill in the blanks with the correct words Tick the correct option
Fill in the missing letters Rhyming words New words
Question Answer Frame sentences Word Meaning
Reference to context Listening skill .
Role Play , Birthday celebration Picture discription , Draw as many candles on the cake as your age and color them count the number of cupboards in your home.Write the number in the given box
  • चित्रकथा – मछलियों की होशियारी
  • पाठ- 5 उ गुड़िया की चुनरी
  • पाठ -6 ऊ तरबूज का रस
  • पाठ -7 रु,रू गटरू कबूतर
  • पाठ –8 ऋ गीत -मकड़ी रानी
  • हमारी बगिया के फूल
  • व्याकरण
  • पाठ -4 शब्द और वाक्य
नए शब्द, चित्र पहचानकर उनके नाम लिखें, मिलान करो प्रश्न - उत्तर
  • मौखिक एवं लिखित अभ्यास
  • नए शब्द
  • पाठ से संबंधित चित्र बनाकर उनमें रंग भरें
  • कविता गायन
  • गुड़िया पार्टी
  • विद्यालय प्रांगण में उपस्थित बगीचे की सैर
  • अपने पसंद के फल कक्षा में लाएँ और उनके नाम हिंदी में बताएँ, खाएँ और खिलाएँ ।
  • मकड़ी रानी कविता याद करें
  • किन्हीं पाँच फलों के चित्र बनाएँ और उनके नाम लिखें
  • लद्दाख में पाए जाने वाले प्रसिद्ध दो फलों के चित्र बनाइए एव चिपकाइए और उनके नाम लिखिए |
  • Addition definition
  • * Addition Fact
  • * Addition Down
  • * Addition on the number Line
  • *Addition by finger counting
  • * Word problems SUBTRACTION
  • * Subtraction Definition
  • * Subtraction by Finger Counting
  • * Subtraction Down
  • * Subtraction on the Number Line
  • * Word Problems
  • * Zero
  • * Adding With Zero
  • * Subtracting With Zero
Write the numbers 1 to 10 on different cubes and pick greatest number and smallest number from the cubes
* Arrange cubes in forward counting 1 to 10 (Ascending order)
Arrange cubes in backward counting 10 to 1(Descending order).
Make Addition number flower petals using charts and colour papers.
  • Lesson 5. The food we eat
  • Revise Model Test Paper - I
  • Lesson 6. Clothes we wear Lesson 7. My House
  • Lesson-5: * Importance of Food *Food from Plants and Animals
  • * Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians *Meals in a Day Lesson
  • 6: * Importance of Clothes
  • * Different clothes worn in different seasons
  • * Uniforms Lesson
  • 7: * Importance of Houses
  • * Types of Houses
  • * Rooms in a House
  • * An Ideal House
New words, Textbook exercise- Tick the correct option,Fill in the blanks,Flow chart,Identify the following,Answer the following,Match the following,Complete the following Identify the given pictures,Grid, Give examples,colour the slogan,Test your knowledge.
* Community Lunch.
* Different traditional dress of their respective state Art Integrated activity:
* Paste the pictures of famous food and traditional dresses of Ladak. *Make a model of Kutcha house using waste material
COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer- Its Parts and Uses
    Function of Computer Parts
  • * Monitor
  • * CPU
  • * Mouse
  • Uses of a Computer
  • *Drawing and colouring
  • *Playing games
  • *Watching movies and cartoons
  • *Playing music
  • *Searching on the internet
  • *Chatting
  • *Saving
Identify the different parts of computer in computer lab and write their names. Stick the pictures of different parts of computer.
Draw and colour any part of computer and name it.
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH English Reader:
Poem: When I was One
A New Friend.
Countable and Uncountable

Writing Skills:
Rearrange the jumbled words to get the answers and put proper punctuation marks(full stop)
  • Read and understand
  • Fill in the blanks with the correct words
  • Tick the correct option
  • Fill in the missing letters
  • Rhyming words
  • New words
  • Question Answer
  • Frame sentences
  • Word Meaning
  • Reference to context
  • Introduction to sentences
  • Identification to sentences
  • usage of question mark amd fullstop
  • Find the objects around you that are countable and uncountable.
  • Highlight / circle the pronouns that are in the lesson: A New Friend.
Draw a cake and as many candles on the cake as your age and colour it.
  • पाठ - 9 ए शेर की दहाड़
  • पाठ -10 ऐ मैना उड़ गई
  • पाठ -11ओ तोता और मोर
  • पाठ -12 औ लोकी की बेल
  • गीत -पकौड़ी
  • व्याकरण
  • पाठ -5 किसे क्या कहते हैं
नए शब्द, चित्र पहचानकर उनके नाम लिखें, मिलान करो प्रश्न - उत्तर किसी भी एक जानवर, शेर ,हाथी ,बिल्ली और बंदर के चेहरे का मुखौटा बनाइए और कक्षा में उस जानवर के बारे में कुछ वाक्य बोलें।
  • * Properties of Shapes
  • Rolling and Sliding
  • 4. NUMBERS UP TO 20
  • * Numbers 11 to 20
  • * Making a collection
  • * Numbers on Abacus
  • * Before,After and Between
  • * Comparison of Numbers
  • * Smallest and Biggest Numbers
  • Properties of shapes
  • Rolling and sliding
  • Numbers11 to 20:Making a collection
  • Numbers on Abacus
  • Comparision of numbers
  • Adding 2 digit by 1-digit numbers
  • Addition on the number line
  • Subtraction by grouping into tens and ones
Make different shapes using fruits and vegetables or clay. Cut pictures from old magazines and newspapers to show at least three activities that you often do with your neighbors. Paste the pictures in your scrap book or notebook.
EVS Lesson 8. Safety rules Lesson 9. Our neighbourhood Lesson:8 * Importance of Safety Rules
* Safety rules to be followed at home,school,on road and Play area
Lesson: 9
* What is Neighbourhood?
* Importance of Places in our Neighbourhood
* Good Neighbours
New words, Textbook exercise- Tick the correct option,Fill in the blanks,Give reasons,Identify the following,Answer the following. Rearrange the Jumbled words,Complete the following,Write two safety rules for the following places. *Make a first-aid kit with all necessary items in it.
* Role play how to cross a traffic signal.
* Visit any four neighbourhood services in your locality and paste the pictures related to the same on an A4 size sheet. Write two lines on each.
COMPUTER SCIENCE The Keyboard and Mouse
  • Features of keyboard
  • Alphabet keys
  • Numbers keys
  • Special Keys
  • Spacebar key
  • Caps lock key
  • Backspace key
  • Delete key
  • Function keys
  • Arrows keys
  • Parts of a mouse
  • Holding a mouse
  • Function of a mouse
  • Single click
  • Double click Rigt click
  • Dragging
  • Scroll wheel
Demonstration of Keyboard and familiarize the students with the function of different keys of keyboard.
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH LITERATURE : KIND MEENA GRAMMAR GENDER He OR She REVISION FOR TERM 1 Read and understand Fill in the blanks with correct words Tick th correct option Fill the missing letters New Words Question Answers Frame sentences Word meaning Reference to Context Identify and differentiate HE or SHE Read and understand Fill in the blanks Fill in the missing letters New Words Question Answers LIsteninting Skills Dictation Reaadin Skills Identify and write HE words with a blue colour and SHE words with Pink colour pencil Draw or paste Five pictures kindness And Speak about Kindness in class.
HINDI खाली जगह भरिए , प्रश्न -उत्तर , शब्द अर्थ ,
सही और गलत , रिका स्थान भरिए
अं की मात्रा और अः की मात्रा वाले शब्दों का अभ्यास
कार्य पत्रिका , पुनरावृत्ति ( अभ्यास कार्य ) प्रश्न उत्तर याद करिए ।
अं की मात्रा व अः की मात्रा के शब्दों का अभ्यास
    Numbers upto 100
  • * Place values
  • * Ascending order
  • * Descending order
  • *Camparision of numbers
  • * Word problems
  • * Numbers on abacus
  • * numberline
Text book exercises,live work sheets * - Children will be asked to - Ask students to build towers or structures using a specific number of blocks (e.g., 10, 20, 50) and have them count and record the number of blocks used.
EVS Lesson 10: My School Revison for Half Yearly People who help us Lesson 10: *Importance of School * Things in My classroom * Rooms in a School Lesson 11: *Importance of People who help Us *Peple who help us in our day to day life New words, Textbook exercise- Tick the correct option,Fill in the blank,Word search,Identify the following,Answer the following. Name the places in school,Complete the following. * Paste the picture of your school and write three to five lines about it. * School tour. *To make a thank you card for people who help us Or Talk about any one people who help us in day to day life
    Revision for halfyearly Paint
  • ● Starting paint program
  • ● Parts of paint program
  • ● Colours group
  • ● Component of MS Paint window
  • ● Saving files in Paint
    Tools in the Tools group
  • ● Pencil tool
  • ● Eraser tool
  • ● Brush tool
  • ● Shapes group
  • ● Line tool
  • ● Rectangle tool
  • ● Oval tool
  • ● Fill with color
  • ● Polygon tool
  • ● Curve tool
  • ● Text tool
  • ● Saving your document
How to do work in MS Paint Draw one landscape using MS paint

SESSION (2024-25)
MONTH: April
ENGLISH Vowels, consonants, naming words,Action words Literature
L-1 A Party for Mom Grammar
L-1 Alphabetical Order
* Revisiting vowels, consonants , naming words and action words done in previous class
*Role of mother in the family
*Organizing words in alphabetical order
* Circle time( Singing birthday song)
* Arrange flashcards of vegetables , fruits , flowers and animals in alphabetical order
* Question and answers, New Words and Word Meanings
* Make a special greeting card for mother.
* Text book exercises
HINDI सेतु कार्य
पाठ 1 सूरज
व्याकरण हमारी भाषा
कविता वाचन , भाषा ज्ञान , विलोम शब्द वचन नए शब्द , शब्द अर्थ , प्रश्न -उत्तर सूरज और चाँद का चित्र चिपकाकर दिन और रात में होने वाले कार्यों को चित्र की सहायता से दर्शाएँ । कविता याद करें । प्रश्न उत्तर याद करें । सूरज का चित्र रंगीन कागज़ से बनाइए ।
MATHEMATICS Bridge course,L1 Number and Numeration Revising 1-digit,2-digit numbers,ascending and descending order,number names of 2-digit numbers,3-digit numbers,reading and writing of 3-digit numbers Forming 3 digit numbers with number cards under given set of conditions and forming 3-digit numbers with clay and tooth pics Collect Ny 2 bills from the grocery shop which is in 3-digit,read the number and write its number name
EVS ch:1My Self,Ch:2Human Body Bridge Course:Air, Water, Food and Clothes.
Ch:1 My Self
Ch:2 Human Body
* Internal organs
* External organs
Practice live work sheet on human Body.
* Draw a flower with 6 petals and Paste your Photograph on flower and write about yourselves.
*Clay model of different sense Organs
COMPUTER SCIENCE Ch 1: Computer at various places
  • * What is a computer
  • * Types of computers
  • * Uses of computer
Discuss the different types of computer and their purpose. Ask a student what are importance of 5G computer in today's era. Paste the pictures of different places where computers are used. Students are told to identify and write a line for what purpose the computers are used at these places.
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH Literature - L2 My sweet Home
Poem - He is called Dad
Grammar - L2 Nouns (Naming Words)
L-7 Making Sentences
Writing Skills - Sequencing of Story
Identification of nouns, sentence formation, correct sequecing of a story, word meanings, make sentence, reference to context, Question and Answers Noun game - name,place, animal and thing Paste picture of your father and write five lines about it Observe and draw nouns in the surronding and mention their type. Make family member finger puppet (speak about your family)
HINDI पाठ 2 मीठू और कौरा
व्याकरण : संयुक्त व्यंजन
पाठ वाचन , भाषा ज्ञान , मौखिक प्रश्न , मूल्यपरक प्रश्न नए शब्द , शब्द -अर्थ , एक अनेक
विद्यालय परिसर की सैर करवाते हुए विभिन्न वृक्षों ( आम , पीपल, काजू आदि ) से अवगत करवाना । तोते का चित्र बनाकर रंग भरिए ।
MATHEMATICS Chapter1 :Number and Numeration continuition,Chapter 2:Addition Comparision of numbers,Even and odd numbers,ordinal numbers,Adding 2-digit numbers(by regrouping),Adding 3-digit numbers by regrouping Text book exercises,Math lab activity with abacus,beads and dice.Activity using 10x10 number grid chart to perform addition Addition of 3-digit numbers on the grocery bills,cloth bills etc
EVS CH3:MY FAMILY,CH4:THE FOOD WE EAT Importance of family,
* Types of families,*Relationships in family,
* Importance of food,
* Types of food groups,
* Sources of food,
* Healthy eating habits
Text book exercises,class work notes,class test,live work sheets Community lunch,family tree with hand print
COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer at Various Places
    Uses of computer
  • • Computers in School
  • • Computers in Bank
  • • Computers in Home
  • • Computers at Railway station
  • • Computers in Hospital
  • • Computers in Entertainment
Students are told to identify and write a line for what purpose the computers are used in different places Paste the pictures of different places where computers are used.
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH Literature L-3 Be kind to Animals Poem : A Motherless soft Lambkin Grammar
L-3 Noun : Singular and Plural
L-4 Noun : Masculine and feminine
Writing skills : Guided Paragraph Writing
New Words, Word Meanings, Text book exercises, Question and Answers Nouns - Gender - examples Nouns - Singular and Plural, examples and usage. Paragraph Completion with the help of clue/help words. Make a sheep with cotton/waste material. Make a butterfly, where one wing has masculine gender and the other wing has the corresponding feminine gender. Collect the names of different masculine and feminie genders that you see around yourself and also write them in your native tongue. Draw different types of insects and animals using vegetable print
HINDI पाठ 3 खिलौनों की सभा
पाठ 4 इब्नबतूता
पाठ वाचन , कविता वाचन ,
सामान अर्थ वाले शब्द , खाली जगह भरिए
नए शब्द , शब्द अर्थ , प्रश्न उत्तर पिट्ठू , शतरंज और लूडो का केल खेलवाया जाएगा ।
कविता याद करिए ।
हमारे मददगारों के चित्र चिपकाइए ।
MATHEMATICS Subtraction Multiplication Subtracting by backward counting Subtracting 2-digit numberswithout borrowing Subtracting 2-digit numbers with borrowing Subtracting 3-digit numbers Word problems Multiplication on the number line Multiplying 2-digit by 1-digit number. Preparing a magic square of order 2x2 and find the difference along the columns,rows and diagonals Tables of 1 digit numbers2,3,4,&5 using bindis Exercise problems and worksheets
EVS 5. Clothes we wear
18. Earth and its neighbours.
  • * Importance of clothes
  • * Clothes for different seasons
  • * Special clothes,Costume,Uniforms
  • * More uses of cloth
  • * Heavenly Bodies
  • * Solar system,planets,Sun,Earth,Moon
  • Exercises in the text book,Class work will be given,Jumble words worksheet
  • * Answer the following questions
  • * Give one word answer
  • * Give two examples
  • * Draw, colour and label
  • Stick different types of fabric pieces on an A4 size sheet and name them.
  • * Create your design on an A4 size sheet using vegetable print.
  • Art integrated activity of Ladakh :
  • * Paste the pictures of famous food items and traditional costumes of the state Ladakh.
  • * Make a model of the Solar system and Show the phases of Moon using Oreo biscuits
    Input Devices
  • • Joystick
  • • Microphone
  • • Scanner
  • Output Device
  • • Monitor
  • • Printer
  • • Speakers
  • Storage Devices
  • • Hard Disk
  • • CD-ROM
  • • DVD
Students will be shown the different type of Input devices,Output devices and storage devices in the Lab. Paste the pictures of I/O devices, Storage devices and write one line about each device.
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH Literature
L-4 The Story of a tree
Poem - The White Window Language
L-5 Pronouns
L-9 Articles (A,An,The)
Writing Skills
Story writing with the help of given hints
New Words, Word Meanings, Text book exercises, Question and Answers Pronouns - Identification,Usgae Articles - Usgae , examples Story writing with the help of help box/clues given Mind Map on trees Describe how you celebrated Raksha Bandahan with the help of pronouns. Show flash cards of animal,place or thing to students asking students to identify the article that will be used. Draw and colour a picture of a garden with many trees. Give a name to your garden and and put the picture on the class display board. Phases of the moon using biscuits.
HINDI पाठ 5 गटरू गधा
पाठ 6 पायल का साहस
पाठ 7 बादल
व्याकरण : पाठ 6 नाम शब्द
पाठ वाचन , भाषा ज्ञान , मूल्यपरक प्रश्न समान अर्थ वाले शब्द , विलोम शब्द नए शब्द , प्रश्न उत्तर , वाक्य प्रयोग बिजली की चीज़ें छूने से पहले किन - किन बातों का ध्यान रखना है ? गतिविधि के माध्यम से समझाया जाएगा । कागज़ की नाव बनाइए । बिजली से चलने वाली पाँच चीज़ों के चित्र चिपकाइए ।
MATHEMATICS Ch-4 Multiplication
Ch-5 Division
Multiplication on number line
Multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit number
Word problems
Division on the number line
Relation between Multiplication and division
Long division
Word porblems
Multiplication tables using Bindis. Group activity:Arranging the numbers according to multiplication facts with color balls. Sharing Objects equally in plastic bowls Textbook Exercises Worksheets Multiplication chart
EVS 6. We Need Shelter.
7. Safety and First Aid
8. Neighbourhood services.
Importance of shrlter,first aid, neighborhood services*types of housesand neighborhood services, Make a model of any one kind of house you find in different states of India using materials like sticks, grass, cardboard etc. (Choose any one) Make a First Aid box with the necessary items in it.Text book exercises, work sheets
COMPUTER SCIENCE Fun with Tux Paint Using Toolbar
  • * Paint tool
  • * Shape tool
  • * Eraser tool
  • * Magic tool
  • * Stamp tool
  • * Fill button
  • * Text tool
  • * Slide show
Demonstration of Tux Paint and familiarize the students with its different tools. Draw different pictures in Tux Paint using different shapes tools, Paint tools, Stamp tool and Magic tool and save it.
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH Grammar L-12 Verbs(doing words) Writing skills Paragraph writing with the help of words given on the topics like a park, a tree, or a swimming pool Verbs - Identification, usage Paragraph writing with the help of clues. Using flash cards to identify the different doing words Textbook exercises, practice worksheets Make a timetable of your daily routine using different doing words. Doing words - picture collage
HINDI पुनरावृत्ति - पेन -पेपर टेस्ट 2 नाम की जगह - सर्वनाम खाली जगह भरिए , प्रश्न -उत्तर , शब्द अर्थ , सही और गलत सर्वनाम कार्य पत्रिका , पुनरावृत्ति ( अभ्यास कार्य ) प्रश्न उत्तर याद करिए । पाठ 8 पढ़िए और सर्वनाम शब्द छाँटकर लिखिए
MATHEMATICS Revision For Pen and paper Test-II Topics: L-1,L-2,L-3,L-4,L-10,L-13 L-5 Division
  • 1) Making equal groups
  • 2)Repeated subtraction
  • 3)Division on the number line
  • 4)Long division
  • 5)Word problems
Exercises given in the text book Worksheets will be provided Classwork will be given Word problems Individual activity: Rajma activty: Students are asked to bring Rajma to show division as repeated subtraction.
EVS REVISON FOR HALF-YEARLY EXAMINATION Chapter-9 FESTIVALS -DAYS TO CELEBRATE *Importance of Festivals,types of festivals Exercises in the text book,Class work will be given,Jumble words worksheet * Answer the following questions * Give one word answer *Give two examples Children will be asked to dress up and take photos or walk down a "catwalk" and discuss the significance of traditional clothing during festivals
  • ● Starting Word program
  • ● Word Window
  • ● Working with Word
  • ● Entering text using keyboard
  • ● Selecting text
  • ● Bold, Italic and Underline text
  • ● Changing Font style
  • ● Changing Font size
  • ● Changing Font color
  • ● Saving document
Open MS word, create a new document and type thefollowing story:
“Thirsty Crow”
Once there was a crow. He was very thirsty. He found a pot with little water in it.
He got an idea. He put pebbles in the pot. Water rose up. He drank the water and flew away.
Perform the following tasks: a. Save a document with your name.
b. Make the Heading BOLD and ITALIC.
c. Save the document again and close the document.
d. Open the same document
Revision of previous lesson

SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH Bridge Course:
Words, Sentences, Nouns Literature - Lesson 1 : I Don’t have a Flower
- Poem : My Family Grammar
Chapter 1 : Common Nouns.
Chapter 2 : Proper Nouns Writing Skills: Paragraph writing
Nouns -Identification and Kinds , Suffixes, Word meanings, Make sentences, Reference to the context, Question and Answers. • Walk around the school garden and observe the flowers.
• Reading and then narrating the story.
• Common noun and proper noun sorting
* Paste photograph of your family in the classwork and write your own poem about your family.
* Make flowers using the colourful papers.
HINDI सेतु कार्य पाठ 1 उपवन के फूल व्याकरण हमारी भाषा कविता वाचन , भाषा ज्ञान ,पर्यायवाची , तुकवाले शब्द नए शब्द , शब्द अर्थ प्रश्न उत्तर रंगीन कागज़ से फूल बनाकर अपना उपवन बनाइए ।
MATHEMATICS Ch-1: Number and Numeration. * Four digit numbers
*Numbers on the Abacus
* Place value and face value
*Expanded form and short form
* Successor and predecessor
*Comparison of numbers
*Order of numbers
*Formation of greatest and smallest number
* Using number cards find the greatest and smallest 4-digit numbers using different digits. Write any five four-digit vehicle number and write it's number names
EVS Ch-1: My Family
Ch-2: Plants Around Us
  • *Families and their types
  • *Family members, values, and habits
  • *Hereditary features
  • *Old and physically challenged people.
  • *Types of plants
  • * Uses of plants
  • *New plants grown in India.
  • * Tick the correct answer, New words, Give a one-word answer, Differentiate between, True or false,Define the following, Question and answers.
  • * To make a family tree showing family members of three generations.
  • * To draw and label parts of a plant.
  • * To stick pictures of types of plants.
  • * To find out and draw any two exotic fruits/ vegetable found in your city.
  • * To complete the given web chart of your family.
  • * Interview your paternal and maternal grandparents and write about where they were born, likes and dislikes, education etc
COMPUTER SCIENCE Ch.1: Computer and its Components
  • • Computer System
  • • Computer and its working
  • • Characteristics of Computer
  • • Hardware
  • • System Unit
  • • Input Devices
  • • Processing Device
Visit the computer lab and find the names of different software that are installed on the computer. Open Ms Word and type the names of three:
1.Input devices
2.Output devices
And write one sentence for each device
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH Literature: - Lesson 2 : The Story of the Aeroplane - Poem : Evening
Grammar Chapter 3 : Countable Vs uncountable nouns
Chapter 4: Nouns
Singular and Plural
Writing Skills : Completing the story.
* Word meanings, Make sentences,
Reference to the context, Question and Answers.
* Nouns -Exercices of Countable and Uncountable & Singular and Plural nouns.
*Draw and colour an evening picture.
*Singular Plural crossword puzzle.
* Make a craft stick Aeroplane.
* Collect pictures of five countable and uncountable nouns and make a tiny flip book.
HINDI पाठ 2 रूपा डरी नहीं पाठ 3 तीन गुड़ियाँ व्याकरण : नाम शब्द ( संज्ञा , लिंग , वचन ) पाठ वाचन , भाषा ज्ञान , मूल्यपरक प्रश्न , किसने किससे कहा नए शब्द , शब्द -अर्थ प्रश्न उत्तर
नाटक का अभिनय , बीरबल की अन्य कहानियाँ पढ़कर कक्षा में सुनाइए।
MATHEMATICS chap-2 Roman Numerals. Chap-3 Addition Roman Numerals,Rules for writing Roman Numerals,Use of Roman Numerals. Addition by breaking the numbers, addition without regrouping and regrouping,word problems, estimating the sum, framing word problems Diagnostic Test on Roman Numerals and Addition Sum of 3-digit numbers using thermocol balls on abacus Formation of Roman numbers using straws or sticks
EVS 1. Revision of the topics My family Plants around us
2. Leaves in our lives
3. Animals Around Us
1. *Families and their types
*Hereditary features
*Physically challenged people
*Types of plants
*Uses of plants
2. Parts and function of leaves
* Types of leaves
*Uses of leaves
3. Types of animals based on the food they eat
*Types of animals on the basis of their shelter
*Taking care of our pets
* Unwanted animals in our houses.
Revision: Oral quiz and live worksheets
Question answers
Difference between joint and nuclear family.
Give one word answers
Give two examples
Write the functions of Draw colour and label parts of a plant.
Draw , colour and label Parts of a leaf.
Define the following
Difference between omnivore and herbivore
*Collect leaves of different shapes in sizes, paste them on color sheets.
*Tree plantation
*Album making - Project on animals found in Ladakh
COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer and its Components
  • • Central Processing Unit
  • • Output Devices
  • • Storage Devices
  • • Software
  • • System Software
  • • Operating System
  • • Application Software
Visit the computer lab and find the names of different hardware and write their uses. Open Ms Word and type the names of three Storage devices and write one sentence for each device
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH "Literature
- Lesson 3 : Save Water - Save the World
- Poem : Ferry Me Across the Water
Chapter 5 Gender
Chapter 6 Possessive nouns.
Writing Skills:
Message Writing
  • * New words, Meanings, Make sentenes, Answer the following questions.
  • * Gender - Examples
  • * Possessive Nouns - Examples & Usage.
Gender and Possessive nouns quiz. Make a poster and write three slogans on save water.
Origami paper boat.
  • पाठ -4 समय का मोल
  • पाठ-5 राजेंद्र बाबू
  • व्याकरण
  • पाठ-4 नाम की जगह सर्वनाम
  • पाठ-5 कैसा या कितना –विशेषण
कविता वाचन , पाठ वाचन , भाषा ज्ञान , समानार्थक शब्द , अनेकार्थक शब्द वचन बदलो नए शब्द , शब्द -अर्थ , प्रश्न उत्तर अपनी दिनचर्या का चार्ट बनाइए । हमारे देश के प्रथम ,वर्तमान प्रधानमंत्री और राष्ट्रपति का चित्र चिपकाकर उनके नाम हिन्दी में लिखिए ।
MATHEMATICS Chap 4: Subtraction Chap 5: Multiplication
  • * Subtraction of 4- digit numbers
  • * Subtraction facts
  • * word problems
  • * Multiplication
  • * properties of multiplication
  • * word problems
  • * Lattice multiplication
  • * Stick activity using multiplication
  • * Multiplication using rajma beans
Multiplication using rajma beans
  • 5. Birds-Our Feather Friends
  • 6. The Work Around Us
  • 7. The Food We Eat
  • * Common birds around us
  • * Body parts of a bird
  • * Types of feathers, beaks, and claws.
  • * the importance of occupation
  • * Different occupation
  • * Leisure time activities
  • * Games
  • * Child labour
  • * Importance of food
  • * Types of food, food habits
  • * Importance of roughage, water, and a balance diet.
  • * Jumble words worksheet
  • * Answer the following questions
  • * Give one word answer
  • * Give two examples
  • * Grid activity
  • * Draw, colour and label
  • * Knowing famous personalities with their occupation
  • * Make a bird feeder/ bird bath with waste water bottles or bowls.
  • * Making a Thank you card for community helpers. (group D)
  • * Draw or paste pictures of your favourite food
  • items in an empty plate.
  • * Community lunch
COMPUTER SCIENCE Windows Operating System
    Operating System
  • • Function of an Operating System
  • . Controlling Hardware
  • . Booting
  • User Interface
  • • Control Line Interface
  • • Graphical User Interface
  • Shutting Down the Computer
  • • Restarting the Computer
Open the computer and identify the various components present on the desktop. Do the following task
  • a. Start the computer
  • b. Restart the computer
  • c. Shut down the computer
Write the steps to shutdown the computer in A4 sheet
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH Literature:
- Lesson 4 : A Journey in Space
- Poem : Upside Down
Grammar: Chapter 7: Collective Nouns
Writing Skills:
Informal letter writing.
* New words, Meanings, Make sentenes, Answer the following questions. *Collective Nouns - Examples & Usage. • Visit to planetarium.
• Speak about an astronaut
• Making a model of spaceship
• Matching puzzle of collective nouns.
HINDI पाठ 6 दूध का रंग पाठ 7 डामन और पिथियस व्याकरण : करना या होना - क्रिया पाठ वाचन . , पाठ बोध , भाषा ज्ञान , मूल्यपरक प्रश्न , विलोम शब्द कृष्ण और सुदामा की कहानी सुनाना । नए शब्द , शब्द - अर्थ प्रश्न उत्तर पाठ में से क्रिया शब्द छाँटकर लिखिए। कहानी का मंचन दूध से बनने वाली चीज़ों की सूची बनाइए ।
MATHEMATICS Chap 6: Division Chap 7: Fraction Chap 5: Division : Terms associated with division , relation between multiplication and division, division facts, division by 2- digit,3-digit by 1-digit number, division by 10, word problems, framing word problems,Chap 7: Fractions: More on fraction, Numerator and Denominator,parts of collection, like and unlike fraction, equivalent fractions, comparison of fractions, ascending and descending order of fractions * Fraction flower using origami paper
* Division using Rajma beans
Few sums from Exercise-6.1 to 6.9 and Exercise - 7.1 to 7.6
EVS Ch- 7 The food we eat ( continue). Ch- 8 Cooking food. * Revision for half yearly Examination
  • * Balanced diet.
  • * Food from plants and animals
  • * Raw and cooked food.
  • * Ways of cooking food
  • * vessels used in cooking
  • * Cultural diversity in food
* My favourite dinner plate.- Draw , Colour and name your favourite food items for your different
* Prepare a yummy banana salad.
* Community lunch with traditional dishes.
* Complete the exercise on page number 58.
* Learn and write the Hindi names and English names of four Indian spices used in our kitchen.
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH Literature Lesson 6 : World Animal Day Grammar Chapter 9 : Pronouns Writing Skills: Notice Writing * New words, Meanings, Make sentenes, Answer the following questions. *Pronouns - Examples & Usage. • Watching the PPT on endangered Animals. • Speak about your favourite animal. • Collect the picture of any two endangered animals and paste them in your note-book.
HINDI पुनरावृत्ति - अर्धवार्षिक परीक्षा के लिए व्याकरण : विराम चिह्न प्रश्न उत्तर, सही गलत, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम कार्य पत्रिका , पुनरावृत्ति ( अभ्यास कार्य ) पूर्णविराम , अल्पविराम , प्रश्नसूचक अर्धवार्षिक परीक्षा का पाठ्यक्रम का अभ्यास करिए । पाठ 9 में आए विराम चिह्नों का नाम लिखिए ।
MATHEMATICS Revision for Half yearly Chap7: Fraction Portion for Halfyearly exam : Chapter 1 to Chapter 6 Chap7: Fraction , like and unlike fraction, equivalent fractions, comparison of fractions Draw a.bird using different shapes and colour it.Write the number of shapes used in Roman numbers.: Fraction : To show equivalent fractions using paper strips
EVS 1. Revision of Half yearly
2. Houses we live in
  • * Revision- CHAPTER 1-8
  • * Importance of houses
  • * Different Types of houses
  • * Some Unusual houses
Draw or paste youe house in an A4 size sheet. To make two dustbins- blue and green - Classify things as decomposable waste and non decomposable wastes. Model making- house
COMPUTER SCIENCE Word Processor (MS Word 2016)
  • · Word Processor
  • · Things we can do with Word Processor
  • · Type of Word Processors
  • · Microsoft Word
  • · Starting Word 2016
  • · The Word Window
  • · Creating New Document
  • · Entering Text
  • · Selecting text in a Document
  • · Formatting Text
  • · Changing Font/Color/Size of the Text
  • · Making the Text Bold, Italic or Underline
  • · Changing Alignment of Text
  • · Saving a Document
  • Open MS word, create a new document and type a story from English text book.
  • 1. Perform the following tasks:
  • a. Save a document with your name.
  • b. Set the heading font size as 18 points and color Green.
  • c. Make the Heading BOLD and ITALIC.
  • d. Save the document again and close the document.
  • e. Open the same document.

SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH Literature- The giving tree. Poem - Where go the boat? Grammar- Nouns and Gender Tick the correct answer, Word meanings, Make sentences, Reference to the context, Fill in the blanks,Question and Answers.Grammer :Identification and useage of different types on noun(countable and uncountable nouns) (Singular and plural nouns),meaninf of gender and its types * Find out about the trees that grow in your neighbourhood and make a scrap book on the same. State the name of the tree along the picture, write its special uses if any.
* Speaking Skills- Learners will speak on the conservation of trees and the need for it.
* Fold a sheet of paper using the Origami method of paper folding to create a ship / boat and stick it in your note book. (art integration).
* Finger puppets (gender)
HINDI "सेतु कार्य " पाठ 1 भारत के बच्चे पाठ 2 ईदगाह व्याकरण 1. भाषा, लिपि और व्याकरण 2. वर्णमाला 1. कविता वाचन
2. भाषा ज्ञान
3. प्रश्न उत्तर
4. शब्दार्थ
5. व्याकरणिक ज्ञान
6. पाठ के आधार पर कहानी मंचन
1. वर्णमाला लिखना
2 प्रत्येक स्वर के अनुसार शब्द रचना
3. मौखिक एवं लिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर देना
4. कविता को याद करना
5. कहानी का मंचन करना
1. स्वर के अनुसार चित्र बनाना, सभी व्यजनों को चार्ट पर लिखकर कक्षा में लगाना|
2. कविता को याद करना
3. हमारे देश के वीर सेनानियो के चित्र चिपका कर उनके बारे में लिखना
MATHEMATICS L1 Numbers and Number system • Introducing 5-digi digit numbers
• Reading and writing of 5-digit numbers, expanded form, place value and face value.
• Introducing 6-digit numbers.
• Reading and writing of 6-digit numbers, expanded form, place value and face value.
• International place value system – Ones and thousands period.
• Ordering of large numbers.
• Rounding off a number.
* Diagnostic test
* Formation of Numbers using number cards
* Demonstration using number cards
* Paste any 2 bills which shows the amount in 4 or 5digits. Write the amount in words.
* Refer a newspaper and write any 5 sentences where the rounding off numbers are used
EVS L-1 Family and Relation
L-2 Inside Our Body
Ch-2: Plants Around Us
  • • Family and types of families
  • • Relationship in the family.
  • • Maternal and paternal relations
  • • Changes in families
  • • Family values.
  • • Our body an amazing machine.
  • • Organisation of our body.
  • • Important organ system of our body.
  • • Functions of – skeleton, kidney, heart etc.
  • • New words
  • • Text book exercises
  • • Role play
  • • Drawing of
  • a.Animals which lay eggs
  • b.Animals which give birth to young ones
  • c. Organs and organ systems
  • • Make a Family Tree with the name of grandparents.
  • • Make a flow chart-addition to families
  • • Model of internal organs using clay/Stethoscope
COMPUTER SCIENCE Ch 1:Computer -Inside the System Unit
  • • System Unit
  • • Components inside the system Unit
  • • Motherboard
  • • CPU
  • • Functions of CPU
  • • Speed of CPU
  • • Parts of CPU
  • • Control Unit
  • • Arithmetic and Logic Unit
  • • RAM (Random Access Memory)
Students will be shown the different types of ports available at the back of System Unit. Draw different types of ports available at the back of System Unit in A4 sheet and label it.
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH English Reader
Lsn 2: Goa- a tourist’s paradise
Lsn 3: Elias
Grammar: Lsn 5: Adjectives Writing Skills- Story writing
Types of Adjectives , Forming Adjectives ,Degrees of comparision ,Word meanings, Make sentences, Reference to the context, Question and Answers. * Write five –six sentences about Goa and identify Nouns and their types.
* Make a popcorn bucket of Adjectives.
*Prepare a PPT of different places of interest in Goa.
* Make a thank you card for your parents saying how much you love them and how grateful you are for all that they do for you.
HINDI 1. इकाई परीक्षा
पाठ 3 - स्वामी विवेकानंद
पाठ 4- प्रकृति की सुषमा व्याकरण-
पाठ -3 संज्ञा,लिंग और वचन
इकाई परीक्षा हेलु पुनरावृति कार्य
* भाषा ज्ञान
* प्रश्न उत्तर
* शब्दार्थ
* व्याकरणिक ज्ञान
* पाठ के आधार पर कहानी मंचन
* कविता का पाठ सबके साथ में करना
* कार्य पत्रिका का अभ्यास
* प्रत्येक स्वर के अनुसार शब्द रचना
* मौखिक एवं लिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर देना
* कहानी का मंचन करना
* कार्य पत्रिका का अभ्यास
* स्वानी विवेकानंद के अमूल्य वचनों को सुन्दर कार्ड पर लिखकर कक्षा में लगाए ।
* कविता को समझ कर याद करना ।
MATHEMATICS Chapter 2 Roman Numerals
Revision : Drilling of questions from the Chapter 1' Number and Numeration'.
Chapter 3: Addition
* History of Roman numerals
* Symbols used in Roman Numerals
* Roman numerals up to 100
* Conversion of Hindu Arabic numerals to Roman numerasls and vice versa
* Exercises given in text book.
* Drilling of the sums done in chapter 1.
* Addition facts
* Properties of additon
* Addition of 5 to 6 digit numbers with/without borrowing
* Word problems
* Toss a dice , create the smaller and the larger 2 digit numbers and write the number formed in roman numerals
* ‘Addition Scavenger Hunt’ ( a set of sums will be kept. Each group will perform the sum correctly and then move to the next set of questions) This activity will be performed in groups of 4. The group which does the highest number of correct answers wins the game.
* Problems given in the text book.
* Patterns using Roman numerals upto 30 ( An art integrated project)
* Prepare magic square of order 3x3 and find the sum along the columns, rows and diagonals.
COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer -Inside the System Unit
  • • Disk drives
  • • Hard Disk Drives
  • • CD-ROM/DVD Disc Drive
  • • Blu-ray Disc Drive
  • • SMPS (Switch Mode Power supply)
  • • Adepter Card
  • • Ports
  • • USB Port
  • • Display port
  • • Power port
  • • Audio port
  • • Network] port
  • • Monitor port
  • • Speaker port
  • • HDMI port
Students will be shown the different types of components inside the System unit.ex:- Motherboard, SMPS,RAM,CPU, Hard disk Draw /paste different types of different types of components inside the System unit ex Motherboard,SMPS,RAM,CPU, Hard disk in A4 sheet and write their functions.
SESSION (2024-25)
EVS L-3 We Can Sense
L-4 Fun and Recreation
• Sense organs and their functions.
• Taking care of sense organs.
• Good and bad touch.
• Special people.
• Importance of recreation in life.
• Types of games.
• Fair play and team spirit.
• Various means of recreation and their importance.
New words, Textbook exercise- Tick the correct answer, Fill in the blanks,Give reasons Question answers
* Role Play – On sense organs.
* Playing outdoor and indoor games in school.
* Draw and colour the different types of balls used in various games.
* Writing name using Braille script.
*Collect information about any two special people(Indian) and their achievements.
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH "Literature
- Lesson 4 : The King and the Fiery Dragon
- Poem : The Noble Nature

Chapter:2 : Pronoun
Chapter Subject Verb Agreement .
Writing Skills:
Notice Writing
*Singular and Plural nouns* Identification and usage of different types of pronouns Personal pronouns and its types *Subject pronouns » Object pronouns Possessive pronouns * Demonstrative pronouns * Reflexive pronouns * Interrogative pronouns* New words, Word Meanings, Make sentenes, Answer the following questions. * New words, Word Meanings, Make sentenes, Answer the following questions. *Colour the dragon *Follow the steps and make a finger tree. Speak and express- Pg 58 . Look at the picture and speak on the ways we can adopt to ensure we spend time with our grandparents. *Watch the movie “How I trained my dragon” and narrate the story in your own words. *Visit the herbal garden in your school and working in groups depict on a chart what you saw there
  • पाठ्य पुस्तक
  • 1. पाठ- 5 हमारा तिरगा झंडा
  • 2. पाठ- 6 एवरेस्ट के साथ मेरी भेट
  • व्याकरण
  • पाठ -3 संज्ञा, लिंग, वचन
  • पाठ - 4 सर्वनाम
  • औपचारिक/ अनौपचारिक पत्र
*नए शब्द, *शब्दार्थ, र के विभिन्न रूपो का अभ्यास, * पर्यायवाची शब्द, * विलोम शब्द, * वचन बदलो, * समानार्थक शब्द * विशेषण से भाववाचक संज्ञा बनाने का अभ्यास * प्रश्न - उत्तर ( मौखिक/ लिखित)
  • * कविता को हाव भाव के साथ कक्षा में पढ़ना व याद करना
  • * कहानी को अपने शब्दों में सुनाना,
  • * भारतीय तिरंगे के बारे में जानकारी देना
  • * भारत को आजादी कैसी मिली इसके वारे में जानकरी देना
  • * तिरंगे के तीनो रंगो के महत्व के बारे में लिखते हुए तिरंगा बनाना ।
  • * भारत में पहली बार एवरेस्ट की चोटी तक पहुंचने वाले पहले महिला व पुरुष के बारे में जानकारी इकट्ठा करना ।
  • Ch. 4 Subtraction
  • Ch. 5 Multiplication
  • * Terms in a subtraction
  • * Properties of subtraction
  • * Subtraction facts
  • * Subtraction without and with carry over of 6 digits numbers
  • * Word problems on subtraction
  • * Estimated difference
  • * Multiplication facts
  • * Properties of multiplication
  • * Multiplication by 3 digits numbers
  • * Word problems on multiplication
  • * Estimated products
  • * Introductory activity of multiplication: Short method using Vedic mathematics
  • * Easy way to write multiplication table up to 99.
  • * Find the product of 2 digit numbers using vedic mathematics
  • * Collect information about Srinivasa Ramanujan
  • and fill the missing numbers in the birtday magic square of Srinivasa Ramanujan
  • * Write tables of any 5 two digit numbers like table of 45, 67 86 etc
EVS L-5-The Work We Do
L-6 Food We Eat
  • ● Meaning of Occupation
  • ● Some workers around us
  • ● Dignity of labour
  • ● Gender & work
  • ● Different types of food groups
  • ● Journey of food.
  • ● Special food for special occasions.
  • ● Community meals.
  • ● Foreign influence on our food.
  • •New words
  • • Define
  • • Give two examples
  • • Name the workers
  • • Question answers
  • • Concept map
  • • Jumble words
  • • Thanksgiving cards for supportive staff in the school.
  • • Find out about one achievement of- Kalpana Chawla, Indira gandhi, Kiran Bedi and santosh Yadav
  • • Draw different food items
  • pasting food items in a Balanced diet pyramid.
  • • Balanced diet-Children will bring the nutritious food and share it in the class- Community Lunch
COMPUTER SCIENCE Windows-Customizing and Personalizing
  • • Starting Windows 10
  • • Configuring the start Menu
  • • Moving a File
  • • Resizing the Tile
  • • Adding or Pinning an App to the Start Menu
  • • Multiple Desktop
  • • Changing a Desktop Background
  • Changing Lock Screen Background
Switch On the Computer and do the following
  • a. Changing desktop Background
  • b. Setting the screen saver
  • c. Adding Gadget on the Desktop
  • d. Removing Gadget from the Desktop
  • e. Adding or Pinning an App to the Start Menu
Save your picture to your computer, and set the image as your desktop background
SESSION (2024-25)
ENGLISH LITERATURE Lsn 5 : The distingueshed stranger Lsn :6 The Selfish giant GRAMMAR Verbs The present tense WRITING SKILLS : Paragraph writing new words, word meaning ,frame sentences ,Referance to the context .qustion answer ,fill in the blanks ,tick the correct answer ,think and answer,fill in the missing letters Identification and usage of infinitives & participle forms Presentense ,its types and their usage. The simple presenr tense, present continous tense,present perfect tense and the present perfect continuous tense . ● New words
● Give two examples
● Give reasons
● Answer the following
● Map work
On a A4 size paper paste the picture of any three philosophers of India and five sentences on each one of them. Draw a garden and using pencil shavings create flowers and use smiley in the center and colour the picture'
HINDI पाठ्य पुस्तक
1. पाठ- 7 चींटी और कबूतर
2. पाठ- 8 कबड्ड़ी का खेल
पाठ -5 विशेषण
पाठ - 6 क्रिया
अनुच्छेद लेखन
औपचारिक/ अनौपचारिक पत्र
चित्र वर्णन
*नए शब्द, *शब्दार्थ, र के विभिन्न रूपो का अभ्यास, * पर्यायवाची शब्द, * विलोम शब्द, * वचन बदलो, * समानार्थक शब्द * विशेषण से भाववाचक संज्ञा बनाने का अभ्यास * प्रश्न - उत्तर ( मौखिक/ लिखित) * पाठ को सही उच्चारण के साथ कक्षा में पढ़ना ।
*कहानी को अपने शब्दों में सुनाना,
* कबड्ड़ी के खेल के बारे में जानकारी देना
* चींटी और कबूतर की कहानी का मंचन करना
* चिड़िया घर में देखे जाने वाले जानवरों के बारे में वार्तालाप करना।
* कबड्ड़ी खेल के प्रमुख खिलाड़ियों के बारे में जानकारी इकट्ठा करना ।
MATHEMATICS Lesson 6 Division
Lesson 7 Factors and Multiples
* Division facts
* Properties of division
* Division by 2 digit/3digit numbers
* Word problems on division
* Estimated quotient
* DMAS ( Order of operations )
* Factors
* Properties of factors
* Prime and composite numbers
* Erathosthenes method tofind prime numbers 1 to100
* Common factors
* Multiples
* Properties of multiples
* Common multiples
* Division as repeated subtraction
* Cross word puzzle using all basic operations
* Erathosethenes method to find prime and composite numbers from 1 to 100
* LCM using paper strips* Group activity to reinforce collaborative learning: If 3 students of various feet length start walking from the same point, after how many steps, do they step together again
* Finding factors using square/rectangular strips
EVS L-8 Animal Kingdom ●Different types of animals.
● Shy and friendly animals
● Shy and friendly animals
● Social animals and their behaviours
● Honey making in beehives
● Types of animal ears
● Shelter of animals.
● New words
● Define
● Give two examples
● Give reasons
● Answer the following questions
● Drawing of animal shelters
● Map work
● Find and write the names of wildlife sanctuaries found in Ladakh and name different species of animals found there.
● Complete the flow chart.
COMPUTER SCIENCE Word Editing and Formatting
  • ● Word
  • ● Inserting and Deleting text in Document
  • ● Spelling And Grammar Mistake
  • ● Using Thesaurus
  • ● Finding and Replacing Text
  • ● Changing Text Case
  • ● Bullets and Numbering
  • ● Drop Cap
  • ● Adding Shapes
  • ● Insert Graphics
  • ● Wrapping Text Around an Image
  • ● Inserting online Pictures
  • ● Adding WordArt
  • ● Printing a Documents
  • Type a paragraph on “Computer Language”
    and apply different types of text case.
    Insert Bullets and Numbering, Drop Cap,
    WordArt, Shapes, and Insert Graphics.
    • Write common shortcut keys for office suite(Word,Excel and PowerPoint)
    • *Ctrl +S-Save
    • *Ctrl +P-Print
    • * Ctrl +Z-Undo
    • * Ctrl +C-Copy
    • *Ctrl +I=Italic
    • * Ctrl +X-Cut
    • * Ctrl +V-Paste
    • * Ctrl +B-Bold
    • * Ctrl +A-Select all
    • * Ctrl +U-Underline
    • Note :-Refer Page no. 42 in Computer text book.
    SESSION (2024-25)
    HINDI 1.पुनरावृत्ति - अर्धवार्षिक परीक्षा के लिए
    2.व्याकरण : विराम चिह्न
    3. पाठ -9 कदंब का पेड़
    • 1.कार्य पत्रिका , पुनरावृत्ति ( अभ्यास कार्य )
    • 2. पूर्णविराम , अल्पविराम , प्रश्नसूचक
    • 3. पाठ - 9 पाठ का अभ्यास
    • 4. श्रुत लेख , प्रश्न - उत्तर
    • 1. परीक्षा का पाठ्यक्रम का अभ्यास करिए ।
    • 2. विराम चिह्नों को पहचान कर उनका अभ्यास।
    • 3. सुलेख , श्रुतलेख , प्रश्न उत्तर
    • 1. कार्य पत्रिका का अभ्यास
    • 2. पाठ का सुलेख
    • 3. प्रश्न अभ्यास
    • Chapter 8 Fractions
    • • Types of fractions
    • • Conversion of improper into mixed and vice-versa
    • • Addition and subtraction of unlike fraction
    • • Word problems on addition and subtraction of fractions
    • * Types of fractions
    • * Conversion of improper into mixed fractions and vice-versa
    • * Addition and subtraction of unlike fractions
    • * Word problems on addition and subtraction of fractions.
    • • Representation of mixed numbers
    • • Addition of fractions using colour papers
    • • Framing word problems on addition and subtraction of unlike fractions.
    • * Creating visual aids : students will make fractions circles or bars and colour to show the fractions
    • * Application : Frame word problems on fractions
    • * Students create a piece of artwork in a square//rectangle using different colored paper squares. Also calculate the fractions of each coloured square sheets.
    EVS L-10 Plant Kingdom
    • ● Parts of a plant
    • ● Flowers- parts of aflower, types of flowers and their uses
    • ● Whom do trees belong to?
    • ● People living in forests
    • ●Vana Mahotsav celebration in school .
    • ●New words
    • ● Define
    • ● Give two examples
    • ●Write one function of
    • ●Answer the following questions
    • ● Draw and label the parts of a flower .
    Sow a seeds of papaya, coriander or ragi in a pot. Observe and record the changes you see after one week, ten days and two weeks.
    • * Introduction to PowerPoint
    • * Starting PowerPoint
    • * PowerPoint Window
    • Different types of Tabs
    • * Title Bar
    • * File Tab
    • * Quick Access Tool Bar
    • * Ribbon Tab
    • * Scroll Bar
    • * Status Bar
    • *
    • Splitter Bar
    • * Notes Pane
    • * Text Placeholder
    • · Creating a Blank Presentation with Design Theme
    • · Adding a new slide to a presentation
    • · Formatting Presentation
    • · Running a Slide Show
    • · Saving a Slide Show
    • · Closing and Exiting MS PowerPoint
    • Open PowerPoint and do the following:
    • 1. Create a blank presentation
    • 2.Make the first Slide as title slide and enter your name.
    • 3.Add 3 to 4 slides.
    • 4. Write 4 lines about Corona Virus/Air pollution.
    • 5. Change Font, size, Alignment and Color of the text
    • 6. Inset a picture related to topic.
    • 7. Run the Slide Show (Shift + F5)
    • 8. Save the file and exit MS PowerPoint
    • Revision of previous lesson
    Label the various components of MS PowerPoint Window in A4 sheet

    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Literature- Tom whitewashes the fence
    Poem - Don't be afraid of the dark
    Grammar- Nouns, sentences
    Nouns -Identification and Kinds , Sentences- Types Splitting the sentence into subject and predicate Word meanings, Make sentences, Reference to the context, Question and Answers. Make a moon card usig a cartridge sheet and black crayons.Using strips of paper and words cut out from the newspapers frame sentences. Read any other book written by Mark Twain and write a book review
    HINDI "सेतु कार्य "
    पाठ 1 सुमन एक उपवन के
    पाठ 2 बापू की सीख
    व्याकरण 1. हमारी भाषा
    1. वर्णमाला लिखना
    2 प्रत्येक स्वर के अनुसार शब्द रचना
    3. मौखिक एवं लिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर देना
    4. कविता को याद करना
    5. कहानी का मंचन करना
    1. वर्णमाला लिखना
    2 प्रत्येक स्वर के अनुसार शब्द रचना
    3. मौखिक एवं लिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर देना
    4. कविता को याद करना
    5. कहानी का मंचन करना
    1. स्वर के अनुसार चित्र बनाना, सभी व्यजनों को चार्ट पर लिखकर कक्षा में लगाना|
    2. कविता को याद करना
    3. हमारे देश के विभिन्न धर्मों के प्रसिद्ध धर्म स्थलो के चित्र चिपकाकर उनके नाम लिखें|
    MATHEMATICS Bridge course, L no. 1. Number and Numeration Reinforcing the concept like number names, basic operations, geometrical figures and their properties. 7, 8, 9 digit numbers and numbernames, Indian system and International system of numeration, place value charts, expanded form, comparision,forming 7,8 and 9 digit numbers using given st of digits under set of conditions, Forming 5, 6 digits numbers, smallest 6 digit number and highest 6 digit numbers using flash cards, forming 7,8 and 9 numbers under given set of conditions usinf number cards. Collect 5 different large numbers from news papers with the statement. Collect 5 mobile numbers ( consider only last 9 digits) write their number names ,arrange in ascending and Descending order.)
    EVS Bridge course:
    L-1 The Changing Family L-2 Feeling Around
    • * Our Family
    • * Inside our Body
    • * Fun and recreation
    • * Food
    • * Living organisms
    • * Houses and Water L1:
    • * Family and Family tree
    • * Shifting from one place to another
    • * Impacts of migration
    • * Changing family structures L2:
    • * Likes and Dislikes
    • * Factors affecting our choices
    • * Sense organs
    • * Differently-abled people
    • * Some special people
    • *Group activity-Role Play, communication-using sign language
    • * Family tree Activity
    • * Braille script Activity
    • * New words
    • * Text book exercises
      *Paste a family photograph
    • * Collect pictures and information about struggle period of any five women achievers of India .
    • *Collect pictures and information about any five special people those whoare successful with their disabilities.
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Ch 1: Computer -History and Generations
    • * Early calculating devices
    • * Abacus
    • * Napier’s Bone
    • * Pascaline
    • * Leibniz Calculator
    • * Babbage’s Analytical Engine
    • * Tabulating Machine
    • * First Electro-Mechanical Computer
    • * First Electronic Computer
    • * ENIAC
    • * UNIVAC
    Open MS Word and type the fullform of:
    * ENIAC
    * UNIVAC
    * IBM
    * PC
    * AI
    * IC
    Paste the images of different calculating device write their name of inventors in A4 sheet.
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Literature- L3-A letter from a father to his daughter L4- My elder brother
    Grammar- Punctuation
    Writing skill-Dialogue Writing
    Punctuation - use of capital letters, commas, full stop etc
    Word meanings, Make sentences, Reference to the context, Question and Answers.
    Find out more about the author Ruskin Bond and his work- Prepare a fact file on an A4 size sheet using information Read the story Bade Bhai saheb written by Munshi Premchand Prepare a PPT on Leo Tostoy and his work.
    HINDI 1. इकाई परीक्षा-1
    पाठ 2 - भिक्षा पात्र
    पाठ 3- वाद्य यंत्रो की अनोखी दुनिया
    पाठ -3 शब्द रचना
    पाठ -4 संज्ञा
    इकाई परीक्षा हेतु पुनरावृति कार्य
    * भाषा ज्ञान
    * प्रश्न उत्तर
    * शब्दार्थ
    * व्याकरणिक ज्ञान
    * पाठ के आधार पर कहानी मंचन

    * कार्य पत्रिका का अभ्यास
    * गौतम बुद्ध की प्रेरक कहानियां कक्षा मे सुनना और सुनाना
    * वाद्य यंत्र का मॉडल बनवाया जाएगा ।
    MATHEMATICS L 2Roman Numerals, L 3.Addition and Subtraction, L4. Multiplication Rules for writing Roman numerals, Rules dor convering Roman Numerals.Properties of Addition and subtraction, adding 7-digit numbers with carryover, adding 8-digit numbers with carry over, word problems, Estimation, Subtracting 7 and 8 digit numbers with borrowing, word problems, estimation of in subtraction, relation between addition and subtraction, mixed operation problems, Properties of multiplication, multiply with 100, 1000 etc, multiplication of 5 and 6 digit numbers, word problems, estimation of product. Lab Activity: forming big Roman Numbers using Roman numerals blocks, solving puzzles using tooth pics, Lattice multiplication, multiplication using Abacus. Estimating the cost of arranging Birthday Party of ypur family member.
    EVS Chapter-3 Games
    Chapter-4 Dignity of labour
    *Differentiate between games and sports.
    * Outdoor and Indoor games
    *Individual and Team games
    *Team spirit,National team
    * People who help us essential services
    * Dignity of labour
    * Collect pictures & information of any five martial arts of India.
    *Collect information about the life and achievement of:
    1. Abraham Lincoln
    2.Nelson Mandela
    3. Martin Luther
    * Name6 olypic medal winners of our country.
    List five white collar jobs and blue collar jobs people and draw/paste their pictures.
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer -History and Generations *Personal Computers(PC)
    *Desktop computer
    * Laptop computer
    *Tablet PC
    *Types of computer generations
    * First generation computers
    * Second generation computers
    *Third generation computers
    *Fourth generation computers
    * Fifth generation computers
    Open MS Word and type two features and examples of each generation of computer. Draw the images of Vacuum Tube, Transistors, Integrated Circuits, Microprocessor and Robot in A4 sheet and write ,which generation used it ?
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Literature:5. A good play (poem) 6.The return of the lion Grammar: Pumctuation Pronouns Writing skills: Formal Letter writing Pronouns -Identification and Kinds , Punctuation- Usage and kinds Word meanings, Make sentences, Reference to the context, Question and Answers. Roleplay- To prepare and enact dialogues from the story Return of the lion. Recreate the scene and enact in class Write a leave letter on an A4 size sheet in the prescribed format and paste in the notebook. Paste a picture of Robert Louis Stevenson and write about his contribution to English literature
    • पाठ्य पुस्तक
    • पाठ - 4 एक बूँद
    • पाठ - 5 अब्राहम लिंकन
    • व्याकरण
    • पाठ - 5 लिंग वचन और कारक
    • पाठ - 6 सर्वनाम
    • औपचारिक और अनुपचारिक पत्र
    • अपत गद्यांश
    नए शब्द,शब्दार्थ, कि या की का प्रयोग, पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द, वचन बदलो, प्रश्न - उत्तर कविता गायन, कहानी को अपने शब्दों में सुनाना, जल चक्र के विषय में चर्चा करना जल चक्र को दर्शाते हुए चित्र बनाएँ किन्हीं तीन जरुरतमंद लोगों की मदद करते हुए चित्र खींचे और उनका कोलाज बनाएँ
    MATHEMATICS 4.Multiplication 5. Division Properties of Multiplication, multiplication without regrouping, Multiplication with regrouping, word problems, formation of word problems, Estimation of product, Properties of Division, Dividing with 3 digit numbers, relation between Multiplication and division, checking the answer, word problems on division , framing word problems on division, estimation. Estimating the cost of conducting a class party.Finding the each one share, Multiplication and division using Vedic method.< /td> Sums from Exercises, work sheets.
    EVS Chapter-5 Blow Hot, Blow Cold
    Chapter-6 About Animals
    • Chapter-5
    • * Process of Breathing
    • * Breathing speed,breathing hot and cold
    • * Good breathing habits
    • Chapter-6
    • * Senses in animalsand their importance
    • * Sense of smell,sight,sound,touch and taste in animals
    • * How animals can sleep and communicate
      * Activities- Yogic Exercises-Pranayama
      * Making a model of a stethoscope
      Collect information about the training Sniffer Dogs.Name the training academy or place where dogs are trained?What happened to these dogs when they become old?
    • * Draw and label the diagram of Respiratory system
    • * Draw and label a food chain on land and water .
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Windows-File Management
    • ● Creating a New File /Folder
    • ● Creating a Folder on the Desktop
    • ● Renaming a file/Folder
    • ● Copying or Moving a File /Folder
    • ● Deleting File/Folder
    • ● Restoring a Deleted File
    • ● Emptying the Recycle Bin
    • 1. Create a new folder on the desktop by your name.
    • 2. Copy the folder to “My Computer” folder
    • 3. Rename the folder which is in the “My Computer” folder
    • 4. Delete the folder from the desktop.
    • 5. Restore the folder from the recycle Bin
    *Write back excersice in notebook.
    *Draw diffrent types of file in A4 sheet
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Literature:7 The speaking trees 8.Trees are the kindest things. Grammar: Adjectives Comparison of adjectives Verbs Present Tense Writing skills: Process writing Word meanings, Make sentences, Reference to the context, Question and Answers. Adjectives -Identification and Kinds , Comparison of adjectives- Different degrees Verbs - Usage transitive and intransitive Present tense- Use of first form of the verb plus 's / 'es. Roleplay- To prepare and enact dialogues from the story The Speaking Trees Poster making- make a poster and write a slogan on the topic Save Earth. ( any 5) Trace the outline of your hand and make leaves by crumpling paper . Stick it on the tree Collage on different variteies flora and fauna found in Ladakh and Karnataka(any 5) Create an adjective tree
    HINDI पाठ -6 अपना स्थान स्वयं बनाएँ
    पाठ -7 क्रिकेट का खेल व्याकरण
    पाठ -7 विशेषण
    पाठ-8 सूरजकुंड मेला
    नए शब्द,शब्दार्थ, कि या की का प्रयोग, पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द, वचन बदलो, प्रश्न - उत्तर कहानी का नाट्य रूपांतरण करवाया जाएगा । क्रिकेट का मैच खेला जाएगा जीवन में सफल होने के लिए बड़े - बड़े खिलाड़ी किस प्रकार अनुशासित जीवन व्यतीत करते हैं जानकारी इकट्ठा करें ।
    MATHEMATICS Lesson no.5 Multiples and Factors Factors, Common factors, Multiples,Common multiples, facts about factors and multiples, prime and composite numbers, Even and odd numbers, divisibility rules, Factors flowers, Finding factors from 1 -100 grids, finding multiples from 1-100 grid Sums from the exercises ,work sheets on Factors and multiples.
    EVS Chapter-8 Forests and Tribal Life
    Chapter-9 About Plants
    Chapter 10-The journey of food
    *Importance Of forests
    * Types of forests
    Tribal's life and problems faced by them
    People's movements against deforestation
    *Plants make their own food
    *Some special Plants
    * different ways of reproduction
    * seed dispersal and their germination
    *Process of digestion of food
    *Tips of good digestion
    *Deficiency diseases
    * Collect information about the Narmada valley project.
    *Germinate beans,maize and mustard seeds in three different plates lined with moist cotton.Observe their stages of germination.
    *Make a chart of different deficiency diseases caused by the lack of nutrients.
    * Mark the different types of forest on a map of India.
    Draw the diagram of
    * Process of Photosynthesis
    * structure of a seed
    * seed germination
    Draw and label
    * The Human digestive system.
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Word-table and Mail Merge ● Features of Word
    ● Formatting Text
    ● Changing Paragraph Spacing
    ● Changing Tab Setting
    ● Inserting Table
    ● Deleting a table
    ● Adding Rows in a Table
    ● Adding a Column
    ● Deleting Row/Column
    ● Combining Cells in a Table
    ● Splitting Cell in a Table
    ● Superscript or Subscript Text
    ● Align the text
    Creating Mail Merge
    Create a time table for your class using Insert Table feature. Type a paragraph on “Computer Language” and apply different types of formats.
    Prepare a Birthday Invitation letter for 20 students with different names and addresses using Mail Merge
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Revision for the Half yearly exam Worksheets on the topics covered for the Half yearly exam Word meanings, Make sentences, Reference to the context, Question and Answers. The students will be asked questions in class to check their preparation for the exam and re- explanation of certain diffficult topics will be done. Students speak on the differences in the role of nurses in yester years and now Paste a picture of Florence Nightingale on an A4 size shet and write about her achievements. Students will be given worksheets to solve at home and answers will be discussed in class
    HINDI पुनरावृत्ति - अर्धवार्षिक परीक्षा के लिए व्याकरण : क्रिया प्रश्न उत्तर सही गलत संज्ञा सर्वनाम विशेषण प्रत्यय उपसर्ग शब्दकोश क्रम वाक्य को क्रमानुसार लिखें - कार्य पत्रिका पुनरावृत्ति ( अभ्यास कार्य ) मौखिक अभ्यास अर्धवार्षिक परीक्षा का पाठ्यक्रम का अभ्यास करिए । अपने दैनिक दिनचर्या में किए गए कार्यों में से किन्ही 10 क्रिया वाले शब्दों को चित्रों के माध्यम से दर्शाएं
    MATHEMATICS Revision forHalf yearly Examination, L 7. Fraction Revision forHalf yearly Examination, L 7. Fraction s, defination, Type of fractions, convertion of fractions, addition of fractions, subtractions, multiplication of fractions,Division of fractions, word problems Making a clay cake and cut into equal parts, Solving work sheets on basic operations of fraction
    EVS REVISON FOR HALF-YEARLY EXAMINATION Chapter-11 Food storage and Shortage REVISION-Chapter-1 to 10 *Why does food get spoilt? * Food poisoning * Food Preservation * Wastage of food Composite Lab- Showing the slide of mould( Blue-Black)
    Observation and they will draw the structure
    Identify-Perishable and Non-Perishable foods Classwork-
    * Name the following
    * Give two examples
    * Answer the following
    Bring one packaaged food items from home.Children will note the information about the date of manufacture,date of expiry,Preservatives used.
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Excel-Introduction
    • · Introduction to Microsoft Excel
    • · Starting Excel
    • · The Component of Excel Window
    • · Changing The Active Cell
    • · Entering Data
    • · Saving a Workbook
    • · Adding Worksheet
    • · Switching between Workbook
    • · Deleting a Worksheet
    • · Generating a Series
    Open MS Excel Workbook and make report card Revision of previous lesson Label the various components of MS Excel Window

    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Reading comprehension, Bio sketch,Add letters to form new words, Replace letters to form new words. grammar: sentences Sentence construction in Bio-sketch Understanding the Passage Forming new words in order to express better Reading drill, Recitation, Spell Check, Role Play Word meanings, Short QA
    HINDI सेतु कार्य, वसंत भाग -१ पाठ-१ वह चिड़िया जो ,पाठ २. बचपन,व्याकरण पर्यायवाची शब्द , विलोम शब्द 1. वर्णमाला का ज्ञान
    3. मौखिक एवं लिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर देना
    4. कविता को याद करना
    5. अपने बचपन के कुछ बातो को बताना
    चिड़िया की तरह साहसी बनने की प्रेरणा देना और बचपन के बारे में बताना और एक कहानी को कक्षा में आकर सुनाना अपने मनपसंद पक्षियों के चित्र बनाकर या चित्र चिपककर उनके बारे में वर्णन कीजिए ( जैसे पक्षी के शरीर का रंग चोंच का रंग)२. हमारे देश में तरह-तरह के भजन और पोशाके प्रचलित है इसे दिखाते हुए चित्र चिपका कर और उसके बारे में लिखिए। ३. नैतिक कहानियां की पुस्तक लेकर पढ़िए और कक्षा में आकर सुनाइए
    MATHEMATICS Ch-1 Knowing our Numbers
    Ch-2 Whole numbers
    International and Indian Number system. Prime and Composite numbers,Successors and Predecessors Find all the prime numbers and composite numbers from 1 to 100 in a square maze. And make place value chart for both Indian and International system of numerals. Solving exercise problems and Worksheets provided for practice.
    SCIENCE Bridge course: Chapter 1: components of food Separation methods: Nutrients and its classification Balanced diet sedimentation,decantation and filtration Test for carbohydrates and proteins Dictation, Qs and Answers
    SOCIAL SCIENCE History ch -1 What, Where, How and When. Geography-ch 1-The Earth in the Solar System Civics Ch - 1 Understanding diversity His_ Past events, land people live, dates Geog - Solar System, sun moon Asteroids civ Map work - States and capitals Geog. - Phases of Moon with Oreo Biscuits, Drawing of solar system with correct scaling Quiz, Chapter end Q/ Ans , work sheet
    SANSKRIT सेतुकार्यम् - वर्णमाला, सामाध्यपरिचयः।संख्या 1-50 वर्णमालायाः भेदा। पुल्लिङ्गः स्त्रीलिङ्गः सम्भाषणस्य परिचायनम् । वर्णाना मौखिकाभ्यासः । व्यञ्जनैः सह स्वरवर्णानां योजनम् /मात्रायोजना। प्रदत्तशब्दानां वर्णविच्छेदं /वर्णसंयोजनं च लिखन्तु। 1-50 संख्या मौखिकाभ्यासः। तथा दश गुणितानां लिखित्वा अभ्यासः करणीयः।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Ch1: Computer and It's Components * Introduction to Computer
    * Input Devices
    * Output Devices
    * Storage Device
    * Processing Device.
    Students will be shown the different types of storage devices in the Lab. Paste the pictures of I/O devices, Storage devices and write one line about each device.
    ART AND CRAFT LINE ELEMENTS Bunny face (with different lines) Engage students in hands-on activities to experiment with drawing various types of lines Create a visual journal documenting various types of lines found in everyday surroundings
    SESSION (2024-25)
    SOCIAL SCIENCE Summer Vacation Summer Vacation Summer Vacation Summer Vacation
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Ch. 2 Computer Memory *Memory Units,
    *Primary Memory,
    *Cache Memory
    * Secondary Memory
    Write the difference between RAM and ROM in CW Draw the picture of primary memory and secondary memory in A4 Sheet and write two line about each.
    SESSION (2024-25)
    MATHEMATICS Ch-Playing with numbers * Factors
    * Multiples
    * Divisibility
    * Co-prime numbers
    * HCF and LCM
    * Make a factor tree of numbers.
    * Juggling with numbers(pick any two numbers from the given box whose sum is 32.
    Solving exercise problems and Worksheets provided for practice.
    SOCIAL SCIENCE GEO- Ch-2- Globe, Latitude and Longitude, His - ch - 2 - From Hunter Gatherer to growing food Latitudes, Longitudes, Equator , Heat zones, GMT, IST. Activity -Draw a diagram of the globe showing the Earth’s axis and the Equator. Book end Exercise Question/Answers
    SANSKRIT व्याकरणम् - तृतीयः पाठः वचन प्रयोगाः । चतुर्थः पाठः पुरुषविचारः। त्रिषु लिङ्गेषु वचनस्य प्रयोगः। प्रथम मध्यम उत्तमपुरुषाणां त्रिषु वचनेषु प्रयोगाः। सम्भाषणमाध्यमेन पुरुषाणां तथा वचनानां उपस्थापवम्। लघुवाक्यैः अभ्यासः च। लिङ्ग वचनानुसारं शब्दानां वर्गीकरणम् ।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Unit-2 Computer Memory * Understand Computer Memory & its Units
    * Types of Computer Memory
    * Discuss the back Excersice in the class
    * Devide the Students into two groups and discuss the Topic : Primary Memory and Secondary Memory.
    * Create a new sub folder named 'Memory' in the 'Lab Activity' folder.
    Write the Back excersice in notebook.
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH L2How the Dog Found Himself a New Master P2The Kite Supplementary 2 The Friendly Mongoose Writing Skills:Letter (Formal/Informal) Grammar: Parts of Speech Story Retelling Character Discussion Word Association Game Group Reading and Discussion Word Association Game Role Play Writing Practice Parts of Speech Sorting Game Create a Character Chart Write a Poem about Flying Write a Paragraph on Trust Illustrate a Key Scene of the Story "The Friendly Mongoose" Letter to Principal to conduct Rally Parts of Speech Worksheet
    HINDI बाल राम कथा - के दो अध्याय। बसंत भगवान से चांद से थोड़ी सी गप्पे, पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द साथी हाथ बढ़ाना गीत का स्वर व वाचन शब्दार्थ , 'प्रश्न -उत्तर
    व्याकरण - पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द
    पत्र लेखन (औपचारिक और अनौपचारिक )
    * विषय पर चर्चा
    * नाटक मंचन
    कविता को याद करके कक्षा में सुनाए ।
    MATHEMATICS DATA HANDLING TALLY MARKS AND PICTOGRAPH Represnt the marks obtained in UT-1 in all the subjects in form and tally marks and pictograph NCERT TEXTBOOKS questions and Extra questions will be given as homework and Worksheet will be given for practice .
    SCIENCE SORTING MATERIALS Properties of material - Hard and soft. Soluble and insoluble substance, transparent, translucent and opaque objects. Mixing different substance in water and classifying into soluble and insoluble substance. Riddles and crosswords on the topics discussed.
    SOCIAL SCIENCE History in the earlist cities GEOGRAPHY; Motions of the earth Sub topics History Harappa cities, House drains and streets, New crafts in the cities. Types of motions Rotation and Revolution, Position of the Earth summer and winter solstice History Disccusions Quiz Pyramids and old escavatiuons shown from Google. Gerography; to Draw the diagram of the revolution of the earth and seasons, Work sheets and the same will be disccused. Work sheet questeion ansers to be learnt from the given notes.
    SANSKRIT रुचिरा - तृतीयः पाठः शब्दपरिचयः - 3 ।अकारान्तः नपुंसकलिङ्गः। तद्, एतद्, किम् शब्दानां त्रिषु लिङ्गेषु प्रयोगः । क्रियापदानां लट् लकारः प्रथमपुरुषस्य प्रयोगः। लट् लकारः प्रथमपुरुषः त्रीणि वचनानि। सर्वनामशब्दानां प्रथमा विभक्तिः। अस्मद् शब्दः युष्मद् शब्दः प्रथमा विभक्तिः। नपुंसकलिङ्गशब्दाः। शब्दानां मूलशब्दानां तथा प्रथमा विभक्तीनां लेखनम् । मौखिकाभ्यासः । धातुरूपाणां परिचायनम्। लिङ्गानुसारं शब्दरूपाणां तथा सर्वनामशब्दानां च वर्गीकरणम्।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Unit-3 Excel-Creating Worksheet * Microsoft Excel & its feature
    * Creating Worksheet-Entering data,Selecting cells,Deleting Data,Insert Row & Column,Iserting & deleting cells
    * Formatting Worksheet
    *Practical session in computer lab-:- Open Excel and create the Worksheet to make Time -Table of your Class * Choose proper Font Size & Style for the title.*Change the Font color of heading. *Apply border to the table. *Save the Workbook as 'Time Table' in the 'Lab Activity' folder. * Discuss back excersice in class.
    * Write back excersice in notebook.
    ART AND CRAFT Shape Element one point perspective children have to work in plain drawing book with one point perspective
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Taro's Reward,The Quarrel,An Indian American woman in space:Kalpana chawla, Beauty, The Shepards treasure, Tansen, The sentence, Kinds of noun,Letter writing, Punctuation. "Story Retelling Character Discussion Word Association Game Group Reading and Discussion Word Association Game Role Play Writing Practice Parts of Speech Sorting Game" Write a poem about quarrel with your siblings, write a paragraph based on the lesson Taro's Reward what will you do when you get magic waterfall or a wish you desire what will you do
    HINDI हिंदी मल्हार पुस्तक से रहीम के दोहे, मेरी मां,(आत्मकथा) बाल राम कथा के दो अध्याय,पत्र लेखन, अनुच्छेद लेखन, व्याकरण भाग "शब्दार्थ , 'प्रश्न -उत्तर व्याकरण - पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द पत्र लेखन (औपचारिक और अनौपचारिक )" "श्रुतिलेख * विषय पर चर्चा रहीम के दोहो का अर्थ सहित को याद करके कक्षा में सुनाए ।
    MATHEMATICS Fractions Addition and subtraction of fraction. types of fraction and conversion of fractions make working models to show the types of fractions Ncert textbook questions, Worksheets and extra questions will be given as homework
    SCIENCE Getting to Know plants Magnets Parts of plants: Roots, stems, flowers and leaf. Magnets: Characteristics of magnets The venation of plants :Reticulate, ¶llel venation are observed. Magnet: Activity to observe the direction of a freely suspended bar magnet will be done. 1. Tracing the leaf
    2. Making a scrap book of leaf.
    SOCIAL SCIENCE Geography- Ocean and Continent Economics- Value of work Distribution of land and water on earth, Oceans and Continents, ocean life, Ocean and disaster Exercise Question Answers, short Qs, Locate and label the continents and oceans in the world map Solve the word puzzle
    SANSKRIT ।पञ्चमः पाठः वृक्षाः। षष्ठः पाठः समुद्रतटः। व्याकरणम् - चित्रवर्णनम्। संवादपूर्तिः। अस्मद् युष्मद् शब्दरूपाणां विभक्तिपठनम् । प्रश्नवाचकानाम् अभ्यासः। सम्भाषणस्य परिचायनम्। चित्राणि दृष्ट्वा उचितपदानां पाठानाम् वाचनम्। विभक्तीनाम् अभ्यासः। लट् लकारस्य त्रिषु पुरुषेषु अभ्यासः। संख्यापठनम्। पठितावबोधनम्। गद्य पद्ययोः वाचनं कृत्वा अभ्यासानां लेखनम् । भारतस्य चित्रं विरच्य तस्मिन् विषये लेखनम् कक्षायाम् प्रस्तुतीकरणम् च।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Unit-4 Excel - Function and Chart Understand formula and Function in Excel * Different type of Excel charts * Practical session in computer lab-:- Open Excel and create the Worksheet to make Time -Table of your Class * Choose proper Font Size & Style for the title.*Change the Font color of heading. *Apply border to the table. *Save the Workbook as 'Time Table' in the 'Lab Activity' folder. * Use Autofit Column Width/Row height.
    * Moving and Copying Data
    * Formatting Worksheet.
    ART AND CRAFT shape Elements lesson no. 12,13,14,15 Children will learn to work with Shapes
    SESSION (2024-25)
    HINDI मल्हार पुस्तक से जलते चलो पाठ का परिचय। कवि का परिचय व्याकरण, नए शब्द बच्चों को समूह में चर्चा करने को बोला जाएगा। बच्चों को कविता याद करके कक्षा में सुनाने को कहा जाएगा ।
    MATHEMATICS Patterns in Mathematics TO SOLVE PUZZLES OR PATTERNS RELATED TO NUMBERS, ALPHABETS AND PICTURES Quiz on solving different types of patterns Riddles and patterns will be given in worksheet
    SCIENCE Measurement Of Length And Motion Standard units, Correct way of measuring, Motion, Types of motion, Activities to measure using different units of measurement. Riddles and numericals on measurements.
    SOCIAL SCIENCE History ch - 4 India- that is Bharat Subtopic –
    • How Indians name the country as India.
    • How foreigners named India?
    • Jambudvipa
    • Map of few regions listed in the Mahabharata.
    • Physical map of India with some of its rivers.
    Group discussion on ‘From visitors to invaders’. 1.Quiz on India – that is Bharat
    3.Slip Test
    4. Class assignment.
    •Chapter end exercises based on topics
    SANSKRIT व्याकरणम् - सर्वनामशब्दाः। सर्वनामशब्दाः - तद्, एतद्, किम् च प्रदत्तम् उदाहरणानुसारं छात्राः शब्दरूपाणां मौखिकाभ्यासं करिष्यन्ति। पाठभागात् सर्वनामशब्दानां लेखनम्। संज्ञास्थानेषु सर्वनामपदानां प्रयोगेण वाक्यलेखनम्।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE 4.Excel- Functions and Charts Formula, Creating Formula, Function in Excel , Cell Reference, Changing Number Format, creating a Chart and Inserting Spark Lines. From the above report card create bar chart with student’s name and their total marks. Revision of previous lesson
    ART AND CRAFT Colour Elements Positive and Negative space

    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Three Questions(Main Course Book), The Squirrel (Poem), Notice Writing and The Tiny Teacher (Supplementary Reader) Character Sketches, Poetic devices, Mind Map Reading drill, Recitation, Spell Check, Role Play Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA, CBQs
    HINDI सेतु कार्य ,वसंत भाग 2 पाठ1.- हम पंछी
    उन्मुक्त गगन के ,
    पाठ 2. हिमालय की बेटियाँ
    •व्याकरण- विशेषण, क्रिया, काल,
    पक्षियों के माध्यम से
    मनुष्यों में स्वतंत्रता की प्रेरणा देना।
    नदियों के विषय में जानकारी देना तथा
    नदियों के उद्गम के विषय में जानकारी देना।
    * लघुनाटिका का लेखन व मंचन ।
    * स्वतंत्रता) पर आधारित कविता लेखन।
    कठिन शब्दों के अर्थ ,
    लघुउत्तरीय,एवं दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न
    MATHEMATICS Ch-1 Integers
    Ch-2 Fractions and Decimals
    Multiplication and division of Integers, fractions and decimals.Conversion of fraction to decimal and decimal to fraction. Use paper strips to represent fractions or to give a visual of equivalent fractions.Representing real life situations by using intergers. Solving exercise problems and Worksheet provided to solve the problems.
    SCIENCE Ch-1 Nutrition in Plants
    Ch-2 Nutrition in Animals
    Mode of Nutrition, Photosynthesis,Function of stomata, Symbiosis, Insectivorous plants, Soil replenishment,Digestion in Human beings,Enzyme action in alimentary canal,Digestion in Ruminants, Feeding and digestion in Amoeba An activity will be conducted to confirm sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis.
    -Starch test
    - A prepared slide of Rheo leaf to observe the stomata.
    To create a poster highlighting the importance of nutrition in animals and plants.
    SOCIAL SCIENCE Geography-ch -1 Environment History-ch-1 Tracing changes through thousand years SPL - On Equality Definition & components of Environment, New & old terminologies, Cartographer, historians & Sources, Equality in Indian Democracy and Constitution, issues,UAF etc. Drawing an ideal environment, visit to aquatic ecosystem, making manuscripts Quiz on environment, historical terminologies,Exercise Q/A, Worksheets
    SANSKRIT सेतुकार्यम् - वर्णविचारः । प्रथमः पाठः सुभाषितानि। द्वितीयः पाठः दुर्बुद्धिः विनश्यति । वर्णानां नामानि, दीर्घ हृस्वयोःभेदः संयुक्तवर्णानि। नेतिकविचारयुक्तानां श्लोकानाम् उच्चारणम्। नैतिककथायाम् विद्यमानानां सन्धिपदानां विश्लेषणम् । वर्ण-लिङ्ग वचनानां पुनस्मारणम् ।श्लोकानाम् उच्चारणम्, पदपरिचयः । श्लोकानाम् सारांशकथनम्। गद्यपद्यपाठयोः प्रश्नोत्तराणि एवं विभिन्न अभ्यासानां लेखनम्। पठितानां श्लोकानाम् अन्वयलेखनम् ।कथायाः क्रिया प्रत्यय सन्धिपदानां रेखाङ्कीकरणम्।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Chapter-1 Number System *Introduction Number System
    *Types of number system
    *Conversion Of Number System
    * Bits and Bytes
    Conversion of :
    i) Decimal to Binary
    ii) Binary to Decimal
    iii) Decimal to Octal
    iv) Decimal to Hexadecimal
    Assign of the conversion number system in book activity.
    ART AND CRAFT LINE ELEMENTS Leaf Patterns (with thick lines and thin lines Engage students in hands-on activities to experiment with drawing various types of lines Create a visual journal documenting various types of lines found in everyday surroundings
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH The Tiny Teacher
    A Gift of Chappals
    Message Writing
    Character Sketches
    Critical Appreciation
    Kinds of Nouns and their usage
    Types of Pronouns and their usage
    Poetic Devices
    Recitation, Spell Bee, Grammar Worksheets, Summary Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA, Mind Map
    HINDI कठपुतली
    व्याकरण - उपसर्ग - प्रत्यय ,संज्ञा ,
    सर्वनाम ,वचन ,लिंग
    बाल महाभारत पाठ -1,2,3
    कठपुतली के माध्यम से मनुष्यों में स्वतंत्रता
    की प्रेरणा देना।
    फेरीवाले की जानकारी देना।
    शब्दार्थ , 'प्रश्न -उत्तर
    उपसर्ग - प्रत्यय ,संज्ञा ,सर्वनाम ,वचन ,लिंग
    * किसी फेरीवाले के पास जाकर
    उसकी दिनचर्या की जानकारी प्राप्त करो?
    * स्वतंत्रता के महत्व पर अनुच्छेद लिखिए।
    MATHEMATICS Chapter 3: Data Handling PT-1 Introduction to Data Handling
    Collecting Data
    Organisation of Data
    Representative Values
    Arithmetic Mean
    Use of Bar Graphs with a Different Purpose
    Chance and Probability
    Solving question based on graphs, mean mode and median Collecting data on average hours of sunshine in different countries.
    SCIENCE Heat Acid and base Teamperature,Measuring temp,Thermometer,conduction Convection radiation Acids and bases,indicators Nuutralization Wrap a thin paper strip tightly around an iron rod. Try to burn the paper with candle while rotating the iron rod continuously. Does it burn? Bring the soil sample of your area find out if it is acid, base or neutral. Discuss with farmers if they treat the soil in any manner.
    SOCIAL SCIENCE HISTORY: NEW KING AND KINGDOM GEOGRAPHY- INSIDE OUR EARTH, CIVICS - ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN HEALTH The emergence of new Kingdom the cholas interior of the earth crossed mantle and Core Healthcare in India, Public and private healthcare services, Healthcare and equality Exercise Question Answer, Group Discussion on Health Care Services collect pictures of temples and sculptures of Chola Kingdom, Rock game - match the properties of different rocks, Group Discussion on Health care services provided by the government and private hospital
    SANSKRIT तृतीयः पाठः स्वावलम्बनम् ।सर्वनाशब्दाः।संख्या 1-50 सख्या - एवं तस्यां लिङ्गभेदः। तद् एतद् किम् शब्दानां त्रिषु लिङ्गेषु प्रयोगः। पाठस्य सस्वरवाचनम् । संख्यायाः कथनम्। संख्याक्रीडा। शब्दरूपाणां विभक्तिपठनम्। प्रदत्तनिर्देशानुसारं संख्यानां संस्कृते लेखनम्। उदाहरणानुसारं सर्वनामशब्दानां लेखनम् ।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Ch.2 Computer Virus *Computer Virus,
    *E-Mail Virus
    *Ransomware Virus
    *Anti-Virus Programme and Precautions against
    Computer Virus.
    Write down potential warning signs or symptoms that could indicate the presence of a virus in CW. Write diffrent examples of viruses(minimum 8) and their defination in A4 sheet paper
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH 1.Bringing Up Kari (Supplementary Reader), The Rebel (Poem), Adjectives (Grammar) Character Sketches, Poetic Devices, Kinds and usage of Adjectives, Degrees of Comparison Mind Map, Cartoon Strip, Recitation, Grammar Worksheets Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context
    HINDI बाल महाभारत की कथा - देव बाल महाभारत की कथा, दूसरा अध्याय देवव्रत। बसंत भाग 2 से अध्याय 6 और अध्याय 7 पापा खो गए। मुहावरे ,भिन्नार्थक शब्द शब्दार्थ , 'प्रश्न -उत्तर
    व्याकरण - प्रत्यय और उपसर्ग
    पत्र लेखन (औपचारिक और अनौपचारिक )
    * विषय पर चर्चा
    * नाटक मंचन
    पापा खो गए - नाटक को कहानी के रूप में लिख कर लाए ।
    MATHEMATICS Simple Equations Variables and find solutions for the equation using variables form transportation method. Solving multiplication step equation maze. Ncert textbook exercise and extra questions as well as worksheets will be given for practice.
    SCIENCE Heat
    Acids, Bases and Salts
    Heat - Hot and cold objects,
    Measuring Tempertaure,
    Clinical and laboratory Thermometer,
    Transfer of heat (Conduction, Convection, Radiation),
    Kind of clothes we wear in summer and winter. Acids, Bases and salts - Natural indicators,
    Litmus - A, Natural Dye/ China Rose, Red cabbage /
    Acid base test
    Neutralisation reaction / in everyday life
    • Heat -
    • 1. Reading a thermometer (Clinical and laboratory).
    • 2. Measuring body temperature Degree Celcius.
    • 3. Measure temperature of water using laboartory thermometer.
    • 4. Transfer of heat - flow of heat through a metal strip.
    • 5. Transfer of heat by convection in air.
    • Acids, Bases and salts -
    • 1. Finding effect of indicators on acid, bases and neautral solutions.
    • 2. Writing beautiful greeting card with turmeric and soap solution.
    • Heat -
    • Sea breeze and land breeze.
    • Containers with black and white surface.
    • Discuss and find out the normal tempertaure of domestic animals.
    • Extended learning - Activities and Projects page 47.
    • Acids, Bases and Salts -
    • Write secret message with the help of baking soda and beet root. Explain how it works.
    • Test various soil samples. Discuss if the soil requires treatment for cultivation.
  • History:
  • New Kings and Kingdoms
  • Geography:
  • Inside the Earth
  • Political Science:
  • Role of Government in Health
    • History:
    • The emergence of new. Dynast
    • Administration in the Kingdom.
    • Prashasti and land grants.
    • Warfare for wealth.
    • Chola Administration.
    • Geography:
    • Interior of the eart( mantle and Core)
    • Political Science:
    • Healthcare in India,
    • Public and private healthcare services,
    • Healthcare and equality
    • Timeline chart - Rise of Kingdoms (700-1200AD)
    • Geography:
    • Rock game - match the properties of different rocks.
    • Political Science:
    • Group Discussion on Health care services provided by the government and private hospital
    Class work completion.
    SANSKRIT चतुर्थः पाठः पण्डिता रमाबाई । षष्ठः पाठः सदाचारः ।व्याकरणम् - नवमः पाठः उपसर्गाः अव्ययाः च। लङ् लकारस्य त्रिषु पुरुषेषु क्रियापदानां पठनम् । क्तवतु प्रत्ययः। अव्ययस्य उपसर्गस्य च परिभाषा। पाठभागात् अव्ययानां उपसर्गाणां च चयनम्। पाठस्य अनुवाचनम्। पाठात् प्रश्नोत्तराणां मौखिक लेखनाभ्यासौ। क्रियापदानि चित्वा तेषां पदपरिचयलेखनम्। प्राचीनभारते भूतानां महिलानां कार्यक्षेत्रेण सह तेषां नामलेखनम्। पाठस्य अभ्यासानां लेखनम्।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Unit-3 Layers and Animation * Import graphics in Adobe Animate
    *Create symbols and instances
    *Practical session in computer lab :- Importing a Graphic, Adding and Deleting Layers,Creating a Symbols.
    • * Discuss back excersice in class.
    • * Write back excersice in notebook.
    ART AND CRAFT Madhubani Natural folk art
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Gopal and the hilsa fish, The shed,The Ashes that made Trees Bloom, golu grows a nose,The desert,the cop and the Anthem, Determiners Mind Map, Cartoon Strip, Recitation, Grammar Worksheets Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context
    HINDI The shed
    Mathematics The Triangle and it's properties Medians of triangle,, attitudes if triangle, Angle sum properties, types of triangles, Pythagoras property Make a chart on angle sum property and Pythagoras property Ncert text book questions , worksheets and extra questions will be given as home work to enhance their problem solving skills
    SCIENCE Respiration in organisms Motion and time Aerobic and anaerobic respiration, human respiratory system, Respiration in other animals Speed ,uniform and non uniform motion,Measurment of Time,Unit of time And speedMeasure speed ,Distance time graph Activity to show effect of exhaled air on lime water, breathing exercises for better life, making a model of stethoscope Activity to find Time period with helpof simple pendulam Student will research and find various time measuring devices Make a model to show machanism.of breathing
    SOCIAL SCIENCE History- The Delhi Sultans Geo - Our Changing Earth Expansion of Delhi Sultanate,Administration and Consolidation Under the Khaljis and Tughlaqs, Sultanates of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries.Geo - Lithospheric plates, Types of Forces, Exogenic & Endogenic forces, Works of river, sea waves, Glacier, win
    (Weightage 80m)

    Finding Out About the Delhi Sultans ,From Garrison Town to Empire: Expansion of Delhi Sultanate, A Closer look : Administration and Consolidation Under the Khaljis and Tughlaqs, Sultanates of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Explain the reason for the establishment of Delhi Sultanate rule in India. Identify the area ruled by Delhi Sultanate. State the various social political and economic aspects of the Sultanate period. Make a Timeline of Delhi Sultans and explain only one special feature of the rulers for the expansion of their territory in India.
    Activity for History-Making a timeline chart of Delhi Sultans Activity for Geo - Making model of Volcano Special feature of the rulers for the expansion of territories in India
    SANSKRIT षष्ठः पाठः सङ्कल्पः सिद्धिदायकः। व्याकरणम् - चित्रवर्णनम् संवादः पत्रलेखनम् कथापूर्तिः च। पठितावबोधनम् - प्रदत्तं गद्यांशं पद्यांशं वा पठित्वा यथानिर्देशं प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि लेखनीय्।पत्राणां प्रारूपस्य परिचायनम्। संवादमाध्यमेन वाक्यानां लेखनम् । क्रियापदकोष्ठकस्य साहाय्येन लकाराणाम् अभ्यासः। एवं च वाक्यानां निर्माणं च। संख्या समययोः पुनरावृत्तिः। निर्देशानुसारं उचितवाक्यैः पत्रस्य संवादस्य पूर्तिः। दिनचर्यायां समयस्य समायोजनम्।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Unit-4 photoshop-Introduction *Features and components of photoshop *Various tools(colour modes and filters) *Practical session in computer lab :- Importing a Graphic, Adding and Deleting Layers,Creating a Symbols. *Working on adobe photoshop : Opening Image,Changing the size,Exposure correction, Applying Filter. *Download the pictures ,apply functions on layers,Create symbols and Add animation.
    ART AND CRAFT Colour Elements lesson - 12,13,14,15 Children will learn to work with colours
    SESSION (2024-25)
    MATHEMATICS Comparing Quantities Profit and loss, Ratio had proportion, percentage Comparing distance between states, districts and height of humans and collecting discounts on shops for finding out percentage.Finding profit and loss percentage on different items sold in shops. Worksheets, quiz on percentage, profit and loss
    SCIENCE Transpotation in Plants Transpotation of water and mineral, Xylem & Pholem and Transpiration Water moves up in the stem with the helpof color water is being projected in class. Tranpiration will be shown by wraooping the polythene in any plant. Transpotation of water and mineral, Xylem & Pholem and Transpiration
    SOCIAL SCIENCE Water Major sources 0f, distribution of Water bodies, ocean circulation, waves, tides ocean current Draw neatly water cycle, waves spring tode write a short notes on water cycle, waves, tsunami
    SANSKRIT हलन्त शब्दरूपाणि। यथा - तद् एतद् किम् च । प्रदत्तम् उदाहरणानुसारं छात्राः शब्दरूपाणां मौखिकाभ्यासं करिष्यन्ति। पाठभागेषु विद्यमानानां सर्वनामशब्दानां चयनं कृत्वा पदपरिचयः लेखनीयः।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE * Devide the students into two groups and discuss the topic-'importance of Layers in Photoshop'.
    * Practical session in computer lab :- Creating a new Layer and adding image init.
    * Working on adobe photoshop : Opening Image,Changing the size,Exposure correction, Applying Filter.
    ART AND CRAFT Animal Study Different types of dogs

    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH The Best Christmas Present in the World (MCB), The Ant and the Cricket (Poem), Descriptive Paragraph (Writing) Character Sketches, Poetic devices, Mind Map Reading Drill, Recitation, Role Play, Spell Check, Summary Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA, Comp Based Questions
    HINDI सेतु कार्य ,
    पाठ 1.लाख की चूड़ियाँ ,
    पाठ 2. बस की यात्रा ,व्याकरण -
    व्याकरण -संज्ञा,विशेषण,अनेकार्थी शब्द ,श्रुतिसमभिन्नार्थक शब्द,कारक अलग -अलग प्रकार की चूड़ियों के चित्रों का कॉलाज बनवाया जाएगा अपने जीवन की किसी रोमांचक यात्रा का वर्णन कीजिए
    MATHEMATICS Chapter -1 Rational Numbers
    Chapter -2 Linear Equations in one variables
    Rational Numbers:
    1. Associative and Distributive Properties of Rational Numbers
    2. Closure and Commutative Properties of Rational Numbers
    Linear Equations in one variables:
    1. Equations Reducible to the Simpler Forms.
    2. Solving Equations Having the Variable on Both Side.
    3. Solving Equations Having the Variable on One Side.
    Making chart showing inter connection between various number system. Solving exercise problems
    Live worksheet:
    SCIENCE Chapter 1: Crop production and management
    Chapter 2: Microorganism friend and foe
    Crop production and management
    * Rabi and kharif crops
    * Agricultural practices
    * Animal Husbandary
    Microorganism friend and foe
    *Microbes and its classification
    *uses of microorganisms
    Observing the specimens of micrrorganism Preparation of curd at home
    Making pizza dough
    SOCIAL SCIENCE 1.(HIS),How, when and where .2. (Geo) Resources.3(Civics).The Indian Constitution. 1.(His)Classificationof Indian History.2.(Geo) Types of Resources,3.(Civics).Features of constitution Group discussion(Resources),Chart based worksheet(Fundamental Rights),Outdooractivitiesclassification Natural resources Renewable and Nonrenewable) Question Framing practice(Historicalevents ,dates related questions which discussed in the class),WriteFundamental Rights(civics),Draw and write briefly different Renewable and Non Renewable resources(Geography).
    SANSKRIT सेतुकार्यम् - वर्णविचारः लिङ्गविचारः । प्रथमः पाठः सुभाषितानि। द्वितीयः पाठः बिलस्य वाणी न कदापि मे श्रुता । वर्ण-लिङ्ग - वचनानां पुनस्मारणम्। सुभाषितानाम् अन्वयः, पाठे विद्यमानानां सन्धिपदानां क्रियापदानां च विश्लेषणम्। वर्णविच्छेदः वर्णानां संयोजनम् च। पठित पाठयोः अभ्यासानां चर्चा। पाठयोः विद्यमानानां भाषिककार्याणां लेखनम् । गद्य पद्य पाठयोः अव्ययपदानां प्रत्यय पदानां च लेखनम्। अपठितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा निर्देशानुसारं प्रश्नानाम् उत्तरलेखनम् ।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Chapter-1 Computer Network Needs of Computer Network,Type Of Computer Network(LAN, MAN,PAN,WAN) ,Communication Channels(Physical and logical), Network Topology(Star,Bus,Ring)and types of protocol(HTTP,FTP,SMTP,POP,TCP,IP) Group Discussion on different types of neworks around us. Write the about the network they used at home and name which type of trammission media they used at home give some brief introduction about it why we used this tramission channel.
    ART AND CRAFT LINE ELEMENTS flower seascape(free hand pattern) Engage students in hands-on activities to experiment with drawing various types of lines Create a visual journal documenting various types of lines found in everyday surroundings
    SESSION (2024-25)
    SOCIAL SCIENCE Revising History and Geography ,Civics
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH How the Camel Got His Hump, The Tsunami, Children At Work, Sentences Character Sketches, Literary Elements, Critical Appreciation, Kinds of Sentences, Question Tags Reading drill
    Poster Making
    Critrical appreciation
    Summary Grammar Worksheets
    Word meanings, Reference to the Context, Short QA, Long QA, CBQs
    HINDI पाठ 1- अहमद नगर का किला(भारत की खोज) पाठ 3- दीवानों की हस्ती (कविता) उपसर्ग-प्रत्यय,संज्ञा,सर्वनाम,क्रिया, मुहावरे, अनुच्छेद, पत्र व्याख्यान एवं विश्लेषण ,
    पाठ का सारांश अपने शब्दों में बताना ,
    कविता लेखन
    MATHEMATICS Chapter3: Understanding Quadrilateral
    Chapter4: Practical Geometry
    Angle Sum Property of Polygons.
    Applications of Parallelograms.
    Parallelogram and its Properties.
    Constructing a Quadrilateral When Sides and Angles are Given
    Constructing a Quadrilateral When Sides and Diagonals are Given
    Construction of other Parallelograms
    BOOK exercise done, construction of different quadrilateral shapes, test on finding missing angles Folding a paper 8 times in any way unfold and locate variations in them like convex and concave polygons.
    Paper cutting and pasting to verify angle sum property of quadrilaterals.
    SCIENCE ch- 1 Microoraganism: Friend And Foe
    ch -5 Coal and Petroleum
    Harmful microorganism, Food poisoning and food preservation, Nitrogen cycle
    Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas
    Pullout a gram or bean plant from the field. Observe its will find round structures called root nodules Get an outline map of india.Mark the places in map where coal Pertroleum and natural gas are found
    SOCIAL SCIENCE From Trade To Territory,.,Land, Soil,Water,Natural Vegetation and Wildlife.,Understanding Secularism East India company comes East
    ompany rules expand
    Setting up a new administration
    Land , Soil, Water,Natural Vegetation and Wildlife.
    What is Secularism ?,Why is it Important to separate religion from states?
    Mapwork- Places annexed by the British in IndiaMap based worksheet- land and soil.,Multi disciplinary project-Conservation of Natural vegetation and wild life.Secularism In India -Symposium. secularism topic related discussion. Collect the informations-google search or old magazine News paper .Make project -Classifying Natural Resources,project-Conservation of Natural vegetation and wild life.Secularism In India -Symposium. secularism topic related discussion.
    SANSKRIT तृतीयः पाठः डिजीभारतम् । व्याकरणम् - चित्रवर्णनम्, संवादपूर्तिः । डिजिट्टल् इंडिया इत्यस्य विषये योग्यताविस्तारः । पाठाधारितानां पर्यवाचिशब्दानां तथा विलोमपदानां अव्ययानां च पठनम्। पाठस्य सस्वरवाचनम् । प्रश्नवाचकानाम् शब्दानम् अभ्यासः। सम्भाषणस्य प्रदर्शनम्। लघुवाक्यानां कथनम् लेखनं च । सम्भाषणमाध्यमेन व्याकरणस्य विभक्तेः च अभ्यासः। कर्तृ-कर्म - क्रियान्वितिः। डिजिट्टल् सम्बन्धशब्दानां सूची निर्माणम्।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Chapter-2 Access- Creating a Database Chapter 3 Access-Tables and Forms Students will demonstrate proficiency in creating and managing databases using Microsoft Access. Students will understand the importance of proper data organization and relationships in database management.
    ART AND CRAFT Land, Soil,Water,Natural Vegetation and Wildlife. Understanding Secularism Map based worksheet- land and soil.,Multi disciplinary project-Conservation of Natural vegetation and wild life Secularism In India -Symposium. secularism topic related discussion.
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Children At Work (Supplementary Reader), Glimpses of the Past, Pronouns, Diary Entry Character Sketches, Literary Devices, Kinds and usage of Pronouns, Critical Appreciation Mind map, Diary Entry, Role Play Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA and Competency Based Questions
    HINDI भारत की खोज के दो अध्याय।. वसंत भाग 3 से अध्याय 7 और 8 यह सबसे कठिन समय कविता का सस्वर वाचन, समास तथा समास के भेद शब्दार्थ , 'प्रश्न -उत्तर समास के भेद पत्र लेखन (औपचारिक और अनौपचारिक ) श्रुतिलेख
    * विषय पर चर्चा
    * नाटक मंचन
    ऐसे दो व्यक्तियों की जानकारी प्राप्त करके लाए , जिन्होंने जीवनकी कठिन परिस्थितियों में कभी हार नहीं मानी ।
    MATHEMATICS Chapter5: Data Handling
    Chapter6: Squares and Square Roots
    Chance and Probability.
    Introduction to Statistics.
    Pie Chart or Circle Graph
    Finding Square Root by Division Method.
    Finding Square Root by Prime Factorisation.
    Patterns of Square .
    Boook exercises, class discussion and Case Studies Representaton of data by a bar graph, pie chart and line graph.
    Activity from lab manual fun with square numbers. Game: Square root maze
    Inexhaustible Natural Resources Exhaustible Natural Resources Coal, Petrolium, Refining of Petrolium Natural Gas
    Commbution, Types of Combustio, Flame, Ignition Temprature, Inflammable Subs How do we control fire Calorific Value, Global Warming & Acid Rain
    Will have an interactive session with student through story of Coal
    To demonstrate Air is essential for burning Group discussion on Gloabal warming and Acid Rain
    Make a chart to show Refining of Petrolium
    Draw a burning flame and lable its different zone Enlist various types of fuel with their calorific values
    SOCIAL SCIENCE Political Science:
    Parliament and the Making of Laws
    Ruling the countryside.
    Political Science:
    Why should People decide? People and their Representatives The Role of the Parliament How do new laws come about? Unpopular and Controversal Laws History:
    The Company Becomes the Diwan Crops for Europe The “Blue Rebellion” and After
    Political Science:
    Mock Parliament(various issues of nation) History:
    Group Discussion on why farmers were forced to grow Indigo on thier fields. Mapwork- Crops for Europe
    Class work completion.
    SANSKRIT चतुर्थः पाठः सदैव पुरतो निधेहि चरणम् । व्याकरणम् - धातुरूपाणि ।पत्रलेखनम्। कवितापाठस्य विश्लेषणम् । लोट् लकारस्य विधिलिङ् लकारस्य च भेदः। निर्देशानुसारं उचितपदैः पत्रस्य पूर्तीकरणम् । कवितायाः विलोम समानार्थकपदानां लेखनम् । पाठभागात् लोट् लकारः रूपाणि चित्वा अर्थसहितं लेखनीयम् । कवितायाः भावार्थकथनम् लेखनं च।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Unit :3 Tables and Forms * Create Table and Forms using primary keys * Practical Session :
    * Apply Primary Key to avoid duplicate values.
    * Create table "Students".
    * Apply primary key on column "Roll No."
    ART AND CRAFT One-Point Perspective View Cityscape
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH The Selfish Giant, Bepin Choudhury's Lapse of Memory, The Last Bargain (Poem), Notice Writing (Writing Skill), Revision for Half Yearly Examination Character Sketches, Literary Devices , Critical Appreciation, Diary Entry Mind Map, Diary Entry, Recitation, Role Play Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA and Competency Based Questions
    MATHEMATICS Cube and Cube roots Cube and cube roots Solving Cube root maze Ncert textbook questions
    Worksheets and extra
    question will be given to
    enhance their problem
    solving skills
    SCIENCE Force and pressure, Friction Force - Apush and pull, Exoploring Force, Contact Non contact force, Pressure Friction, Increasing and decrease friction, fluid friction Activity to find magnitude of force with the help of spring balance Activity to show contact non contact force by observing attraction and replulsion between two magnets Study and make a chart to show effect of force on objects Enlist on chart where friction necesary where it is evil,
    Types of economic activities.The Farm System of arable land,Types of farming.
    What is the Role of the Judiciary?
    What is an Independent Judiciary?
    What is the Structure of Courts in India?
    What are the Different Branches of the Legal System?
    Does Everyone Have Access to the Courts?
    GEOGRAPHY: 3. AGRICULTURE: Make a collage of different kinds of crops. POLITICAL SCIENCE: 4.JUDICIARY: Quiz Class work completion.
    SANSKRIT षष्ठः पाठः गृहं शून्यं सुतां विना ।सप्तमः पाठः भारतजनताऽहम्। व्याकरणम् पत्रलेखनम्। अन्वयलेखनम् ।व्यञ्जनसन्धिः, विसर्गसन्धिः, उपपदविभक्तयः । समाजे स्त्रीणां तथा बालिकानां च संरक्षणम् तासाम् अधिकारः इत्यस्मिन् विषये चर्चा ।अनुभवकथनं च। पाठस्य नाट्याविष्कारः। स्त्रीविषयकाणां सुभाषितानाम् लेखनम् ।पाठभागात् पर्यायपदानां विलोमपदानां च लेखनम् ।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Unit:4 Query and Report * Create the query and report using Database 1. Design a database schema for organizing information related to a specific topic of interest. Practice creating relationships between tables and writing SQL queries to retrieve data. * Apply Primary Key to avoid duplicate values.
    ART AND CRAFT Building and Architecture Shape Elements and Human Anatomy
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH The Summit Within (Prose) Character Sketches, Literary Devices , Critical Appreciation Mind Map, Diary Entry as the character, Role Play Word meanings, Short QA, Reference to the Context, Long QA and Competency Based Questions
    MATHEMATICS Chapter8: Comparing Quantities Compound Interest. Percentage and Discounts. Profit and Loss. Sales Tax and Value Added Tax. Using playing cards to learn ratio using shopping bills to find discount, profit and loss. NCERT TEXTBOOKS questions and Extra questions will be given as homework and Worksheet will be given for practice .
    SCIENCE Conservation of plants and animals Deforesstation its cause and consequence,Conservation of plants and animals,Biosphere Reserve,Flora and fauna,Endemic Species,Red Data book Paste map of India and locate various Wild life sancture,Reserviore,National park Complete Ncert ex in class work
    SOCIAL SCIENCE The Judiciary Judiciary, Understanding Our criminal Justice System, what is the role of the judiciary, Structure of courts in India, different branches of the Legal System Make a chart on the Indian Judiciary System and A debate on the judiciary system of different countries Ncert textbook questions and exercise to be done as homework
    SANSKRIT शब्दरूपाणि सर्वनामशब्दाः किम् यद् तद् च शब्दरूपाणि उदाहरणानुसारं वाक्येषु प्रयुज्य कारकाणाम् च अवागमनम्। किम् शब्दानां त्रिषु लिङ्गेषु प्रयोगः। प्रश्ननिर्माणम्।
    COMPUTER SCIENCE Unit:5 Openshot Video Editor * Understand Openshot video editor * learn to add videos,images& music files * Practical Session : * working on openshot window * make a video on Teachers Day
    ART AND CRAFT shape Elements Moving stick figure Hand

    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH The Fun They Had (MCB), The Road Not Taken (Poem), The Lost Child (Supplementary Reader), Descriptive Paragraph Writing Character Sketch, Poetic Elements, Mind Map MCQs, Diary Entry, Role Play, Summary Word meanings, Reference to the Context, Short QA, Long QA, Competency Based Questions
    HINDI सेतु कार्य, पाठ1 .दुःख का अधिकार,
    पाठ 2. रैदास के पद
    •व्याकरण--अनुस्वार ,अनुनासिक,
    शब्द-,युग्म ,पर्यायवाची
    * उचित लय एवं हाव-भाव।
    के साथ कविता का गायन ।
    आदर्श वाचन करते हुए- • पाठ का
    अर्थ स्पष्टीकरण।
    नाट्य रूपांतरण-कहानी का अभिनय , बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न शब्दार्थ ,मौखिक तथा लिखित प्रश्न , भाषा-ज्ञान संबंधित प्रश्न
    MATHEMATICS Number system Rational and Irrational numbers. representation of irrational numbers and operations on real numbers Representation of irrational numbers using spiral method . Solving exercise problems and Representation of irrational numbers. Extra questions as a homework
    SCIENCE Chapter 1: Matter in our surrounding
    Chapter 7: Motion
    Matter in our surrounding
    *properties of particles in a matter
    *Process of interconversion of states of matter
    *latent heat
    *distance and Displacement
    *speed and velocity
    *graphical representation of motion
    *Equations of motion.
    Sublimation of camphor or ammonium chloride Solving example and exercise numericals
    SOCIAL SCIENCE India: Size and Location(Geography), The Story of Village Palampur(Economics), What is Democracy? Why Democracy?(Political Science) India: Size and Location(Geography): Location, India And The World, India's Neighbours 1.The Story of Village Palampur(Economics):Organisation of Production, Farming in Palampur, Will the Land sustain, Land id fixed, Who will provied the labour? 1. What is Democracy?(Political Science)
    * Features of Democracy
    * Why Democarcy?
    * Broader Meaning of Democracy
    Group discussion on the topic “The Contradictions of the Green Revolution”. Map Skills- Indian states its capital and Union Territories What is Democracy? Why Democracy?: Draw and explain the cartoons of the chapter/Prepare a concept map on features of democracy. Complete Text book question and answer.
    ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Employability Skill (PART-1) Communication skill-I Communication & their types, Communication Cycle, Feedback in Communication, and Basic Writing Skills. Group Discussion (Types of Communication): Divide the class into groups and assign each group a topic related to communication. Have them discuss the topic and present their findings to the class. Group Discussion (Types of Communication): Divide the class into groups and assign each group a topic related to communication. Have them discuss the topic and present their findings to the class.
    SANSKRIT सेतुकार्यम् लिङ्ग विभक्तिवचनानां पुनःस्मारणम् ।प्रथमः पाठः अविवेकः परमापदां पदम् ।द्वितीयः पाठः पाथेयम्। वर्णानां नामानि, स्थानानि, तेषां सन्धि कार्येषु विशेष परिवर्तनम्। सुभाषितानाम् पदच्छेदः तथा पदपरिचयः।पाठयोः विद्यमानानि पर्यायपदानि क्रियापदानि च। सन्धिसंयोगयोःभेदःकथं अवगम्यते इति परिशीलयन्ति। गद्यपाठस्य वाचनम्। पाठे विद्यमानानाम् प्रश्नोत्तराणां चर्चा उत्तरकथनं लेखनं च ।पद्य पाठस्य वाचनम्। पाठयोः विद्यमानानां सन्धिपदानां क्रियापदानां तथा अव्ययपदानां च लेखनम्। कथास्तम्भानां क्रमीकरणम्। अपठितं गद्यांशं पठित्वा निर्देशानुसारं प्रश्नानाम् उत्तरलेखनम् ।
    ART AND CRAFT Creative Index design The traditional art form and abstract form Create different type of index design Choose a curated art collection or exhibition from a museum, gallery, or online platform
    SESSION (2024-25)
    HINDI पत्र लेखन (औपचारिक एवं अनौपचारिक )
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH The Sound of Music (Part I)
    The Sound of Music (Part II)
    Wind (Poem)
    The Adventures of Toto
    Character Sketches
    Poetic Devices
    Mind Map
    Diary entry
    Reading drill
    Role play
    Critrical appreciation
    Word meanings, Reference to the Context, Short QA, CBQs
    HINDI पाठ -1 गिल्लू (संचयन)
    * पाठ-2 एवरेस्ट मेरी शिखर यात्रा
    • व्याकरण- उपसर्ग -प्रत्यय, विलोम शब्द *
    रचनात्मक लेखन -पत्र लेखन
    * शब्दार्थ , 'प्रश्न -उत्तर
    * उपसर्ग -प्रत्यय , विलोम शब्द
    * पत्र लेखनपत्र लेखन (औपचारिक एवं अनौपचारिक )
    *वन्य प्राणियों के संरक्षण हेतु सरकार द्वारा
    क्या कदम उठाए गए हैं? अपनी एक रिपोर्ट
    तैयार कीजिए।
    आगे बढ़ती भारतीय महिलाओं की
    पुस्तक पढ़कर
    उनसे संबंधित चित्रों का संग्रह
    कीजिए एवं संक्षिप्त
    जानकारी प्राप्त करके लिखिए-
    MATHEMATICS POLYNOMIALS Polynomials in one variable
    Zeros of a polynomial
    Factorisation of polynomials
    Algebraic Identities
    Representation of factorisation of polynomial by paper cutting and pasting. solving textbook exercise and worksheets for practice .
    SCIENCE Ch 5. Fundamental unit of Life.
    Ch 2. Is matter around us pure?
    Structural organisation of cell, cell organelles. Differences between mixture and solution, Concentration of solution,Colloid, suspension, Physical and chemical change,elements and compounds. Preparing a colloidal and suspension solution Observing cells under microscope Making a model of cell with its organelles
    SOCIAL SCIENCE Revision for Unit Test 1.The French Revolution 2.Constitutional Design The French Revolution:
    * French Society During the Late Eighteenth Century
    * The Outbreak of the Revolution
    * France Abolishes Monarchy and Becomes a Republic
    * Did Women have a Revolution?
    * The Abolition of Slavery
    * The Revolution and Everyday Life Constitutional Design:
    * Democratic Constitution in South Africa
    * Why do we need a Constitution?
    * Making of the Indian Constitution
    * Guiding Values of the Indian Constitution
    1.The French Revolution: Role Play on any one Imp Character from French Revolution/ Prepare a timeline chart on French Revolution.
    2.Constitutional Design: Mind Map/Group discussion on Racial Discrimination in South Africa and suggesting ways to eradicate it.
    Complete the Text book questions and answers.
    ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Unit-2 Self-Management Skills Unit-3 ICT Skills Factors help in building self-confidence and Self confidence-building tips. ICT Roles and Tools, Computer Systems (Hardware, Software, Memory, CPU), Peripherals Devices, and Primary Operations on computer systems confidence-building tips. Written assignments on self-confidence and ICT concepts. Research and write about a famous figure who demonstrates strong self-confidence and present findings in the next class. Practice primary operations on a computer at home and note any difficulties or questions.
    SANSKRIT तृतीयः पाठः विजयतां स्वदेशः । चतुर्थः पाठः विद्यया भान्ति सद्गुणाः । पुल्लिङ्ग शब्दरूपाणि ।अनौपचारिकं पत्रम्। अकारान्तः पुल्लिङ्गः, इकारान्तः पुँल्लिङ्गः, उकारान्तः पुँल्लिङ्गः एवं ऋकारान्तः पुल्लिङ्गः च। लोट् विधिलिङ् लकारौ च। पाठस्य सस्वरवाचनम् । छात्रैः शब्दरूपाणां मौखिकाभ्यासः। पाठयोः वाचनं कृत्वा अभ्यासानां लेखनम्। निर्देशानुसारं प्रदत्तानां शब्दानां विभक्तिलेखनम्।पाठभागयोः विभक्ति कार्याणां लेखनम् ।
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH The Little Girl, Rain on the Roof (Poem), Iswaran the Storyteller, Letter to the Editor (Writing Skill) Character Sketches, Poetic devices, Mind Map, Summary, Critical Appreciation, Letter Writing Recitation, Role Play, Spell Bee, Quiz Word meanings, Short QA, Long QA, Reference to the Context, CBQs
    • * पाठ -2 स्मृति (संचयन)
    • * पाठ-3 तुम कब जाओगे अतिथि
    • * रहीम के दोहे
    • * व्याकरण-पर्यायवाची,विरामचिह्न
    • * रचनात्मक लेखन
    * शब्दार्थ , 'प्रश्न -उत्तर उपसर्ग -प्रत्यय , विलोम शब्द पत्र लेखन (औपचारिक एवं अनौपचारिक ) * श्रुतिलेख
    * विषय पर चर्चा
    * नाटक मंचन
    आगे बढ़ती भारतीय महिलाओं की पुस्तक
    पढ़कर उनसे संबंधित चित्रों का संग्रह
    कीजिए एवं संक्षिप्त जानकारी प्राप्त
    करके लिखिए-
    (क) पी. टी. उषा, (ख) आरती साहा,
    MATHEMATICS Linear equation in two variables and Polynomials verification and solving equations in two variables . Degrees of polynomials,zeros of polynomials,types of polynomials Identities used in polynomials Draw graph for linear equation in two variables and solving the polynomials using Identities and factorisation method. NCERT textbooks exercise and extra questions as well as worksheet will be given for practice.
    SCIENCE Is matter around us pure? Tissues (till complex tissues) Differences between mixtures and solutions. concentration of solution colloids, suspensions, physical & chemical changes, elements and compounds. Structure and functions of plant tissues Activity to show the difference between mixture and solution Preparation of solution of different concentration. Worksheet on colloids and suspensions.
    • 1. Physical Features of India
    • 2. People As a Resource
    • 3.Drainage
      Physical Features of India:
    • * Major Physiographic Divisions
    • * People as Resource:
    • * Overview
    • * Economic activities by men and women
    • * Quality of Population
    • * Unemployment
    • * Drainage
    • * Major rivers and tributaries
    • * Lakes
    • * Role of rivers in the economy
    • * Pollution of rivers
    1. Physical Features of India:
    Map Skills- Mountain peaks, plateaus, coastal plains and Islands
    2.People as Resource: Make a PPT upon either Education or Health as a resource.
    3.Drainage : Map Skills: Important rivers of India and their tributaries.
    Make a poster on conservation of water and give a suitable title to it.
    Class work completion.
    ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Unit-4 Entrepreneurial Skills
    Unit-5 Green Skills
    * Identify various types of buisness activities
    *Demonstrate the knowledge of distinguishing characterstics of entrepreneurship
    * Factors influencing natural resource conservation
    *Importance of green economy and green skills
    *stress Management
    * steps to Manage Stress
    *Computer System
    *Computer Operations
    * Use of positive words.
    * Draw the diagram of computer system & labeliing it.
    * Identification of various I/O units.
    SANSKRIT चतुर्थः पाठः विद्यया भान्ति सद्गुणाः ।(अनुवर्तनम्) व्याकरणम् - संवादलेखनम् । वाच्यपरिवर्तनम्। नैतिककथाग्रन्थानां परिचायनम् । कविपरिचयः। सदाचाराणां आचरणाय प्रेरणाप्रदानम्। वचनानां भेदाः। विभक्तिपरिचयः। श्लोकानाम् उच्चारणम् । पाठस्य सस्वरवाचनम् । पाठभागात् सन्धिशब्दान् चित्वा नाम्ना सह विच्छेदलेखनम्। नैतिकग्रन्थानां तेषां कर्तृृृणां च विषये लेखनम्। सदाचारविषये श्लोकानां संग्रहणम्।
    ART AND CRAFT Nature Drawing flower, plant, tree, animals etc. Botanical Illustration: Focus on drawing detailed and accurate representations of plants and flowers.
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH A Truly Beautiful Mind, The Lake Isle of Innisfree (Poem), Reported Speech, Revision for Half Yearly Examination Character Sketches, Poetic devices, Mind Map, Summary, Critical Appreciation Recitation, Role Play, Quiz Word meanings, Short QA, Long QA, Reference to the Context, CBQs
    HINDI * गीत-अगीत
    * वैज्ञानिक चेतना के वाहक
    * व्याकरण-विराम चिह्न
    * रचनात्मक लेखन-पत्र लेखन
    पाठ का सारांश ,
    प्रकृति अपने विभिन्न क्रिया-कलापों से मनुष्य को प्रभावित करती है।
    ‘गीत-अगीत’ कविता के आधार पर स्पष्ट कीजिए।
    * श्रुतिलेख
    * विषय पर चर्चा
    * नाटक मंचन
    बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न,
    अति लघु एवं दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न पुर्नाभ्यास।
    MATHEMATICS Lines and angles Intersecting lines, pair of angles, parallel lines and transversal lines angle sum property of a triangle Creating different angles using different materials and make a chart on angle sum property Ncert textbook questions worksheets and extra questions will be given to enhance their problem solving skills
    SCIENCE Tissues (from complex tissues) , Force and Laws of motion xylem and Ploem, epethelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue and nervous tissue. Inertia, momentum, 1st, 2ndand 3rd laws of motion. Activities to teach concept of Inertia. Work sheets on animal tissues and laws of motion.
    SOCIAL SCIENCE 2. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution: 3. Electoral Politics: 2. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution:
    ● The Age of Social Change
    ● The Russian Revolution
    ● The February Revolution in Petrograd
    ● What Changed after October?
    ● The Global Influence of the Russian
    Revolution and the USSR 3. Electoral Politics:
    ● Why Elections?
    ● What is our System of Elections?
    ● What makes elections in India
    2. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution: Quiz
    3. Electoral Politics: Mock election
    Class work completion.
    SANSKRIT षष्ठः पाठः तत् त्वम् असि ।शब्दरूपाणि नपुंसकलिङ्गशब्दाः ।उपपदविभक्तयः। संवादपूर्तिः। चित्रवर्णनम् च। वेद इतिहास उपनिषद् पुराणानां परिचायनम् ।अव्ययपदानां प्रयोगेण सह उपपदविभक्तीनां प्रयोगः। आरुणेः श्वेतकेतोः च मिथः सम्भाषणस्य प्रदर्शनम् ।क्त क्तवतु प्रत्ययानां परिवर्तनाभ्यासः । लघुवाक्यानां कथनम् लेखनं च ।
    ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Unit-4 Introduction to Python Introduction to Python, Features and Its Application, Operators and strings in Python, Conditional statements and loops, and List in Python. Logic Building algo. and program Students will try some simple solving exercises on python.
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH A Truly Beautiful Mind (Prose Character Sketches, Mind Map, Summary, Critical Appreciation Speech, Quiz Word meanings, Short QA, Long QA, Reference to the Context, CBQs
    MATHEMATICS Heron's Formula Finding area of triangles and Quadrilaaterals Finding the area of triangular plots or quadrilateral agricultural lands with given dimensions Finding the areas of any quadrilateral shapes by using Heron's Formula
    SCIENCE Tissuse Animal tissuse ,Epithlial tissuse,Conective tissuse,Muscular tissuse,Nervous tissuse Observation of cells under microscope. , spoting of permanent slide of animal tissuse Draw flow chart on different type of Animal tissuse and its function
    ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE unit -4 Introduction to Python * Learn basic programming Skills
    * Acquri introductory python programming Skills in a very user friendly format
    * Practical Session : * Introduction to Python Programming Language( * WAP to find the greater no. between two no. * WAP to find given no. odd or even.
    SANSKRIT व्याकरणम् उपपदविभक्तयः सपातविभक्तीनाम् अपि अभ्यासाः कारकविभक्तेः तथा उपपदविभक्तेः भेदाः उदाहरणानुसारम् अभ्यासाः क्रियन्ते। पाठभागात् विभक्तीनां चयनं कृत्वा वर्गीकरणम्।
    ART AND CRAFT Poster making Awareness Campaign PostersEducational Posters

    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH A Letter to God (MCB), Dust of Snow (Poem), Fire and Ice (Poem), A Triumph of Surgery (Supplementary Reader), Letter to the Editor and Placing an order (Writing Skills) Character Sketch, Critical Appreciation of the text /poem, Mind Map, Summary, Literary Elements Diary Entry, Free expression in the form of a paragraph, Recitation, Reference to the Context Word meanings, Short QA, Long QA, CBQs
    HINDI सेतु कार्य, पाठ1 -कबीर की साखी। पाठ 2-बड़े भाई साहब • व्याकरण--मुहावरे । साखी का व्याख्यान एवं विश्लेषण , पाठ का सारांश अपने शब्दों में बताना , मुहावरों का वाक्य में प्रयोग। अपने बड़े भाई साहब या बहन के साथ घटित किसी घटना का उल्लेख एक अनुच्छेद के रूप में लिखिए। कठिन शब्दों एवं मुहावरों के अर्थ ,अति लघुउत्तरीय,एवं दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न
    MATHEMATICS Real Numbers,Polynomials&Quadratic Equations Fundamental theorem of Arithmetic,HCF& LCM of two numbers& proving irrationality of numbers ,Finding zeroes of a polynomial,verification of relationships between zeroes& coefficients,Finding zeroes of quadratic equations,Discussing the nature of roots. Pairing of prime & composite numbers,pairing of odd& even numbers,pairing of rational& irrational numbers,Framing of quadratic equations & finding zeroes of the equations. Worksheets& solving questions from sample papers.
    SCIENCE Chapter 1: Chemical reactions and equations
    Chapter 5: Life processes
    Chapter 9: Light reflection and refraction
    Chemical reactions and equations
    *Balancing equations
    *Types of reaction
    Life processes
    * Digestion
    Light reflection and refraction
    *Image formation ray diagrams
    *mirror formula and magnification
    Lab demonstration on various types of chemical reaction.
    Experiment on finding focal length by focussing distant object
    Worksheet on previous year board papers.
    SOCIAL SCIENCE Economics: Development Political Science: Federalism Economics: Development: Income and other Goals, National Development, How to compare different countries or States?Income and other criteria,Public Faclities. Political Science: Federalism: What is federalism? , Key features of Federalism, What makes India a Federalism country?,How is Federalism practise?, Decentralism in India. Download the recent ‘The World Development Report 2020’ and analyse the data for further understanding of the development. Students will be asked to collect their family members BMI. Complete Text book question and answer.
    ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Employability Skill i) Communication skill-II Methods of communication, Principles of communication, Demonstrate basic Writing Skills, Demonstrate the ability to work independently. Ask about the bsaic &types of communication , ask about about how they can work independently, ask about operating system and basic of computer. Draw and explain Communication Cycle on A4 sheet/make a PPT
    ART AND CRAFT Creative Index design The traditional art form and abstract form Create different type of index design Choose a curated art collection or exhibition from a museum, gallery, or online platform
    SESSION (2024-25)
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH His First Flight, The Black Aeroplane, How to Wild Animals, The Ball Poem, The Thief Story, Analytical Paragraph Character Sketches Critical Appreciation Poetic Devices Free Expression Reference to the Context Mind Map, Speech (as the Pilot of Dakota 088), Recitation Word meanings, Short QA, Long QA, CBQs
    HINDI हरिहर काका
    * मीरा के पद
    * रचनात्मक लेखन
    शब्दार्थ , 'प्रश्न -उत्तर * ई-मेल लेखन व्याख्यान एवं विश्लेषण ,
    पाठ का सारांश अपने शब्दों में बताना ,
    * मीरा की भक्ति कबीर की भक्ति से किस
    प्रकार भिन्न थी ?
    महंत जी ने हरिहर काका की ज़मीन हड़पने
    के लिए धर्म, मोह और माया का सहारा
    किस तरह लिया? उनका ऐसा करना
    आप कितना उचित मानते हैं?
    MATHEMATICS Introduction To Trigonometry,Some Applications of Trigonometry Trigonometric ratios,some specific angles of trigonometric ratio's& trigonometric identities.Angle of elevation& depression
    SCIENCE Chem:Acid, Bases and salts
    Bio: Life Processes
    Physics: Light : Reflection and refraction
    Synthetic and natural indicators, reaction of metals, metal carbonates and metal bicarbonates , metal oxides on acids pH in every day life, Transportation in plants and human beings, Excretion - Refraction of light ,Image formation by lens Refractive index, Ray diagrams, power of lens Experiment of refraction of light through lens, prism and glass slab. Experiment to test acids and base using synthetic, natural and olfatory indicators, Solving textbook exercises, Numericals from previous year board paper.
    SOCIAL SCIENCE History:1 The Rise Of Nationalism In Europe Geography: 2 Forest And wild life The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation
    The Making of Nationalism in Europe
    The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848
    The Making of Germany and Italy
    Visualising the NationBiodiversity or GeoBiological Diversity
    • Flora and Fauna in India
    • Vanishing Forests
    • Asiatic Cheetah: Where did they go?
    • The Himalayan Yew in trouble
    • Conservation of forest and wildlife in India
    • Project Tiger
    • Types and distribution of forests and wildlife resources
    • Community and Conservation
    Find out more about nationalist symbols in countries outside Europe. For one or two countries, collect examples of pictures, posters or music that are symbols of nationalism. How are these different from European examples? Map Work Major Tiger reserves in India.
    INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Unit-2 : Self Management Skills-II * Apply stress management technique
    * Meaning and importance of Stress Management.
    * Stress Management Techniques-Yoga, Physical Exercise, Meditation.
    * Classes of Operating System.
    * Importance and need of care & maintenance of computer
    * Discuss the Exercise at the end of the the chapter. * Ask about the basics of computers (Input/Output) • Demonstrate and practice of writing Sentences.
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH From the Diary of a Young Girl, Amanda (Poem), The Thief's Story, The Midnight Visitor, Letter of Inquiry Character Sketches, Poetic devices, Mind Map, Summary, Critical Appreciation Collage Making, Diary Entry, Role Play Word meanings, Short QA, Long QA, Reference to the Context, Competency Based Questions
    HINDI पाठ -2 सपनो के से दिन (संचयन)
    * पाठ-3 डायरी का पन्ना
    * मनुष्यता
    • व्याकरण- समास
    * रचनात्मक लेखन
    शब्दार्थ , 'प्रश्न -उत्तर
    समास के भेद
    पत्र लेखन (औपचारिक )
    * विषय पर चर्चा
    ऐसे पुरुषों की जानकारी प्राप्त करके लिखे जिन्होंने अपना जीवन दूसरों की मदद में लगा दिया।
    MATHEMATICS PAIR OF LINEAR EQUATIONS IN TWO VARIABLES,TRIANGLES&PROBABILITY Framing pair of linear equations in two variables,Substituion and elimination method& conditions for consistency & inconsistency,Basic Proportionality theorem,similarity criteria,Probability of an event Proving Basic Proportionality Theorem using cardboard& papers,Finding probability of tossing coins different number of times.
    SCIENCE 1. Acids, Bases and Salts Chemical properties of acids and bases, strength of acids and bases, pH scale, importance of pH in every day life, Family of salts, chemicals from common salt and their uses - sodium hydroxide, bleaching powder, backing soda, washing soda, plaster of Paris. To collect the samples of various aubstances whose pH ranges from 1 to 14
    SOCIAL SCIENCE Water resources Gender, Religion and Caste Water Scarcity and The Need for Water Conservation and Management Multi-Purpose River Projects and Integrated Water Resources Management Rainwater Harvesting Gender and Politics Religion, Communalism and Politics Caste and Politics Map Pointing, Debate on Gender Equality Class Work completion,
    ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Unit-4:Entrepreneurial Skills-II
    Unit-5: Green Skills-II
    *Characterstics of succesful entrepreneur
    *Demonstrate knowledge of importance, problems and solutions related to sustainable development
    * Revision
    Boook exercises and class discussion Case Studies:
    * Make a plan and team for setting up a business
    *Make a plan and team for setting up a business
    ART AND CRAFT Still life Miniature Still Life, Arrange Your Composition: Set up a table or stand to arrange your objects.
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Glimpses of India (Part I, II & III), Trees (Poem), A Question of Trust, Analytical Paragraph Writing (Writing Skill) Character Sketches, Poetic devices, Mind Map, Summary, Critical Appreciation Diary Entry, Dialogue Writing, Recitation Word meanings, Short QA, Long QA, Reference to the Context, Competency Based Questions
    MATHEMATICS ARITHMETIC PROGRESSIONS,CIRCLES&STATISTICS Nth term of an Arithmetic Progression,sum of first n terms of an AP,secant and tangents of a circle,length of tangents of a circle,measures of central tendency. Activity on proving nth term and finding sum of first n terms of an AP NCERT textbooks exercise and extra questions as well as worksheet will be given for practice.
    SCIENCE Human eye and colourful world Control and coordination Parts of an eye, power of accomodotion, eye defects and its corrections- Myopia, Presbyopia, hypermetropia Nervous system, Reflex action and Human brain Coordination in plants - movement due to growth Hormones in animals. Exercise questions will be discussed, Ray diagrams of eye defect will be discussed Activity : Study of Human brain using model. Observing the plant growth in immediate surrounding -Factors affecting their growth. Worksheet questions on parts of eye, and eye defects. Exercise question and answers.
    SOCIAL SCIENCE Geography lesson 4. Agriculture: Economics Lesson 2. Sectors of Indian Economy Types of farming
    Cropping Pattern
    Major Crops
    Technological and Institutional Reforms
    Impact of Globalization on Agriculture Sectors of Economic Activities
    Comparing the three sectors
    Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
    Sectors in India
    Division of sectors as organized and unorganized
    Sectors in terms of ownership: Public and Private Sectors
    Group Discussion on the challenges faced by farmers, such as low productivity, lack of modern technology, inadequate irrigation facilities, and post-harvest losses and present the findings through PPT/chart. Draws inter linkages between various components of the physical environment, such as climate and relief, climate and vegetation, vegetation, and wildlife.
    ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Unit-1(Part B) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Unit-3 Advance Python Unit-2 (Part B) AI Project Cycle AI Ethics, Baise, AI access Anaconda & Jupiter Notebook and Introduction to Python and Its Application. Tokens, type of control structure, Data Types, Operators, Predefined Functions, Errors, Control statements, List and tuples. Brief Introduction Project Cycle i.e. Problem scoping, Data Acquisition, Data Exploration, Modelling And evaluation. Debates on ethical issues in AI Coding exercises using Python Group projects on creating a basic AI model following the AI Project Cycle Research and present a case study on AI ethics or bias. Write a Python program to demonstrate the use of control structures and data types. Create a flowchart for an AI project idea, outlining the project cycle stages.
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Mijbil the Otter (Prose) Character Sketches, Poetic devices, Mind Map, Summary, Critical Appreciation Diary Entry, Dialogue Writing Word meanings, Short QA, Long QA, Reference to the Context, Competency Based Questions
    HINDI पुनरावृत्ति सभी पाठों की """* शब्दार्थ , 'प्रश्न -उत्तर
    * रचना के आधार पर वाक्य
    रूपांतरण के भेद"""
    MATHEMATICS Circles Secant of a circle,Tangent of a circle,Length of tangent of a circle Theorem proof,Sums based on theorems:Example sums& exercise sums Activity to prove that length of tangents drawn from an external point to a circular are equal.
    SCIENCE Human eye and colourful world. "Dispersion- rainbow formation, Scattering and atmospheric refraction " "Experiment on Refraction through prism will be done in lab. " Worksheet on the different phenomenons of light.
    ART AND CRAFT Poster making Awareness Campaign PostersEducational Posters

    SESSION (2024-25)
    SESSION (2024-25)
    SESSION (2024-25)
    2. Relations and Functions
    Sets and their Representations
    Types of sets
    Venn Diagrams
    Operations on Sets
    Complement of a Set
    Cartesian Product of Sets
    Practise text book problems from excercise, problems from NCERT Exampler and additional problems in worksheet.
    ACTIVITY: Students are made to perform a role play of a real life situation where the concepts of Sets, Relations and Functions are used
    Extra practise problems from RD Sharma and Work sheets based on various types of questios like simple to complex.
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse (Supplementary Reader) , Letter to the Editor (Writing Skill) , Editing (Grammar) Character Sketches, Literary Elements, Summary, Critical Appreciation Reading Drill, Mind Map, Role Play, Grammar Worksheets Word meanings, Short QA, Long QA, Reference to the Context, Competency Based Questions
    MATHEMATICS functions Trigoometric Angles Trigonometric Functions Types of Functions Introduction of trigonometry Various systems to measure angles Trigoometric Functios like sine, cose, tanget, cosecant, secant and cotanget. solving TB excercises ACTIVITY: Students are divided into different groups and are asked to make the artistic formula charts Extra problems from Exampler and worksheet will be provided to practise
    PHYSICS Chapter–2: Motion in a Straight Line, Chapter-3: Motion in a plane Motion in a straight line,uniform and non-uniform motion, and instantaneous velocity, uniformly accelerated motion,velocity - time and position-time graphs. Relations for uniformly accelerated motion. Scalar and vector quantities; position and displacement vectors, general vectors and their notations; equality of vectors, multiplication of vectors by a real number; addition and subtraction of vectors, Unit vector; resolution of a vector in a plane, rectangular components, Scalar and Vector product of vectors. Teacher will ask the students to make a group of 4-5 students, and will provide each group a set of data comprising of distance and time Example and Exercise questions will be solved and Work sheet will be provided
    CHEMISTRY 1. Structure of atom
    2.Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
    1.Atomic models, Bhor's model for hydrogen atom, Quantum mechanical model
    2. Periodic classification, Modern peeiodic law, Nomenclature of elements, electronic configuration and types of elements - s., p, d, f blocks, Periodic trends.
    Problem solving, writing electronic configuration for various elements Solving activity based on periodic trends
    BIOLOGY 1. Biological Classification
    2. Plant kingdom
    1.General characteristics of Kingdom Protista,and Fungi
    2.General features and classification of plants.
    3. Major groups of plants- Algae , Bryophyta and pteridophyte
    Activity : Study of floral formula. Describing the local flowers available Disecting and display of floral whorls. Project : Preparing Herbarium by making use of plants and flowers available in the School -Herbal garden .
    PSYCHOLOGY Methods of Enquiry in Psychology
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Goals of Psychological Enquiry
    • 3. Steps in Conducting Scientific Research
    • 4. Alternative Paradigms of Research
    • 5. Nature of Psychological Data
    • 6. Some Important Methods in Psychology
    • 7. Observational Method
    • 8. Experimental Method
    • 9. Correlational Research
    • 10. Survey Research
    • 11. Psychological Testing
    • 12. Case Study
    • 13. Analysis of Data
    • 14. Quantitative Method
    • 15. Qualitative Method
    • 16. Limitations of Psychological Enquiry
    • 17. Ethical Issues
    Conduction of experiment on observation and learning. interpretating and learning the behaviour the individual and on the group. To observe the individuals in the environment and diffrenciate diffrent kinds of behaviour.
    INFORMATICS PRACTICES Brief Overview of Python
    • 1. Introduction to Python
    • 2. Python Keywords
    • 3. Identifiers
    • 4. Variables
    • 5. Data Types
    • 6. Operators
    • 7. Expressions
    • 8. Input and Output
    • 9. Debugging
    • 10. Control Statements
    • 1. Group viva on each sub-topics covered
    • 2. Solving case-studies and example programs from textbook
    • 3. Provided with different scenarios to logically think and analyze and write the correct program
    • 4. Code snippets will be given to predict the output and to debug
    • 1. Written notes will be provided to maintain a copy of all the topics covered
    • 2. Worksheets containin competencya nd comprehensive questions will be given as assignment.
    ACCOUNTANCY Theory base of Accounting. Basic Accounting concepts. Systems and basis of accounting. Accounting standards and GAAP and IFRS. Classification of Accounting . Quiz and case study based activities. worksheet on competency based questions related to the topic.
    BUSINESS STUDIES Unit 2: Forms of Business organizations; Revision-Unit-Test-1 Sole Proprietorship--Concept, merits and limitations;Partnership-Concept, types, merits and limitations of partnership, registration of a partnership firm, partnership deed. Types of partners;Hindu Undivided Family Business: Concept;Cooperative Societies-Concept, merits, and limitations.Company - Concept, merits and limitations; Types: Private, Public and One Person Company – Concept;Formation of company - stages, important documents to be used in formation of a company Quiz; Pictorial Collage related to topic; Case studies; Puzzle activity;Group Discussion; Peer- Teaching; Concept-Mapping; Competency based Questions; Practice-sheet;Worksheet;Board sample questions;Learners will research the topic related to Human Resource and converge the collected data related to the assigned topics in a Presentation Mode.
    ECONOMICS Consumer's Equilibrium and Demand
    Collection of Data
    Consumer's equilibrium
    Indifference curve analysis of consumer's equilibrium
    Demand and Price Elasticity of Demand
    Sources of data
    Methods of collecting data
    Census of India and National Sample Survey Organisation
    Solving Hypothetical Situations Roleplay Conducting a small survey in the school Solving worksheet provided in the class
    HISTORY An Empire Across Three Continents The early empire , The third century crisis, Gender, Literacy , culture, Economic expansion, Controlling workers, social Hierarchies, Late antiquity Map work , Text book Exercises Go through the chapter carefully and pick out some basicfeatures of Roman society and economy which you think make it look quite modern.
    POLITICAL SCIENCE Rights in the Indian Constitution The importance of rights • Bill of Rights b) Fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution • Right to Equality • Right to Freedom • Right against Exploitation • Right to Freedom of Religion • Cultural and Educational Rights • Right to Constitutional Remedies c) Directive principles of state policy. The Ideal of freedom, The sources of Constraints-Why do we need constraints? c) The Harm Principle d) Negative and Positive liberty Group Discussion: Rights, the type of rights, why some rights are considered as fundamental? Project : Comparative analysis: Rights guaranteed in India and other countries
    FINE ART Pre-historic rock paintings and art of Indus Valley pre historic rock-painting introduction a) period and location b) study and appreciation of 1)Wizard's ,bhimbethaka
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Discovering Tut, The Laburnum Top (Poem), The Voice of the Rain (Poem), The Address Character Sketches, Literary Elements, Summary, Critical Appreciation Reading Drill, Mind Map, Role Play, Dialogue Writing Word meanings, Short QA, Long QA, Reference to the Context, Competency Based Questions
    MATHEMATICS 1.Continution of Trigonometric Functions
    2. Complex numbers and Quadratic Equations
    ● Trigonometric Functions of Sum and Difference of Two Angles
    ● Introduction to Complex Numbers
    ● Algebra of Complex Numbers
    ● The Modulus and the Conjugate of a Complex Number
    ● Argand Plane and Polar Representation
    Solve prolems from Text Book and Exampler
    * Representation of a complex number as a point in the plane will be explained by conducting a game in the ground.
    Extra prolems provided through worksheet
    PHYSICS 1. Motion in a plane continuation
    2. Laws of motion
    3. work, Energy and power
    ● projectile motion
    ● Uniform circular motion
    ● law of inertia
    ● Newton's first, second and third law
    ● equilibrium of a particle ●circular motion
    ● solving problems in mechanics work done by a variable force
    ● concept of potential energy
    ● potential energy of a spring
    ● power
    ● collisions
    ● Numericals will be solved
    ● Finding force constant by Hook's law experiment in Lab
    ● project will be done on collision of two bodies
    work sheet will be given on each chapter
    ● Extra question s will be given as Home work
    CHEMISTRY 1. Structure of atom continuation
    2. Classification of periodic table
    3. Chemical Bonding till Bond parameters
    1. Quantum mechanical model
    2. Periodic classification, Modern peeiodic law, Nomenclature of elements, electronic configuration and types of elements - s., p, d, f blocks, Periodic trends, octet rule,covalent bond, lewis structure, formal charge, Ionic bond, Lattice enthalpy, Bond parameters.
    Problem solving, writing electronic configuration for various elements, Drawing electron dot structure Practice question worksheets, problem solving activity based on periodic trends
    BIOLOGY 1. Animal kingdom
    2. Morphology of flowering plants.
    3.Anatomy of flowering plants
    4. Structural organisation in animals.
    1.Classification of animals upto phyla level (Non chordates ) and class level (Chordates)
    2.Morphology and modification of root,stem and leaf.
    3. Types of plant tissues,Anatomy of root & stem
    4. Animal tissues and its types
    Activity : Floral Formula Locally available flowers will be collected and its part will be segregated and floral formula will be written.
    Sectioning of root tissue in the laboratory and study of Dicot and Monocot tissue.
    Exercise question and answers MCQ,s and Assertion and Reasoning type of questions.
    ACCOUNTANCY Recording of Business Transaction -I Accounting equation Journal entries. ledger. subsidiary books. Students will be asked to pass Journal Entries for ten transacations based on day to day activities. worksheet based on the topic
    BUSINESS STUDIES Unit-3-Forms of Public Sector Enterprise; Global Enterprise; Public Private Partnership; Joint venture;Unit-4- Business Services Meaning and types.Banking: Types of bank accounts -savings, current, recurring, fixed deposit and multiple option deposit account; Banking services with particular reference to Bank Draft, Bank Overdraft, Cash credit. E-Banking: meaning, types of digital payments; Insurance – Principles. Types – life, health, fire and marine insurance – concept; Postal Service - Mail, Registered Post,Parcel, Speed Post, Courier - meaning; revision Role-Play; Presentation related to the topic;StudentPresentation on Data analysis on e-banking, type of bank accounts; case studies discussion; Competency based Questions; Case studies;Flowchart depicting procedure to open an offline bank account or online banking;Solving the handout.
    HISTORY Theme-3 Nomadic Empires 1.Introduction
    2. Social And Political Background
    3. The career Of Genghis Khan 3. Social, Political And Military Organisation
    4.Conclusion: Situation Ghenghis Khan And Mongols in World History
    Timeline Creation- Students to work in groups to create a timeline of major nomadic empires, including key events, leaders and territorial expansions. Worksheets will be provided. Extra questions will be given to solve
    POLITICAL SCIENCE PART A-INDIAN CONSTITUTION AT WORK Lesson No 4. Executive Political Theory Leson No 3. Equality a) What is an executive?
    b) What are the different types of executives?
    c) Parliamentary executive in India Power and position of President Discretionary Powers of the President
    d) Prime Minister and Council of ministers
    e) Permanent Executive:
    Bureaucrac Why does equality matter?
    ● Equality of opportunities
    ● Natural and Social Inequalities
    b) Three dimensions of equality
    c) Feminism, Socialism
    d) How can we promote equality?
    Discussion and debate:
    Promotion of equality Interpretation of Cartoons/ caricatures
    Comparative Analysis: Different forms of Executive
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Mother's Day (Play), Childhood (Poem) Character Sketches, Literary Elements, Summary, Critical Appreciation Reading Drill, Mind Map, Role Play, Dialogue Writing Word meanings, Short QA, Long QA, Reference to the Context, Competency Based Questions
    MATHEMATICS "Revision for half yearly and Binomial therom" "Revision on Sets, Relations, Trigonometry, linear inequations, and Permutauions.
    . Binomial Theorem for Positive Integral Indices "
    "Students doubts will be clarifed in vraious topics and and extra problems are given to studnets in class to solve." worksheet will be provided with different standards.
    PHYSICS "Revision for half yearly examination chapter-5 work,Energy and power " Work done by a constant force and a variable force; kinetic energy, work- energy theorem, power. revising the concepts by using mind maps and giving them the worksheet to solve and numericals will be discussed Worksheet will be given for practicing the questions
    CHEMISTRY chemical bonding and Molecular structure Kossel - Lewis approach, octet rule, covalent bond, Lewis dot structures, formal charge, limitations of octet rule, Ionic bond, lattice enthalpy and bond parameters Representation of various covalent compounds by Lewis dot structures Compare and contrast the bond parameters of various compounds
    BIOLOGY "Revision of Animal kingdom, Biological Classification
    Half yearly examination ( 9th Sep to 23rd Sep)
    Cell - The Unit Of Life"
    "Reviaion - Phylum vertebrata - Unique characters with appropriate examples.
    Cell- Structural features and function of different cellular organelles.
    (Cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasmic inclusions)"
    "Presentation of selected portions during class hour for revision and clearing the doubts.
    Preparation of temporary slides - for observing different shapes of cells. "
    "HOT'S are given for practice as homework.
    Solving of questions and answers given as homework."
    PSYCHOLOGY Revision of first 3 chapters Half Yearly Exam Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes "Introduction
    2. Knowing the world
    3. Nature and varieties of Stimulus
    4. Sense Modalities
    Functional limitation of sense organs"
    The students are given questions based on the revision chapters and are asked to write answers for the same. MCQ's and CBQ's are given.
    ACCOUNTANCY Revision for Half yearly exam and depreciation . Revision on passing journal entries and depreciation methods . Students doubts will be clarifed in vraious topics and and extra problems will be given in class to solve. worksheet will be provided with different standards.
    BUSINESS STUDIES Revision. Half yearly examination 9 sept to 23 sept. Practicals Sources of Business finance unit 7 Diagnostic assessment, Oral viva , Keywords concept Mapping MCQS,CASE STUDIES worksheet
    HISTORY Revision for Half Yearly Examination . The following chapters will be revised.1. writing and City life . 2. An Empire Across Three Continents. 3. Nomadic Empires The following chapters will be discussed. (1) Writing and City Life (2) An Empire Across Three Continents (3) Nomadic Empires MCQs, Short answer type questions , Long answer type Questions will be discussed . Class test on MCQs , short answer type questions , Long answer type questions will be done
    POLITICAL SCIENCE Revision for Half Yearly Examination and Lesson 6. Rights "Meaning of Rights Origin of Rights Legal Rights and State Kinds of Rights Rights and Responsibilities " Map Based questionand answers discussion, Sample Question Paper solving Google form MCQ test will be given
    FINE ART artistic aspects of Indian Temple sculpture method of casting Study and appreciation of following soth indian bronze
    Home Science Unit II-Understanding Family,Community and Scoiety. 9.Relationships and Interactions with "significant others" A.Family B.School,Peers and Educators C.Community and Society ---Understanding Family,meaning and defenation of family,importance of family,function of family for overall deleopment of individual. ----Role of school in developing new relationships,Importance of Peer in transforming the child's growth,Importance of developing friendship. -----Importance of influence of education and teacher in students development and achivements. 1.Activity: Students will be asked to create a family tree diagram showing their own family or a fictional one. They should include relationships, roles, and interactions among family members. 1.students maintain a diary for a week where they reflect on their daily interactions and relationships. At the end of the week, they should write a summary of their observations and insights.

    SESSION (2024-25)
    L1 : Last Lesson (MCB-Flamingo)
    P1 :My Mother at Sixty Six (MCB-Flamingo)
    L1:The Third Level(Supplementary-Vistas)
    P2: Keeping Quiet (MCB-Flamingo)
    Poetic devices Writing Skills(WS 1): Notice Writing
    Reading Skills(RS 1) : Comprehension
    Writing Skills(WS 2): Article Writing
    Group discussion on preservation of language Interactive Quiz Colloborative paragraph Writing Family Story Unit wise assignment & worksheet 5 days challenge to read a book
    MATHEMATICS 3. Matrices 4. Determinant Understanding the properties of a matrix, itypes of matrices and applies the algebra of matrices,fiding inverse of Matrix.
    Application of determinants to solve system of linear equations
    Practise text book problems from excercise, problems from NCERT Exampler and additional problems in worksheet.
    ACTIVITY: Making colourful charts on types of Matrices and the applications of Matrices and Determinants in real life.
    Extra practise problems from RD Sharma and Embibe Work sheets to e given to solve.
    PHYSICS Bridge course: System of particles of rotational motion. Chapter 1. Electric charges and fields 2. Electronic devices Electric charges, Conservation of charge, Coulomb's law-force between two- point charges, forces between multiple charges; superposition principle and continuous charge distribution. Electric field, electric field due to a point charge, electric field lines, electric dipole, electric field due to a dipole, torque on a dipole in uniform electric field. Electric flux, statement of Gauss's theorem and its applications to find field due to infinitely long straight wire, uniformly charged infinite plane sheet and uniformly charged thin spherical shell ,Energy bands in conductors, semiconductors and insulators (qualitative ideas only) Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors- p and n type, p-n junction Semiconductor diode - I-V characteristics in forward and reverse bias, application of junction diode -diode as a rectifier determination of VI characteristics of pn junction diode, verification of coulombs law project on coulombs law by using pith balls
    CHEMISTRY Bridge course: Equilibrium constant, Gibb'S free energy, solubility, solubility product, Nucleophiles and electrophiles 1.Solutions 2. Halo alkanes &Halo arenes 3. Electro chemistry Henry's law, Roults law, colligative properties, IUPAC nomenclature, preparation and properties of haloalkanes and haloarenes, electro chemical cells, nernst equation, Faraday's laws, batteries experiment to show the effect of temperature on solubility, setting up of a Daniel cell using salt bridge, salt analysis numerical problems based on colligative properties, nernst equation, Faraday's laws, conversions of one compound to another
    BIOLOGY A. Bridge cource: cell division
    B. Sexual reproduction in Flowering plants
    C. Human reproduction and reproductive health
    1. Meiosis and it's steps, process of crosing over 2. Gametogenesis , pollination and it's types, double fertilization , formation of seeds ,and fruits, Apomixis, polyembryony 3. Male and female reproductive system Gametogenesis, Menstrual cycle parturation lactation, contraceptive devices, sexually transmitted diseases, assisted reproductive technologies. 1. Observations of permanent slides of diplotene, Zygoteneand pachytene.
    2. Preparation of temporary slide for observing pollen germination.
    3. Models or videos for human reproductive system. 4. Study of slide of T.S testis, overy and blastula.
    To prepare concept map for meiosis. Study of flower and noting the position of overy and study of reproductive organs. Flow chart of Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis, case study question on reproductive health will be given to solve
    PHE UNIT -1 Management of Sporting Events
    UNIT- 2 Children and Women in Sports
    1.Functions of Sports Event Management (planning,organising,staffing,directing and controlling)
    2.Fixtures and their procedure.
    3. Intrmural and Extramural tournament.
    4.Exercise guidelines of WHO for different age group
    5. Common postural deformities.
    6. Women participation in sports .
    1.Group discussion
    2.Physical fitness test 5-17 guildelines of WHO.
    3. Flamingo balance tes
    1. Worksheet is provided on the key concepts
    PSYCHOLOGY Ch1- Variations in Psychology
    Ch2- Self and Personality
    • Intelligence and its theories
    • Types of tests
    • relationship between culture, intelligence and creativity
    • Self and kinds of self
    • Theories of personality (Type and trait approach)
    • Psychodynamic approach
    • Behavioural approach
    • Cultural approach
    • humanistic approach
    • Types of assessment of personality
    - Experience sharing - Short film - perception and projection 1. Read up on topics to present it in class
    INFORMATICS PRACTICES Unit 2: Database Query Using SQL 1. Math functions
    2. Text functions
    3. Date functions
    4. Aggregate functions
    5. Querying and manipulating data using Group by, Having, Order by
    6. Working with two tables using equi-join
    1. Case studies for each sub-topics
    2. Group discussion on competency based questions
    3. Analysing commonly asked questions in boards and writing queries
    4. Diagnosing the problem and solving them with accurate queries
    1. Worksheets given as Google forms
    2. Written notes given for each topics
    3. Case-studies given to analyse and solve as assessment
    BUSINESS STUDIES Unit 1Nature and Significance of Management
    Unit2 Principles of Management
    Unit 3-Business Environment
    Unit 12-Consumer Protection
    Unit 11-Marketing
    -Effiectiveness,efficiency,concept of management,coordination;Nature and Significance of Management;Functions of Management;Unit 2- Fayol's Principles of Management; Unit 3: Business Environment- concept, features.significance; dimensions or elements; Unit 12- Rights, Responsibilities, Remedies and Relief available for consumers as per COPRA2019;Definition of a consumer; Who can file a complaint and against whom; Redressal mechanisms for consumer; Ways and means of consumer protection;Unit 11-Concept of Marketing, Marketing Mix, Branding, Labelling, Packaging and its significance; Functions in Marketing;components of Physical distibution;Factors which determine the Price of a Product;Promotion-Tools of Promotion Case study Questions, Competency based Questions;Group Discussion;School Recyclathon Planning and Participation; Industrial visit;written class test chapter wise Assignment in written mode; Solving NCERT TEXTUAL QUESTION ;Preparation of Questionnaire Project work on Applicability of Principles of Management;Marketing; Collage work on copra 2019
    ECONOMICS Bridge Course
    Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence
    Indian Economy 1950-1990
    1.1 Introduction, 1.2 Low level of economic development under the colonial rule, 1.3 Agricultural sector, 1.4 Industrial sector, 1.5 Foreign trade, 1.6 Demographic condition, 1.7 Occupational structure, 1.8 Infrastructure, 1.9 Conclusion, 2.1 Introduction, 2.2 The goals of five-year plans, 2.3 Agriculture, 2.4 Industry and trade, 2.5 Trade policy: Import substitution, 2.6 Conclusion Research and create a timeline highlighting major economic events in India leading up to independence.
    Organize a mock trade fair representing the trade scenario of pre-independence India. Discuss the commodities and trade partners.
    Create a visual representation (chart or graph) showing the growth of industries in India during the planned period. Highlight major sectors and their contributions.
    Highlight success stories of individuals or communities who thrived during this period, despite economic challenges
    Collect thge information and highlight success stories of individuals or communities who thrived during this period, despite economic challenges. Worksheet provided in the class will be solved by the students.
    HISTORY 1. Bricks, Beads And Bones
    2. Kings , Farmers And Towns
    3. Kinship, Caste And Class
    1.Subsistence Strategies, Mohenjodaro A Planned urban Centre, Tracking Social Differences , Finding About Craft Production, Seals , Scripts And Weights, Emd Of Civilisation
    2.The Earliest States ,An Early empire, New Notions Of Kinship , A Changing Countryside , Towns And trade, Back to Basics, The Limitations Of Inscriptional Evidence
    3. The Critical edition of Mahabharata , Kinship And Marriage,Social Differences,Beyond Birth Resources and Status, Explaining social differences , Handling Texts,a Dynamic Text
    1. Clay Modelling
    2. Map Work
    3.Group Discussion - on the excerpts from the Mahabharata included in the chapter.
    1.Describe the different features of Mohenjodaro.
    2.Discuss the main features of Mauryan administration
    3. Explain the evidences that suggests that Brahmanical prescriptions about kinship and marriage were not universally followed.
    POLITICAL SCIENCE PART A 1. The End of Bipolarity
    PART B 1. Challenges of Nation Building
    a) The Soviet System
    b) Gorbachev and the disintegration
    c) Causes and Consequences of disintegration of Soviet Union
    d) Shock Therapy and its Consequences
    e) New entities in world politics Challenges for the new Nation. Three Challenges.
    f) Partition: Displacement and Rehabilitation. Consequences of Partition.
    g) Integration of Princely States
    Cartoon Interpretation Map Activity Group Discussion: Causes and consequences of disintegration of USSR Documentaries-Past & present situations in USSR/Post Soviet Republics
    FINE ART The Rajasthani Schools of Miniature Painting Origin and Development distinct characteristics and contributions of sub-schools like Mewar, Bundi, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Written Assignments, Individual Presentations, Group Presentations, Artwork Analysis, Quizzes and Tests
    SESSION (2024-25)
    POLITICAL SCIENCE PART A 1 Contemporary Centres of Power PART B 2 Era of One-Party Dominance Topics to be focused:
    a) European Union
    b) Association of Southeast Asian Nations
    c) Rise of China as an economic power
    d) Japan and South Korea as emerging powers" Topics to be focussed:
    a) Challenge of building
    b) Congress dominance in the first three general elect ions. Nature of Congress dominance Congress as social and ideological coalition. Tolerance and management of Factions
    c) Emergence of opposition parties.
    Interpretation of cartoons/ Pictures/ Newspaper clippings Comparative analysis: Ideology of different political parties
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH L2:The Lost Spring (MCB-FLAMINGO) P3: A Thing of Beauty (MCB-FLAMINGO) L2:Tiger King (Supplementary-Vistas) Poetic Devices Writing Skills : Invitation(Formal/Informal:Replies/Acceptance/Denial) Learning Stations Cartoon Commentary Digital Invitation Designing using Canva/Adobe Photoshop Students will attempt Competency Based Questions per lesson Worksheets will be provided on Poetic Devices
    MATHEMATICS 4. Determinants 5. Continuity and Differentiability * Application of determinants to solve system of linear equations
    *Area of a Triangle
    *Minors and Cofactors
    *Adjoint and Inverse of a Matrix
    *Applications of Determinants and Matrices
    * Verifying if a function is continuous and finding derivatives
    *Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
    *Logarithmic Differentiation
    * Derivatives of Functions in Parametric Forms
    * Second Order Derivative
    Practise text book problems from excercise, problems from NCERT Exampler and additional problems in worksheet.
    ACTIVITY: Students will be made to play Dumbcharades to enact and find out the specified formula.
    PHYSICS 3. electrostatic potential and capacitance 4.current electricity *dielectrics and electric polarization, capacitors and capacitance, combination of capacitors in series and in parallel, capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectric medium between the plates,Internal resistance of a cell, potential difference and emf of a cell, combination of cells in series and in parallel, Kirchhoff's rules, Wheatstone bridge. combination of capcitors and cells will be shown verification of kirchhoff 's law will be done in meter bridge
    CHEMISTRY Alcohols, phenols and ethers. IUPAC nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties of alcohols, phenols and ethers. Esterification will bedone. Compounds will be given for naming. Conversion questions will be given.
    BIOLOGY Principles of Inheritance and variation a. Mendelian law of inheritance
    b. Multiple allelism
    c. linkage and recombination
    d. Genetic disorders
    solving of punette square for monohybrid and dihybrid cross calculating Genotypic and phenotypic ratio for laws of Mendelism
    ECONOMICS Basic Concepts of Macroeconomics National Income Accounting and Related Aggregates 1.1 Emergence of macroeconomics , 1.2 Context of the present book of macroeconomics, 1.3 Some basic concepts of macroeconomics, 1.4 Circular flow of income, 2.1 Methods of calculating national income, 2.2 Some macroeconomic identities, 2.3 Nominal and real GDP, 2.4 GDP and welfare A simulation activity will be conducted where students represent different factors of production (land, labour, capital) and interact to produce goods/services, demonstrating how their combined efforts contribute to national income.
    A project-based activity where students create their own simplified model of national income accounting for a hypothetical economy, applying concepts learned in the chapter to analyse its economic performance.
    Solving the practice sheet provided in the class.
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH L3:Deep Water (MCB-Flamingo)
    L3 : Journey to the End of the Earth (Supplementary-Vistas)
    P4:A Road Side Stand (MCB-Flamingo)
    L4:Rattrap (MCB-Flamingo)
    Letter Writing Job Application Letter Comprehension/Poetic Devices Report Writing Group Discussion on the concept of climate justice and the impact of climate change in developing countries
    Vlogging on Places of visit(countryside and its scenic view)
    Students analyze a key decision in The Rattrap and brainstorm its consequences. By linking this activity to the movie Run Lola Run, students compare how different narratives explore the rippling effects of choices on characters' fates
    • Write a Letter to the Self using the story Deep Water as a structural model.
    • Resume writing
    • Poetic devices
    MATHEMATICS Continuity and Differentiability Application of Derivatives Verifying if a function is continuous and finding derivatives Using differential calculus to solve problems relating to slopes or rates solving TB excercises and NCERT lab manual activities will be conducted. Extra problems from Exampler and worksheet will be provided o previous year questions
    PHYSICS Chapter–3: Current Electricity, Chapter–4: Moving Charges and Magnetism Electric current, flow of electric charges in a metallic conductor, drift velocity, mobility and their relation with electric current; Ohm's law, V-I characteristics (linear and non-linear), electrical energy and power, electrical resistivity and conductivity, temperature dependence of resistance, Internal resistance of a cell, potential difference and emf of a cell, combination of cells in series and in parallel, Kirchhoff's rules, Wheatstone bridge. Concept of magnetic field, Oersted's experiment. Biot - Savart law and its application to current carrying circular loop. Ampere's law and its applications to infinitely long straight wire. Straight solenoid (only qualitative treatment), force on a moving charge in uniform magnetic and electric fields. Students will do the activity related to ohm;s law and connecting with the theort Numericals will be given on current electricity and work sheet will be given to solve the conceptual questions
    CHEMISTRY The d- and f-Block elements and Chemical kinetics General characteristics of The d- and f- block elements, preparation and properties of KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7.determination of rate and rate constants, order and molecularity, activation energy and collision theory. Volumetric analysis (Permanganometry) Numericals based on rate, rate constant and activation energy will be given.
    BIOLOGY Molecular basis of inheritance 1. Structure of DNA - Types of DNA
    2. Search for Genetic material - DNA/RNA/ Protein
    3. Replication - Semi conservative and mechanism of replication
    Activity : Twizzler and candy DNA model activity Using a candy and twizzler to prepare a DNA model representing the backbone and nitrogenous bases. Worksheet containing previour years MCQ's and two mark question.
    PHE Yoga As PreventiveMeasure For Life Style Disease 1.Common Life Style Disease
    a.Obesity b.Diabetes
    d.Hypertension e.Back pain and Arthitis.
    1.Breathing Exercise 2.Basic Yoga poses3.Yoga Art Health Benifits of yoga 1.Scientific study 2.Survey and Analysis
    PSYCHOLOGY Meeting Life Challenges
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Nature, Types and Sources of Stress
    • 3. Effects of Stress on Psychological Functioning and Health
    • 4. Stress and Health
    • 5. General Adaptation Syndrome
    • 6. Stress and Immune System
    • 7. Lifestyle
    • 8. Coping with Stress
    • 9. Stress Management Techniques
    • 10. Promoting Positive Health and Well-being
    • 11. Life Skills
    • 12. Positive Health
    Conduction of experiment on stress. Interpretating and analysing the same on individual and on group. Identitify the challenges, sources and personal mediators of stress in the family setting.
    INFORMATICS PRACTICES Data Handling Using Pandas - I
    • 1.Data Frames: creation - from dictionary of Series
    • 2. Creation - from list of dictionaries
    • 3. Text/CSV files - Display, Iteration
    • 4. Operations on rows and columns: add, select, delete, rename
    • 5. Head and Tail functions
    • 6. Indexing using Labels
    • 7. Boolean Indexing
    • 1. Group viva on each sub-topics covered
    • 2. Solving case-studies and example programs from textbook
    • 3. Provided with different scenarios to logically think and analyze and write the correct program
    • 4. Code snippets will be given to predict the output and to debug
    • 1. Written notes will be provided to maintain a copy of all the topics covered
    • 2. Worksheets containin competencya nd comprehensive questions will be given as assignment.
    ACCOUNTANCY Admission of a Partner Effect of admission of a partner on change in profit sharing ratio , treatement of goodwill ( as per AS 26) treatment for revaluation of assets and liabilities , treatment of reserves and accumulated profits, adjustment of capital accounts and preparation of Balance sheet. Numericals sums based on the topic with case studies based. worksheet on the topic and 6 marks questions from previous years board papers.
    BUSINESS STUDIES Unit-4Planning;Unit-5 Organising;Unit-6 Staffing Features,Advantages &Limitations of Planning;Concept and importance of Organising;Organising Process;Structure of organisation- functional and divisional concept. Formal and informal organization -concept;Delegation: concept, elements and importance;Decentralization: concept and importance; Concept and importance;as a part of Human Resource Management;Staffing,Recruitment and Selection process; Training & Development; Case-studies; Brain storming; Puzzle activity;Role play; Solving Competency based Questions in Practice Sheet;Writing Action-Plan Related to Organising an event; Learners will research the topic related to Human Resource and converge the collected data related to the assigned topics in a Presentation Mode.
    ECONOMICS Economic Reforms since 1991
    Money and Banking
    Features and appraisals of liberalisation, globalisation and privatisation (LPG policy) Concepts of demonetization and GST Money – meaning and functions, supply of money Money creation by the commercial banking system Central bank and its functions Monetary Policy by Central Bank Money creation by the commercial banking system will be performed in the class by the students Students solve worksheet given in the class along with previous year questions for practice
    HISTORY Bhakti And Sufi Saints A mosaic of Religious Beliefs And Practices, Poems of prayer, The Veerashaiva tradition in Karnataka, Religious Ferment in North India,New Strands in the fabric Islamic traditions, The growth of Sufism, The Chistis in the Subcontinent, New Devotional paths dialogue and dissent in nothern India, Reconstructing Histories of religious traditions Choose two religious saints and finf out more about their lives and teachings . HW- Analyse , with illustrations ,why bhakti and sufi thinkers adopted a variety of languages in which to express their opinion.
    POLITICAL SCIENCE PART B-POLITICS IN INDIA SINCE INDEPENDENCE: India’s External Relations Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System Topics to be focussed: a) International Context b) The Policy of Non Alignment. • Nehru’s role • Distance from two camps. • Afro Asian Unity c) Peace and conflict with China • The Chinese Invasion1962 • War and Peace with Pakistan • Bangladesh War 1971 d) India’s Nuclear Policy. Challenge of Political Succession • From Nehru to Shastri, From Shastri to Indira Gandhi b) Fourth General Election 1967 • Context of the Election. • Non Congressism • Electoral Verdict • Coalitions • Defections c) Split in the Congress • Indira vs the Syndicate • Presidential Election 1969 d) The 1971 Election and Restoration of Congress • The outcome and after • Restoration? 1. Debate: India’s stand on shifting alliances, 2. Map Activity 1. Summarize the initiatives taken by Indira Gandhi to overcome the challenges faced by her.
    2. Examine the lessons of Emergency
    FINE ART The Pahari School: Main features of the PahariSchool 4. Appreciation of the following Pahari paintings: Nature Drawing,still life
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH Indigo(Prose Flamingo) Aunt Jennifer's Tiger(Poem) On the Face of It (Supplementary ) Revision(Half Yearly) Poetic Devices Invitation(Formal). Reading Comprehension Mind Maps. Inter- class Debate. Ipsative Assessment worksheets Mind maps CBQs
    MATHEMATICS 7. Integration Introduction
    Integration as an Inverse Process of Differentiation
    Methods of Integration
    Integrals of Some Particular Functions
    Integration by Partial Fractions
    Integration by Parts
    Definite Integral
    Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
    Evaluation of Definite Integrals by Substitution
    Some Properties of Definite Integrals
    solving TB excercises and NCERT lab manual activities will be conducted. Mirror Dumbcharades will be conducted to enact and find out various words and formula from Integration topics Extra problems from Exampler and worksheet will be provided o previous year questions
    PHYSICS Chapter -4 continiation; Chater-5 Magnetism and matter; chapter-6 Electromagnetic Induction Moving coil galvanometer; Magnetism and magnetic intensity, magnetic properties of materials; Experiments of faraday and Henry, Magnetic flux, Faraday's law of induction, Lenz's law and conservation of energy, motional Electromotive force, inductance , AC generator 1.Activity on Meter bridge: Finding unknown resistance; 2. Activity on Galvanometer: Conversion of galvanometer into ammeter and voltmeter; 3. Activity on faraday's law: finding magnetic flux using law of induction Numericals will be given on Electromagnetic induction and magnetism and matter; worksheetwill be provided on each chapter
    CHEMISTRY Coordination compounds, aldehydes and ketones Werner's theory, IUPAC nomenclature, isomerism, VB theory, crystal field theory, nomenclature, preparation and properties of aldehydes and keyones Functional group analysis Worksheets on isomerism in coordination compounds, VB theory, crystal field theory and conversions.
    BIOLOGY 1. Molecular basis of inheritance
    2. Evolution
    Unit : VIII Biology in Human Welfare. Human Health and Disease.
    2. Regulation of gene expression- Lac operon
    3. Human Genome Project
    4.Evolution of life form,.mechanism of evolution
    5. Common diseases in Humans
    Activity: Preparation of bacterial and fungal temporary slides in the laboratory and making a comparison study of their morphology. Case study of selected commonly occuring disease : Dengue virus Work sheets.
    ACCOUNTANCY Retirement and death of a Partner Effect of retirement / death of a partner on change in profit sharing ratio, treatment of goodwill (as per AS 26) , treatment for revaluation of assets and reassessment of liabilities, adjustment of accumulated profits and reserves, adjustment of capital accounts and preparation of Balance Sheet. Preparation of loan account of the retiring partner. Calculation of deceased partner's share of profit till the date of death. Preparation of deceased partner's capital account and his executor's account. Practical problems based on the Topic and puzzle on retirement accounting terms.
    BUSINESS STUDIES Unit-9 Directing; Unit 10: Controlling;Revision for Half-yearly examination(1 week) Concept and Importance;Elements Directing;Motivation-concept; Maslow's Theory of Hierarchy Needs;Financial and Non-Financial Incentives; Leadership- Concept, styles; Communication-Concept, Formal and Informal Communication; Barriers to effective communication and how to overcome it;Unit 8:- Controlling-concept and Importance; Relationship between Planning and controlling; Steps in the process of Controlling; Concept mapping related to topic discussed;competency based Questions;Textual reading; Peer Teaching and Learning; Oral quiz; Role play; written test; Class Presentation; Jig saw method; 1.Write or Draw a descriptive on the topic of Communication and Motivation related to the day today phases in your environment. weekly Practice sheet; Topic Controlling Reflective essays related to class and school events and activities ; Poster Making;
    HISTORY Theme Seven-An Imperial Capital Vijayanagara 1. The Diacovery Of Hampi 2. Rayas, Nayakas And Sultans 3. Vijayanagara The Capital And Its Environ 4. The Royal Centre 5.The Sacred Centre 6. Plotting Palaces, TemplesAnd Bazars 7. Questions in Search Of Answers PPT on Vijayanagara Empire , Flip Classroom Visit a religious building in your neighbourhood. Describe its roof, pillars and arches if any. Compare these with those of the Virupaksha temple.
    POLITICAL SCIENCE Environment and Natural Resources Topics to be focused:
    a) Environmental Concerns
    b) Global Commons
    c) Common but differentiated Responsibilities
    d) India’s Stand on Environment Issues
    e) Environmental Movementsf) Resource Geopolitics
    g) Rights of Indigenous peoples
    Presentation: Environmental issues Debate and discussion: Indigenous communities of the world and their concerns Enlist and explain the facts related to global environmental issues
    SESSION (2024-25)
    ENGLISH * L6:Indigo (MCB-Flamingo) *L4:The Enemy(Supplementary Prose) Job Application Letter * Designing an infographic about Champaran Satyagraha
    * Narrative Reconstruction: a significant event from the text 'The Enemy ' will be rewritten from the perspective of minor character,Yumi
    * Competency Based questions from the lessons 'Indigo and Enemy'.
    * Draft a resume for the job of a teacher
    MATHEMATICS . Revision
    . Integrations continution
    . Revised of Relations snd Functions,
    . Inverse trigonometry,
    . Matrix and Detrminants,
    . Continuity and differtations,
    . Integrations
    Worksheet will be provided on previous year questionsin board exams. "worksheet from examplar, and on repeated questions on board."
    PHYSICS Revision of the concepts using mind maps Chapter-6 ElectroMagneticInduction Electromagnetic induction; Faraday's laws, induced EMF and current worksheet will be provided on each chapter. Numerical will be given as home work, students will be doing project on EMI
    CHEMISTRY Carboxylic acids Methods of preparation, physical and Chemical properties, and uses of carboxylic acids. Tests to identify carboxylic acids HOT questions from carboxylic acids will be given.
    BIOLOGY "Revision - Principles of inheritance Molecular Basis of inheritance. Human health and disease. " "Revision - Chromosomal theory of inheritance. Pedigree analysis. Protein synthesis, and Human genome project. Antibodies and types of antibodies. Drugs usage and illeffects." "Presentation of selected topics for revision. Solving of worksheets and discussion.
    Preparetion of slides and observation of specimens. (Disease causing organisms)"
    " HOT'S from previous year question paper will be discussed during the class."
    PSYCHOLOGY Revision of first 4 chapters Half Yearly Exam Therapeutic Approaches 1. Nature and Process of psychotherapy Therapeutic relationship 2. Types of Therapies The students are given questions based on the revision chapters and are asked to write answers for the same. MCQ's and CBQ's are given.
    ACCOUNTANCY Revision for Half yearly exam and Financial statement analysis. Revision on partnership fundamentals and previous year board papers. Headings and sub headings of vertical balance sheet. Students doubts will be clarifed in vraious topics and and extra problems will be given in class to solve. worksheet will be provided with different standards.
    BUSINESS STUDIES Revision. Half yearly examination 9 sept to 23 sept. Financial Management Unit 10 Financial Decisions Financial planning, Difference between Financial management and Financial planning; factors which influence fixed and working capital decisions, ebit eps analysis Presentation on topic, content integrated description by the students orally,QUIZ,NCERt textual practice, Practice sheet,Financial analysis of organisations related to eps, collect the info of assets,liabilities, fixed working capital of particular organisation, analyse the eps with ebit eps computation, Work sheet, MCQs
    HISTORY Revision for Half Yearly Examination. Chapters: (1) Bricks , Beads And Bones (2) Kings , Farmers And Towns (3) Kinship , Caste And Towns (5) Thinkers, Beliefs And Buildings (6)Through The Eyes of Travellers (7) Bhakti And Sufi Saints (8) An Imperial Capital Vijayanagara Empire Chapters: (1) Bricks , Beads And Bones (2) Kings , Farmers And Towns (3) Kinship , Caste And Towns (5) Thinkers, Beliefs And Buildings (6)Through The Eyes of Travellers (7) Bhakti And Sufi Saints (8) An Imperial Capital Vijayanagara Empire MCQs, Short answer type questions and Long answer type questions will be discussed an d a class test will be conducted on same. Students to prepare the given chapters for the class test.
    POLITICAL SCIENCE The Deccan Schools of Miniature Painting Topics to be focussed:
    Challenge of Political Succession
    • From Nehru to Shastri
    From Shastri to Indira Gandhi b) Fourth General Election 1967 • Context of the Election. • Non Congressism • Electoral Verdict • Coalitions • Defections c) Split in the Congress • Indira vs the Syndicate • Presidential Election 1969 d) The 1971 Election and Restoration of Congress.
    Map Locating and group discussion Quiz Will be given on Google form
    FINE ART The Deccan Schools of Miniature Painting Origin and development
    2. Main features of the Deccan School
    3. Appreciation of the following Deccan paintings